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Everything posted by wiggyrichard

  1. Get rich and shag fit birds Good work if you can get it!
  2. Can i just ask what the hell Howard, Jason and Mark actually do in Take That? :?
  3. Fixed :winkold: Facebook is shite now, i used to go on there but now i probably log on about once every couple of weeks.
  4. I know, shit isnt it! It wasnt insured, I wouldnt mind but she's got her own **** advent calender!
  5. **** hell...ive just got home only to find all the windows forced open and everything taken!!! :cry:
  6. When your phone rings while your having a poo. :x
  7. The missus is on maternity leave and everytime i ring her to see how her and the little'un is, the fecking mother-in-law is round there, every fecking day! Have you not got a house of your own!?!?
  8. Dante, whats the Badlands game your playing lately?
  9. Oh and Gaz...i dont know why i listened to you...the Scorpion is SHITE!!!
  10. So can someone explain in really really simple terms how this care package thingy works?
  11. What do you mean you get 3 packages to gamble with?
  12. I think im pretty much at this point too. :| I have never felt so numb about Aston Villa in all my 27 years as i do know. I really dont feel anything.
  13. Could someone just fill me in on what these comments where? I seem to have missed these.
  14. See i play wireless and last night the lag was obvious, i would shoot people and nothing but as soon as they shot at me i was dead. Is that due to being wireless?
  15. My K/D ratio took a raping last night. The amount of camping was just unbelievable.
  16. He's a Liverpool fan Mike...don't feel bad for drinking all his beer.
  17. Right, i dont usually do this whole reaction thing, but having watched that last night and had time to digest it, here goes... Friedel - Couldnt do much about any of the goals. And it doesnt make your job easier when the people in front of you who are supposed to help you out, fail to do their job. Good save from Johnson in the second half. Personal opinion is that he is too old and coming to the end of his career and should look to be replaced. 6 L Young - Not great but not shocking as some on here are saying. He will always battle for you and always gives 100%. Didnt get chance to get forward as Mazi kept him pinned back. 5 Collins - 1st goal is down to you big man. Got caught ball watching and left N'Gog free in the 6 yard box. Supposed to be the ball playing centre half but last night resulted to lumping the ball up to Gabby. Still our best centre half but lacking any real form. 5 Dunne - Dont know where to start, awful 90% of this season and awful again last night. Really dont know whats gone on with him? Looks low on confidance and just doesnt look fit. It looks to me like every match is a struggle for him. Good in the air as is to be expected but nothing much else. Needs to be dropped to get himself sorted. Simply not good enough. Cant think of anything worthy that he contributed to the team last night. Captain or not he needs to be dropped.4 Warnock - I used to think he was one of the best left backs in the league...how wrong! In fairness i think the second goal was slightly offside but regardless of that, you play to the whistle. He lost half a yard on Babel by waving his arm in the air appealing for the offside. Awful distribution in the opposition half, just never seems to find a shirt. Again, needs dropping, maybe give Lichej a run. 4 Albrighton - Looked lively and started well. Always happy to run at the full back but sometimes looks a little lost for ideas also final ball needs to be better. Missed a couple of weeks so can be excused for looking a little rusty. 6 Hogg - Got into the game more 2nd half and looked decent, still dont think he has what it takes to be any more than a squad player for us unfortunatly. Saying that he is young and if he could iron out a few of the bad habits than could maybe push on and challenge but still has a way to go IMO. 6 Clark - Game passed him by, never really got going and looked frustrated with the continued long balls from the back. Even thou he didnt have a great game you can still see that touch of class the young man has. Going to be a cracking player for us in the future but was suprisingly quite last night. Lets not forget he's playing out of position. 5 Ireland - 50/50 Just as you think he is getting a grip of the game he goes missing. Played too deep, i think he got frustrated with the long balls and went searching but when you have already got Hogg & Clark doing that it leaves Gabby very isolated indeed. A few clever balls and at times it seemed like he was a pass in front of his own team mates. A better performance but still some way short of his best. 6 Downing - Best of a very bad bunch. Worked and worked and tried to pick passes but it was one of those nights when he was going to have to do it on his own as everyone else was off colour. Played well and continued his good run of form, shame none of his team mates helped him enough. 7 Gabby - Little to no service, should have scored with his chance. Now i rate Gabby highly, but the difference between a good striker and a top top striker is they nly need 1 chance. When you play on your own you know you may only get 1 chance in 90 mins and you have to put it away. Saying that it was hard for him last night, the gap between the midfield and himself was huge, Collins & Dunne lumped balls upto him for most of the game and when you being marked by Kyrgiakos you are never going to win many. Worked hard and tracked back well when needed. 6 Delfounso - Bright and lively, give the kid a chance. To be fair is hard coming on with you team trailing but he worked hard and caused a few problems for Liverpool. Deserves his chance at a starting role alongside Gabby. 6 Pires - Pointless. Im yet to see what is justifying his 6 month deal. He looks like he is struggling and its a real effort to run. I say again...pointless! 4 Carew - Didnt have time to get into the match but did look lively on the couple of occasions he touched the ball. Dont think he has long left and will be gone in January. 5 Summary - Poor, we are struggling with injuries and will limp into the new year. Gabby needs some help up top and soon. We are low on confidance and personel. We need a win desperate, but i just cant see where one is going to come from. A striker is a must in January as is some creative spark. We need some experience as its unfair to heap the pressure onto the kids. We were beaten by a Liverpool team missing Gerrard, Torres and Carragher and we were beaten well. 5-0 would not have flattered Liverpool. We posed little to no threat to Reina which is a big worry. Petrov's absence is really causing problems. Am i worried...yes. Do i think we are in danger of going down...stranger things have happened.
  18. Your right...that is a ghey comment!
  19. The 3rd gif you posted Tegis. That is one of the best short left hooks ive ever seen...perfect!
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