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Everything posted by wiggyrichard

  1. Can any resturant serving Arctic Roll be considered "posh?" :?
  2. Watched The Dark Knight again last night, Heath Ledger is/was outstanding as The Joker. The part when he's driving the police car with his head out the window... :notworthy:
  3. Death eyes from the gaffer for sniggering behind my computer screen!
  4. He's no Jermaine Beckford, that's for sure. beckford is a quality pl striker, i wish we got him on a free Indeed. Miles better than Gabby. Quality superb player. i take it that this is sarcasm, based on last season's performance for everton, he would walk into our team You're kidding right? He must be...either that or he's been drinking petrol again!
  5. Just had an order come through for £332k. Nice way to finish the week.
  6. Yeah, it's ridiculous. At least use a kipper for a change. I hope this is going to be the sole use of a fish pun in this thread and people don't start trawling the net for them again. The James Milner fish pun thread...happy day's!
  7. How can you be the manager of something yet not responsible? So why are we paying him 2m a year? How come Pardew is doing a better job with a worse squad, playing good football? We even got outplayed by Wigan in a footballing sense. The fact their whole team cost 9.75 doesnt help their case. The question is, is McLeish getting the maximum out of this squad? To me, no way. Our two wins out of an easy start, Blackburn and Wigan who sit 19th and 18th in the premier league respectively. I said after the Wigan game that one swallow does not make a summer and people should not go over the top based on that win. Seem some have but I am sure reality will hit after Saturday, although I fancy Given to have an absolute blinder! Is McLeish on the pitch? No Did you watch the QPR game? If so, surely you notice McLeish giving out rollocking left, right and centre because the team were not doing as instructed. Newcastle flying high? The sun even shines on a dog's ass some days. Did you expect anything other than a loss at Man City? If you did then your deluded. You do know we are still undefeated? I dont believe there are any easy games in the league. For me, you dislike McLeish for whatever reason and are using the smallest of things to jump on his back. Cant win an argument, trot out the deluded line.................. We had our easiest start of the season for years, we should be bloody defeated and then some. I dont need to jump on his back, he will show his lack of nous over the course of this season. The only reason I bothered to post was due to the regular "rapture" outbreak a couple of pages back. Its almost self perpetuating, somebody decides there is something good about McLeish and then the same old names get happy clappy. Its funny how those same names are those who are prepared to accept mid table obscurity as thats "what we are" but Newcastle playing compact football is a one off eh? I dont know where they will end up, frankly I dont really care, but what is impressive is that they are trying to play the game the right way. Why do you label us 'happy clappy' because we refuse to codemn a manager who has took charge of 7 league games? :? I just cant see what there is to critisise at the moment? :?
  8. Couple of things... 1. That bloated feeling after you've eaten. 2. Not being able to drink (beer) for a good couple of hours after you've eaten. 3. Breaking the seal when your drinking and you end up pissing every 45 minutes. 4. Following on from #3, when your piss cycle synchronises with some other random bloke who has 'broke the seal' and you have to give that awkward nod as you pass each other for the 5th time in the night walking into the bogs.
  9. Given he is yet to show it on the international stage, but Christ we all know he is more than capable of doing it. So could Stanley Victor Collymore. Including the qualifiers, this is Rooney's 5th major tournament for England. How many chances does he need/deserve? Drop the petulant little Chav prick. As much as i like Collymore and think he was a great player, you cant even compare the 2 in terms of ability. Rooney is a world class player, to leave him at home narrows your chances of success. To win the competition after the group stages, be will have to beat the best, and to do that we will need the best. Rooney? world class? don't make me laugh! he is a petulant Chav who only last season had a 7 month goal drought who has plagued the national side with discipline problems for years. world class - my hoop. I have nothing against people disliking footballers as you obviously dislike Rooney for whatever reason. But to deny his ability on a football pitch is silly. 111 goals in 223 games for Utd and 28 goals in 73 games for England pretty much blow your claim right out of the water.
  10. How can you be the manager of something yet not responsible? So why are we paying him 2m a year? How come Pardew is doing a better job with a worse squad, playing good football? We even got outplayed by Wigan in a footballing sense. The fact their whole team cost 9.75 doesnt help their case. The question is, is McLeish getting the maximum out of this squad? To me, no way. Our two wins out of an easy start, Blackburn and Wigan who sit 19th and 18th in the premier league respectively. I said after the Wigan game that one swallow does not make a summer and people should not go over the top based on that win. Seem some have but I am sure reality will hit after Saturday, although I fancy Given to have an absolute blinder! Is McLeish on the pitch? No Did you watch the QPR game? If so, surely you notice McLeish giving out rollocking left, right and centre because the team were not doing as instructed. Newcastle flying high? The sun even shines on a dog's ass some days. Did you expect anything other than a loss at Man City? If you did then your deluded. You do know we are still undefeated? I dont believe there are any easy games in the league. For me, you dislike McLeish for whatever reason and are using the smallest of things to jump on his back.
  11. Given he is yet to show it on the international stage, but Christ we all know he is more than capable of doing it. So could Stanley Victor Collymore. Including the qualifiers, this is Rooney's 5th major tournament for England. How many chances does he need/deserve? Drop the petulant little Chav prick. As much as i like Collymore and think he was a great player, you cant even compare the 2 in terms of ability. Rooney is a world class player, to leave him at home narrows your chances of success. To win the competition after the group stages, be will have to beat the best, and to do that we will need the best.
  12. I wouldnt accept it. Ive said before, Gabby is more important to us than any other player in the squad, he's one of us. £20m? Stuck it up your ass!
  13. Nope. But surely you'd be mad not to have him on the bench, to bring on if needed? Quarters or Semi's of the Euro Champs. A goal down against Germany say. Half an hour to go. Sturridge and Wellbeck running out of ideas. Surely not to have a fit and fired up shrek on the bench for that scenario would be crazy? And this is why it's a no brainer. Not taking you only world class forward to the European Champianships!?!? Barmy.
  14. Not for me, but what an option to have on the bench if we need a goal with 30 minutes to play.
  15. I think the difference between you and I is that i couldnt give a shit what brand of football we play as long as we get results. Nothing like giving him a chance. You said yourself he still doesnt know his best formation, yet your condemning him already.
  16. I'm sorry but you really cannot argue these two points when it is blatantly obvious that they are both true. Under McLeish we DO play a more conservative style of football and Bent is getting far less service. Admittedly this may not be solely down to McLeish as it was obvious when selling Young and The Gimp that the service to Bent would suffer and it has. Also the players seem to be taking some time to adjust to Ecks new style of play and some of the attacking players are struggling to adapt and as a result of which we defend too deep and tend to hoof the ball a lot but we will find some middle ground and the players will get in eventually. I am fully in support of McLeish and think he has done a great job so far under very difficult circumstances but come on let's just call a spade a spade. Each to their own pal. I agree we are not playing expansive free-flowing football but we are certainly not being negative. I agree the service to Bent has decreased as we expected with the sales of Young and Downing, but he is still getting chances every game.
  17. In 73 games for England I can't reacall many of these moments. He does it regularly for Utd but not for England. I think Welbeck could be the secret weapon we need. A relatively unknown commodity of undoubted quality. The whole world knows Rooney has a temper especially when he is getting frustrated like he does playing for England and will play on it. Dont get me wrong, i would love to think we had enough fire power to not depend on Rooney, i just dont see it tho. How many magic moments has Rooney produced at international level? To counter i ask how many has Bent, Welbeck or Sturridge? The difference being we know Rooney is capable of it.
  18. Given he is yet to show it on the international stage, but Christ we all know he is more than capable of doing it.
  19. Simple answer, because Rooney is world class and they're not. As ive said before, any of them 3 in tip top form are still some distance behind Rooney. Rooney = match winner
  20. Agree with the general sentiment here Wiggs, but I would also debate why you think those players are 'hungrier'? Shrek never gives anything other than 100% in an England shirt for me. It was in reference to what Neil said Jon, that he would rather a hungrier player go in his place. What i should have said was that anyone of those 3 i mentioned in tip top form, is still some way behind Rooney. I agree with you tho Jon lad, i think Rooney gets a little over eager and if anything tries too hard instead of relaxing and enjoying it like he seems to with Utd.
  21. But Neil, i would say a hungrier player like Sturridge, Bent or Welbeck is still some distance behind Rooney. He is the only player we have who can change a game in a split second.
  22. Nice and simple. Looks like he has been handed a 3 game ban for his brain fart that occured in the last group game against Montenegro. If the FA appeal it could be reduce to 2 games or worst case it could be extended to 4 games. So with the strikers we have available (at this moment in time), do we think Cappello should still take him? No brainer for me, he has to go. Far and away our best player.
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