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Everything posted by wiggyrichard

  1. You're making it sound like a chore to complete. Enjoy it. Now the hype of Fifa has died down I've brought this baby back out. Playing online all the time now with a bit of Horde on the side. Must say it takes ALOT of patience to get used to, my first couple of games I always have nightmares. Sitting on level 22 at the moment. I also can't believe how much powerful they've made the Lancer/Retro Lancer/Hammerburst. I hardly touch my shotgun now although I'm dire with it anyway. 8) How the **** do you do that 1 shot kill thing with the shotgun?
  2. Are you against all freeloading and thieving, or just that committed by immigrants? Are you against immigrants who don't freeload and thieve, or don't you agree such a category of people exists? I think its clear in his post that he has a problem with people who abuse the system to their own benefit without any intention of paying taxes, seeking work etc. generally people who abuse the system put in place by this country and have no intention to contributing to the country and economy in which they reside. If someone wants to come here and graft and work hard to earn a living for their family, fine, fair play and good luck to them. Its the scrounging **** i cant abide and these people fall right into that catagory.
  3. Run...run as fast as you can and dont look back...they're coming for you...the PC brigade... If you behave like an animal...expect to be treated like on. Throwing bucket loads of piss over the police...heathens!
  4. 2000 - I think that was when the judgement was made that Irish travellers were one according to the Race Relations Act. This is where I draw the line. They ain't. It's a lifestyle choice, not a race.
  5. Folded neatly lengthwise and tied in a knot, for me. Probably because I've never worked out how to do that triangle thing. you go Mike. Happy folding.
  6. I thought making it into a little triangle was the law?
  7. Why does that piss other people off? Do you have your own personal shit-house on your floor?
  8. Im at work, what makes you think ive got time to trawl the interweb looking for videos and facts?!
  9. That looks incredible!!! It also looks like you need to be on Man City's payroll to afford one!
  10. Well its not exactly a monster truck, nor do i have a 'big' exhaust. It's a 1.4 207 FFS!
  11. 'Zackly. The old "he must've been doing something wrong for them to give him a beating" just doesn't ring true in this instance (and possibly others). Fair enough lads, i was not in posession of the entire facts and i hold my hands up, im big enough and good looking enough to admit that on this occassion i was wrong.
  12. you mean like Ian Tomlinson ? He was repeatedly asked to move away, why he was there in the first place God only knows. Why was he squaring up and arguing with the police who were trying to do a job? He had no business being there in my opinion. As i say, if you dont want trouble, dont go looking for it ie. stay the **** at home. So in answer to your question...yes. Mr. Tomlinson had no reason to be there in the first place. Im not happy with the outcome of what took place that day as its not nice to hear about anyone losing their life, but lets call a spade a spade for a second, he was pissed up interfering with police business of why he had no reason to be there. The police were trying to do a job and he was hindering their progress. A tragic accident imo. I'll leave snowy et al to rip this one to pieces .... the ball has been laid on a plate, the keeper is out of his area ... Do you think the police were at fault Jon? I may not know the complete story and might be missing some info which would sway my judgement on the matter.
  13. Who would that piss off (other than yourself for wasting your own money)? :? The neighbours mate, you should see the amount of curtains that flutter! Baring in mind my car is running for 5 minutes at 6:45am
  14. Letting your car run for 5 minutes in a morning to warm it up.
  15. Ive just got on the sub, how much longer do i have?
  16. Am i the only one who is still really looking forward to this? :?
  17. you mean like Ian Tomlinson ? He was repeatedly asked to move away, why he was there in the first place God only knows. Why was he squaring up and arguing with the police who were trying to do a job? He had no business being there in my opinion. As i say, if you dont want trouble, dont go looking for it ie. stay the **** at home. So in answer to your question...yes. Mr. Tomlinson had no reason to be there in the first place. Im not happy with the outcome of what took place that day as its not nice to hear about anyone losing their life, but lets call a spade a spade for a second, he was pissed up interfering with police business of why he had no reason to be there. The police were trying to do a job and he was hindering their progress. A tragic accident imo.
  18. Having had a look back through the thread the comments about rights (be they 'human rights :winkold:' or whatever) appear to have been in posts other than mine. If the police have a job to do then they should do it but they should be held accountable for their actions and should work within the law and within both their self-imposed guidelines and any which come from the Home Office. You said it in response to something I posted which, at the least, gave the appearance that you were implying that this was my opinion (as you weren't asking me to clarify my position or what I may have been suggesting). What I am saying is that each and everyone one of us should be held accountable for our actions, whatever they are and whoever we may be. It may be that those actions are fine, justifiable, acceptable and so on; it may be that they are not. So do you accept that police should be allowed to use moderate force (pushing & shoving) when required? ie. people who are being asked to move along be refuse to. Also, if the police do shove Frank the pisshead out of the way, and he keels over and pegs it, your saying that the police should be held responsible even tho they had no idea about his underlying heart complaint?
  19. She is medically brain dead according to reports :cry:
  20. No, we aren't. In a variation on a phrase that should ring a bell, where do I say that? No. They should held to account for the actions which they take (as should we all) and those who order them to do something should be held responsible for the directions they give. On the 1st point, yes we are. With people like you screaming in the crowd about how you have rights and cant be man-handled out of the way when the police clearly have a job to do. As i said before, you dont want trouble stay at **** home. The business doesnt concern you, stay the **** at home. You have an underlying heart problem, stay the **** at home. On the 2nd & 3rd point, you didnt say it and i never accused you of saying it, but you are trying to say that if Frank the pisshead with cronic heart problems gets asked to move on but refuses, gets shoved a little then keels over and pegs it then the police should be held responsible. Why should they? They are doing a job and Frank the pisshead is stopping them from doing their job, they were'nt to know. Shit happens.
  21. If your 'heat of the battle' scenario happened, then those involved (on all sides) ought to be held to account for their actions rather than some sort of presumption that it's all bad luck and their own fault, necessarily, for breaking the law. If, indeed, it is just bad luck then okay; if it requires dodgy Freddie to say that they have an underlying health condition* then it may not be. That way lies a very, very dangerous path - one which people are quite willing to hare down until it becomes them, someone they know or someone with whom they may have sympathy (or with whom they may empathize) incurring the bad luck. *It may be the case that someone else agreed with dodgy Freddie, I'm not sure. And here we are back to the namby pamby petal dick policing policy! Police cant use force when required 'just in case'. What, are they supposed to give everyone a medical before moving them on? Shit happens and those idiots should'nt be there in the first place. If you dont want trouble and a bit of pushing and shoving, stay the **** away and mind your own business! THIS. The bloke at the G8 was a seprate issue because he wasn't involved. But.... If you DO have an underlying health condition and put yourself in a situation where a Police Officer feels you are becoming a risk to yourself or others and *clearings in the woods you with a baton/tazes you/gives you a bit of a kicking (*delete as appropriate) YOU are responsible for the shit state you end up in for putting yourself in that position. It is not for a riot officer to perform a medical before putting you on your arse.
  22. Or push back...im pretty sure that as long as the balls dont touch it's ok too!
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