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Everything posted by wiggyrichard

  1. 8 months to build a cafe!?!? I take it your not working on a price?
  2. I dont recognise a single one of those! :? Sorry!!!! (surely Nick Cave and Calexico are pretty well known?!??!) Check them out, you may just like them! Nick Cave rings a bell slightly, but hand on heart havnt got a scooby about the rest! :oops:
  3. I dont recognise a single one of those! :?
  4. The annoying word removed who sits opposite me has just come back into the office, so stuck the iPod on... Take That - The Flood Empire of the sun - We are the people (Wawa Remix Hed Kandi) Kanye West - Good life Michael Jackson - Dirty Diana Corinne Bailey Rae - Like a star
  5. It's obviously personal opinion mate and a few of my friends get really touchy about it if you try and have a joke with them about it. Would it bother you going grey? Oh yeah, I'd be touchy about it too personally. I guess it depends on the kind of person. You've always seemed like the kind of chap who's far too happy and amused with things to let something so meaningless affect your mood. Believe me, if I could be this way I would! Dont think going grey would bother me too much, and if it did, i'd have no hesitation in dying it. It used to bother me slightly when i was younger and i would pull any grey hair out i saw, i can only assume that as ive got older ive just accepted it and given up worrying about it. But yeah, i suppose it can go on what type of person you are. Personally im more conscious about the scar i have on my face. I have a 3 inch scar, luckily along my jaw line, thus the reason why im never clean shaven.
  6. It's obviously personal opinion mate and a few of my friends get really touchy about it if you try and have a joke with them about it. Would it bother you going grey?
  7. There you go lads, chicks dig grey hair! *Did i really just use 'chicks' and 'dig' in the same sentance!?!? [/facepalm]
  8. Really mate? Having a full head of hair makes you feel more confident?
  9. Just wondered what everyones view on it was? Im 28 and have always had a high hair line, but over the last year or 2 ive noticed it receding a little more. Ive also got a couple of flicks of *cough* silver coming through at the sides. Does the thought of going bald or going grey bother people? Personally i couldnt care less, never bothered me, and when the time comes i will just shave the lot off and be done with it. Discuss...
  10. I'm not wearing one at the moment though. Are you posting from the shower?
  11. There is something not quite right with his posts and are generally seem to be always on the windup and while we all differ in opinions you can tell this is not a difference of opinion but looking to be different or opposite of opinion of the latest poster.....hence reference about being the Bluenose, whether right or wrong he's a windup merchant Gotch'ya.
  12. If Lerner is happy with mid-table mediocrity...then im happy for him to pack his bags.
  13. Is he really a bluenose? :? If so, why the **** is he still posting on this forum?
  14. Agreed, will you still defend AM or is that it now? Personally I can understand fans who gave him a chance but last nights team setup and his comments on the OS today where he pretty much takes no responsibility for the loss and mainly blames the players saying they "owe him" should make everyone realise he is the wrong man for Villa. Shit manager with shit record, shit tactics. Proud history, very murky future if this continues. javascript:emoticon(':cry:') For me mate, that game was the straw that broke the camels back. Im done with him. He has decent players, who can excite people and cause 90% of the teams in the league problems, but he continues to be negative and defensive and slowly but surely he is stripping the team of any creative spark we had. He doesnt realise that he has the players who can hurt teams and he doesnt need to be so restricted in his tactics and set-up. He is dragging this club down to his level. Game over.
  15. I agree its not his fault and as ive said above, ive never doubted his commitment, enthusiasm or effort for the club, but he is just no longer good enough. As you say, it's AM who has to shoulder the blame for continually selecting him. Harry Redknapp must have been laughing his bollocks off when he saw the team sheet yesterday.
  16. Ive been a defender of McLeish from the start, i wasnt happy with his appointment but i was prepared to give him my support and wished him all the best. But im sorry, last night was a complete joke! As soon as Gary Neville put the starting line up on Sky, i was always going to be a case of 'how many will we lose by?'. Fair enough, i think that 99% of expected us to return to Villa Park with **** all to show for our efforts, as Spurs were always going to be the better team, 2nd best team on form in the league and a number of players we could only dream of having. But for **** sake! If your going to lose at least go down having a go! We were beat before the whistle blew to start the game, i mean if you going to be negative and play a game of damage limitation, for me you may as well have a pop at them and lose 4 or 5! Show some **** bottle and a bit of character and at least we walk away with our heads held high saying 'fair play, we tried but were soundly beaten by the far superior team'. Last night was a disgrace.
  17. I dont think any of the players on the patch last night came away from White Hart Lane with an ounce of credit, but i understand what your getting at.
  18. As you have not put a question mark at the end of your sentance Rich, im guessing thats your opinion. Let's just say i disagree. Yes, i has the enthusiasm which has never been questioned, but for me he is not technically gifted and nowhere near athletic enough to cope with the pace at which today's game is played at. No room for sentiment in this game, been a decent servent but needs to moved on at the end of the season, and should'nt be anywhere near the 1st team.
  19. I think it is plain to see by all, that Emile Heskey is no longer anywhere near the standard required of a Premiership footballer.
  20. I work in an office too, it could be just eye-strain. But seriously mate, get to the doctors.
  21. Get your eyes tested mate, could just be that you need specs.
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