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Everything posted by wiggyrichard

  1. Ian Brown/The Stone Roses...terrible music and the bloke cant **** sing!
  2. Big Brother, i mean how the **** is that entertainment?
  3. Not sure how i feel, fair enough he should be allowed to defend himself, but as you say Neil, the couple of volleys were out of line. Then again, if the tosser doesnt run on the pitch, there is no issue!
  4. Starbucks...never really got whats so special about it and why people think its cool to go there,
  5. I think that could be the title of another popular thread. My vote would go to Peter Andre, completely void of any talent at all yet lives in a huge mansion, has millions in the bank, women throwing themselves at him and drives a Ferarri, a Bentley and a Range Rover. I actually quite like Andre, but i see where your going. On that subject, that bloke who does the horse racing punditry...John McCririck...what a **** arse!
  6. World Of Warcraft...and on the back of their new ad campaign...Chuck Norris, why the **** is he considered so **** cool?
  7. You have never fully got over it, have you? Yep, i think it was more of a case of "couldnt" more than "couldnt be arsed"!
  8. Pandora's box...Robin Williams is a fooking amazing actor! One of my favourite films Is Good Will Hunting.
  9. Radiohead...never got all the hype about how good their music was. :?
  10. No say in the matter, Randy was buying them back, and thats that.
  11. Not disputing anything you've said but who owns this other 4% of the equity? It can't just be people like me who never actually cashed the cheque for their shares? I was under the impression he owned the club 100%, is that not correct? I thought we were forced to sell to Lerner whether we liked it or not, just because I didn't cash the cheque didn't alter that. Why would owning the supposed other 4% make a difference to a sale? He could still sell his 96% regardless and still make as much money. If there is still 4% of the equity out there, why haven't we had an AGM each year? Supporters etc. owned the remaining 4% which he brought back about 3 or 4 weeks ago (our very own JimmyGreaves confirmed he recieved a letter about this). All of these remaining 4% have now been brought by Randy Lerner. The remaining 4% does not increase his power or control of the club one bit, what it does now mean is that he can conduct his business with out consulting anyone ie. he could broker a deal to sell the club, without informing the shareholders (he is now the only shareholder) and he would not have to reveal any details of a deal until it was complete (sale value, outstanding debts etc.).
  12. "Hi Mr. Headofuefa, meet my mega-rich brother who happens to own a company that has just invested £250m in the club if the players wear tie-ups provided by his company...what are the chances!"
  13. How did OJ Simpson get away with murder?
  14. I great...the "im a better fan the you, because i attend every game" arguement! It's been a while!
  15. Tell me how the board are any worse than Venkys right now? Forget about the lack of spending for a second. I'll leave you to figure out the rest. How about Venkeys done anything to improve their club long term, unless having a decent training ground is making us shit? Ah thats why Randy has made improvements. He cannot afford anymore improvements now and doesn't like telling fans about it. Out you go mr owner we've had enough of you now, your terrible terrible appalling owner! What improvements? You mean a shiny new pub and new training facilities which no fan gives a shit about? He has put the club in serious debt and the squad we have now is no different than Ellis' last year. How is that an improvement exactly? Oh, and he hired AM. We're going downwards under his leadership or lack of it. Take away the training ground, and we have gone full circle. We are pretty much exactly where we were the day he took over! :|
  16. Exactly what im getting at! Other than a sale, why bother with the 4% as it changes nothing regarding his control of the club. If he's not selling, buying the remaining shares is of no benefit whatsoever to Randy Lerner.
  17. i have until its confirmed hes selling i dont believe it and didnt he take the club off the stockmarket when he first took over anyway? Not sure about the stockmarket business, according to yourself and a couple of the other lads we havnt been on for ages so i'll take your word for it. The question is, why bother buying up the remaining 4%? It's all just speculation and no-one apart from Randy knows why he has bothered with the outstanding 4%. He already has full control with 96% of the club so doesnt actually need to the remaining 4% for anything, other than if he was going to negotiate a deal with out having to tell anyone any details about said deal. If he's not selling, why bother with the remaining 4%? It changes nothing if your not selling as he already has complete control of the club! :?
  18. You pair obviously havnt read the last 4 or 5 pages of the thread...
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