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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Well it had me smiling all the way home! Yeah, it's fine if you remember they're a village band and basically noodling away. Last track has glimpses of something else in it which if it was a posh western record we'd describe as sampling. But I'm going to have another listen later to pin down what it was. I'm usually very anti noodling and I do suspect that if it said Santana on the packaging I would be against it. But it's a style I like and I have nothing else like it on CD so it'll get a solid couple of days of play and then after that we get the acid test of how far back in the CD box it slides.... Cheers for the nod btw.
  2. chrisp65

    Ice rink

    yeah, you should see it when I pull my trouser pockets inside out
  3. chrisp65

    Ice rink

    anybody else see an elephant?
  4. Some guy from 'Gun Owners of America' on Newsnight just justified the death of an instructor, killed by a 9 year old being taught to use an Uzi 9mm with the quip 'it is only down to our right to guns that we are no longer British'. Anyway, back to the nutjobs in the middle east with their weird ways we'll never understand....
  5. more ready than most of the first team anyway
  6. no, no, I was just taking a point and sort of running with it
  7. I don't believe there is a national scale police conspiracy against us. I believe that in general they are just lazy, with localised cases of corruption.
  8. tell her you'll buy her an item of jewellery for every shot on target we have, that should keep her interested without costing you anything
  9. We got our average back up to almost one shot on target per game so you have to be pleased with that.
  10. posted up on his twitter a/c about 10 minutes ago, Stan on holiday
  11. clearly a wrong 'un whether he did it or not button down collar not buttoned down I **** hate that
  12. chrisp65

    Ice rink

    c'mon, it's like one of those 3D puzzle things available on market stalls 3 years ago, you've just got to let your eyes de focus a little and boom!, there it is, elvisjesus.
  13. chrisp65

    Ice rink

    it's there, in the grain of the timber, you just have to look....
  14. The north east votes Labour and gets a Conservative government. I voted Conservative and had 13 years of Labour government. Its called democracy. Yes, I'm familiar with the term. The difference being Scotland already has a very distinct identity, a relatively recent history as an independent country and it's own limited law making powers. So splitting away from the rest of the union looks and feels superficially more feasible. I've never heard anyone proclaim 'freedom for the north east', though I'm sure it's probably a thing. The interesting thing being, when the UK doesn't get what it wants in europe, it doesn't shrug, declare ah well that's democracy* and go along with it. It declares it might jolly well go independent. There is a regular contradiction in the Westminster appetite for power and accountability and representation. * I know we can all argue all day over whether europe is democratic just as we can argue over first past the post being democratic or local MP's having to toe national party lines etc..
  15. It's interesting that both the yes and no side have happily gone through this whole process without ever bothering with independent verifiable facts. Better to start every debate with 'well what I think, is....' than actually inform people of the truth as best it can be established for future events. For me, the massive hole under the water for the yes campaign has been the money. No clear answer on the basics of what currency to I get paid in leaves me wondering if that was their get out plan all along. They never really really wanted independence, they just wanted an exciting 18 months in the spotlight and a glorious failure. They've let their people (i.e. potential yes voters) down badly on that fundamental flaw. Never mind oil, never mind the EU, they don't have a coherent plan for their own money. I suspect that several years ago when the project was just an exciting idea the plan was to go with the Euro. But they've had that one scuppered by events and didn't have the wit to think up an alternative.
  16. But the point about EU membership and independence being flawed is slightly looking at it from the wrong perspective. Right now, however Scotland votes they get a Conservative agenda and they get told what to do on all the serious stuff by Westminster. To swap Westminster which is lead in part by the EU, for a direct line to the EU has to be an improvement. It takes out a layer of admin and a layer of politics that is most often at odds with what Scotland wants. Surely that has to be a good thing, the sort of thing the Conservatives would approve of in any other circumstances other than them losing control. As for the oil price, yes, its volatile. At best it's a guess. Darling's guess when he was Chancellor was as wrong as anyone's ever been so he's really not in a position to try and scare people with made up facts. The whole debate last night was the usual disappointing exchange of half truths, wishful thinking and just rubbishing the opposition's arguement as a bogus way of proving your own. Quite disappointing, thoroughly predictable. Best of luck Scotland.
  17. Bug Jam '92 - a seminal moment for me, I managed to fall out of a car I was driving and it then hit a camper van. But everyone involved was thoroughly cool about it. The journey back from Northampton with the convertible roof ripped off and the brakes and steering knackered took a long long time (including needing to stop and put out a fire in the car at one point). 1993 I became an Equal Opportunities union rep for NALGO, strangely, this lead to several women propositioning me and a night in a hotel bedroom with the gayest campest bloke I had ever met. He turned out to be a much nicer funnier and sorted person than the women were and we ended up veh veh drunk.
  18. watching a replay of the second debate at the moment can't decide if Al Darling is deliberately lying or utterly misinformed on the amount of oil and oil revenue projection 'there has never been as much oil as has been forecast, volatility of the market means we can no longer rely on any oil income', really? original 1980's forecast said it would be all but exhausted by 19992. Mid 1990's revision was there was possibly another 10 years of oil if we invented new means of extraction. Current forecast, maybe another 20 years. To claim its basically about to run dry weeks after the election is nothing but a tactic to scare people and is shameful. Ever since Britoil was privatised over 30 years ago we've been told we've all but exhausted the north sea. In reality, tweeking the tax breaks have always suddenly lead to discoveries of new stocks.
  19. sitting in the conservatory, looking out over a very green garden, biblical rain making a right old noise, eating toast smoothered in my own home made blackberry jam might move along and do something later or I might just sit here a bit longer hmmm, another coffee perhaps.....
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHaF8dXhz2Q
  21. well the consensus from the kids here was that Capaldi was bang on, no need to get used to him, he is 'the doctor'
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