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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. regardless of how stupid, deluded or over optimistic Salmond might be, he has one massive trump card to play to date, at every turn, he's beaten Westminster politicians whatever the 'right' argument about money or debt or oil, in the event of a yes vote, we'll have call me Dave and George fighting our corner, with in depth consultancy by Clegg and moral support from Milliband best we hope they vote 'No' and save us from our own negotiators
  2. Look out for the flag tonight! Due to a hastily re arranged cup game, I'll be watching Town vs Merthyr tonight, but with an eye on the score which you'd like to imagine would be a formality, even on 3G. I've got tickets for the Cyprus game and might be on a freebie for the Bosnia game. It isn't beyond the realms of possibility for this campaign to give us a big lift - but I was there for the Romania game all those years ago so I won't be getting too excited too soon.
  3. it's ok, but you didn't quite go back far enough I think Peter O'Toole started the problem
  4. Better to have that problem down the road when today's friends have killed today's enemies - for which they need guns, and lot's of 'em. Rock solid proven U.S. policy for the last 70 years, I see no need to change.
  5. well that's a stupid idea from what I've seen on the telly, they can't even deliver an oversized cheque, nevermind an equitable justice system
  6. pointed at the defendant extravagantly and shouted 'yo mama' nah, the general gasp around the room was effective enough at making his point for him, thoroughly entertaining couple of hours
  7. I was in the public viewing gallery at the Old Bailey a long while back and there was a case going on that was truly entertaining, like a bit of telly. Barrister man asked over and over again about whether this guy had been wearing a knitted had on the night. He insisted time and time again he hadn't been wearing a knitted hat because he never ever owned or wore any hats. A bit of different questioning on different things for 20 minutes and then barrister man theatrically knocks all his papers over and is scrabbling around putting them in little piles, shuffling them and apologising. With his notes in a mess he apologised, got out his pen and asked 'sorry, did you say the hat was one colour or striped?' To which the answer was 'striped', and a whole room of people gasped. I'd imagine at that point the defence team collectively thought, 'ah, cock'. It would have been too corny for TV. But I saw it with my own ears.
  8. Why was it "just ok"? because he didn't watch it properly he probably had it on the small screen in screen view up in the right hand corner so he didn't miss Bake Off or Strictly, whilst his missus was talking in one ear about wallpaper colours or auntie janice's awkward conversation with the man in the florist real men of intellect, art and at their sexual peak watched it full screen, alone, and loved it
  9. ah, the old double bluff and that's the fatal flaw with the kinky sex serial killer, a little piece of them always wants to be caught
  10. That's strange, I'd never heard of A Winged Victory For The Sullen until this week, now you've mentioned them and I'm going to see them in a few weeks time. Haven't even youtubed / soundclouded them yet, I might keep whatever they sound like as a surprise for myself!
  11. 'No' campaigners lined up for the next couple of days, an Orange Order march through Glasgow and a visit by Nigel Farage. If anything ever was going to persuade an undecided voter, I couldn't think of a more potent combo.
  12. this just had a very brief mention on the news, potentially a hundred thousand people have already voted, and the NO campaign just changed their offer changed it to something the SNP wanted on the ballot paper all along - once again, it's the London based No campaign that blinked first, if the NO campaign ever wanted to make it look like there was a positive momentum towards YES then they couldn't have come up with a better way of doing it shambolic
  13. I'm just watching Saturday's episode, 10 minutes in and I think it's had some good jokes so far. I might be biased, I saw a lot of the filming for this one and got to say hello to Jenna when she was wearing the red outfit. She really is 3'6". Capaldi was the nicest most softly spoken person ever, Mark Gatiss was equally charming. The kids were particularly taken with Tom Riley (Robin Hood) who they've met a couple of times from DaVinci's Demons. How's that for a cluster **** of minor league name dropping!
  14. and Labour MP's shouting vote no or you'll be doomed doomed doomed, failed state, basket case, then refusing to say whether they'd find english seats in future or stay with Scotland in the event of a yes vote
  15. Glad to see our licence fee is being used wisely they had Sir Cliff on the runway singing 'congratulations' and Alex Jones off of the One Show doing a live link
  16. You know how sometimes on a Saturday night there will be a man and a woman fighting in the street? The bloke is a big bully and doesn't treat her right. The woman is a slapper who's married above her league and has a mouth on her. They've been together for years and hate each other and wish the other one would **** off and have the bruises to show it. Never ever intervene in that fight.
  17. I'd suggest the first step is a DNA test.
  18. The Barnett formula was a temporary administrative 'fix' to try and get parity for the regions. It's more art than science. The fact that it still exists shows that it's an awkward accommodation of lots of areas with no definitive fair answer possible. To say Scotland gets more than England is much too simplistic, there are regions of England that get more than Scotland, such as the south east and the south west. It's partly down to rural communities being sponsored by cities as large conurbations are cheaper to run, but that's not the whole story as I think the areas that benefit most out of all groups from Barnett are actually London and N. Ireland. But I haven't looked at it for a little while so that might have been tweeked.
  19. posted up after that NATO thing bit different to the last time outside police were drafted into the area 30 years ago
  20. It was just a petty revenge attack Mr T. If you hadn't started it, I wouldn't have to proof read all my posts. Oh, and I agree on the tactics, definitely get better results when the second draft takes out the sarcasm and it's just a vanilla explanation of the problem and request for it to be sorted out.
  21. wedding anniversary today! yay, loved it all, even spending £120 on a rabbit hutch for a free rabbit that I gave strict instruction we were not adopting even having to drive places on the weekend, so the missus knows where they are, when she has to drive there later in the week on her own even having to pretend I give a **** about the colour of the accent wall even having to compromise on the occasional holiday venue and sit in some **** cottage in the middle of a **** field miles from wifi or decent coffee because apparently the countryside isn't just the boring **** shitty bits between the cities highly recommend the whole thing* * individual experiences may differ, not all wives are awesome
  22. well, I guess we're going to have to agree to differ on this one I'm not a fan of paying ransoms
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