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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. wtf, you can't come in here with a broadly sensible nice little car have you considered sticking a big fin on the back and getting a nurburgring sticker?
  2. You can keep your white steel identikit stadium. I've stood here, when it was one. Most often, I stand here: where 40 or 50 idiots under the TV gantry can make one hell of a noise, then break out the flasks and kitkats at half time so Jenner Park is my other fave, 'cos it means I'm home on a weekend or an evening
  3. Villa Park, mid 1970's had more of an affect on me than any other stadium. I'll get back to you with second place...
  4. Do you have the actual words and context available? Or is it like the claim this morning that food in Scotland will become more expensive because parts of Scotland are remote?
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5Qd1KA89II
  6. which shows mighty Westminster even got the question wrong, they managed to get it so a vote for union and continuity was the negative people want to say YES, you've just got to make sure you ask the right question
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYyYqhxxHYY I loves The Lovely Eggs
  8. it's getting a cinema release in October pretty much promises to deliver what it says on the tin
  9. yes I know that about the demographics, but I think my totally unscientific point still stands, once in that little booth... interestingly (well, maybe not), of the 4 people I know from here that have travelled up to help out with the YES campaign, one is male, three are female
  10. what's a snapback? I presume you send photo's of the back of your hat to unsuspecting girls?
  11. One of the younger staff in this office is going on a 90's retro weekend with his mates. That just came as a bit of a shock to somebody that still refers to Stone Roses album The Second Coming as 'their new album'.
  12. Yep, I think it'll be the wimmin of Scotland that will get into the voting booth, get the little pencil in their hand and suddenly think, stick to what you know. As much as the romance of a great new adventure is appealing, people have mundane plans and responsibilities that need to be funded. That's my prediction, and that's from somebody that would probably vote yes* on the hard facts I've seen so far. * I don't have a vote and haven't given it that deep late night single malt thorcus you give to big decisions.
  13. well, funny you should say that... there was some chap on radio 4 yesterday evening with that very theory, well back a little further actually his theory went: Heath was minded to compromise with the Miners back in the early 70's but lost the election (by a critically low number whereby Scotland had a direct influence on the outcome). Heath losing meant Wilson and then Callaghan got in, the mid 1970's happened and as a backlash Thatcher got voted in. Thatcher then set about her terrible revenge on the workers, gleefully destroying communities across Scotland. As a result, the Scots woke up to the need for devolution to save themselves from the worst excesses of tory spite and self interest. From there, they realised that just possibly, they were better off with Scottish idiots running Scotland from Scotland, rather than English and Scottish idiots running Scotland from London. Hey, it's a theory.
  14. they could have done it by accident whilst looking for the instructions on how to empty a bucket
  15. So reading all the comments above, and seeing the opinion polls, and seeing the clear logic of the arguments on debt and money and EU membership....... ...how would you rate the quality of the 'better together' campaign?
  16. I have a tendency to buy the £10 CD being offered by the support band at gigs. On the night I'm convinced I've found my next big thing. Two days later, giving it a listen in the car, hmmmm.
  17. tickets for the 1st Ashes test, 2015 go on general sale in approx 1 minute cheapest adult ticket for any single day, days 1 to 4 = £62
  18. Yeah I think Shia makes up a about 10-13%? Thats what shia said. Bad-um-pish! shi ite joke
  19. I'm sure I've got one or two bought CD's knocking about the place somewhere.
  20. as the singing went tonight "they're old, they're crap, they like to have a nap, Welsh FA! Welsh FA!" you have to really want to be involved in football to put up with the shower of octogenarian incontinent incompetents that are the Welsh FA an FA that kicked a player off a plane because there weren't enough seats for all the committee
  21. then I shall investigate and give it a little listen
  22. I have an i-phone but I don't have i-tunes. I tend to go along to shops and talk to people and find out what gigs are on. If I'd bought something on i-tunes today I wouldn't have found out that The Space Lady is doing an in store gig next month.
  23. A familiar tale. Is there one this time around? oh, we don't need one apparently, you just give bigger guns to the lesser enemy it's a plan that's worked a treat so far
  24. Think how much simpler life would be now if Saddam hadn't organised that terrorist attack.
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