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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMXehqqR8J8
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MR6B1jvUg4
  3. Man are constantly on my 'must investigate' list and I never quite get around to it. You still see the occasional little flyer for them around town every once in a while.
  4. ahhh, the Paget Rooms, classic venue that would have been a nice intimate gig
  5. when the wedding DJ knows the only people that are going to start the dancing are Uncle Keith and Aunty Janice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tM0sTNtWDiI
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FwjiN_8ZBA 1983 absolute floor filler, you had to run when it started to get a space on the floor
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTN6Du3MCgI
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCp2h5jslKY
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qN5zw04WxCc obviously in the party all the boys have to shout 'why don't you all f f f **** off!'
  10. in an interesting last minute twist, a clearly distressed Alex Salmond has been kidnapped apparently if Cameron doesn't deliver £1,000,000 in used notes to a phone box in Aberystwyth by lunchtime tomorrow, he will be released
  11. the public will think whatever the public are guided to think
  12. He's currently being right royally **** up the arse by a little devil dressed as the pope with a strap on. This will continue for some time.
  13. I can't see that tbh. Any major gossip would have been leaked to absolute **** by now. It would be all over the press given his profile as leader of the Mel Gibson "Freedom!!!!!" Memorial Performance. perhaps his friends get the police to put the squeeze on people to stay quiet, you know, like they do for George Osbourne
  14. Someone should tell him that, he keeps telling us what's going to happen after they all vote Yes and I keep thinking… how hilarious it would be if he didn't get in at the first election, he's talking like he's won independence and the first election. Agreed. He is talking like the SNP have won the election that follows independence, which is presumptious and arrogant. But then, in the event of a Yes vote, the following 12 months will have the negotiations headed by the majority party in Scotland. That's the SNP. He's the leader of the SNP, so he's kinda got a point, annoyingly. Similarly, the Westminster parties are promising changes they've just dreamt up on the hoof without consulting the electorate. I presume that whilst they haven't finished working out what they've actually promised, they'll all stay solidly together on it after this referendum?
  15. Does anyone on the No side have anything dubious about them? Or is this a nice simple black n white moral issue we can all put to bed?
  16. I think somewhere in this thread I've referred to Salmond as a snakeoil salesman. But this isn't a vote on Salmond, and rightfully so, because then the alternative would be George Osbourne, Dave Milliband et al. I heard Osbourne has a very dubious past, and Cameron thinks Thatcher was wonderful. I wouldn't let that influence a vote on independence. .
  17. I generally find one accidentally trailing foot stuck out from my chair sorts that out. By restaurant, I presume you mean an actual restaurant and not some hideous americanised fast food hell chain. If you eat in a fast food hell chain that has a plastic clown motif and no morals then you deserve other people's progeny flicking overly salted shite at you whilst ketchup stained spittle sprays from their baying mouths.
  18. I've been really lucky with my kids, they've both always been just calm and rational (random luck rather than super hippy parenting) (sorry D()nnie), so I'm not really in a position to comment on the supermarket tantrum. But I find the occasional crying brat in a supermarket aisle much less of an inconvenience than when they are 18 or 22 and pissed up at midnight and shouting in the street and leaving puke and chips on the pavement or driving without insurance, attention or a **** clue.
  19. well, I don't know what the hell's happening to my head, but I've just watched George Galloway warn the youth of Scotland that if they want to work for big international companies or the banking sector they'd best heed the warnings of the business community and vote no - told them about all the capital leaving and the money wiped off shares George Galloway? head **** now
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