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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Donnie's from a one parentheses family, so doesn't like (other people flaunting both brackets.
  2. If that was London in the 1970's and you took the risk, you'd be a millionaire now. If that was 'generic northern town new build development' in 2007 and you took the risk, you'd be using foodbanks and grubbing around for fag ends now. be lucky!
  3. My taste in music is very good. Though I do truly have to wonder about some other people. Somebody broke into my car once, went through all my music, leaving it all discarded in the passenger footwell. Didn't take a single damn thing. In its own way, it was quite a slap down.
  4. Through a children's home full of disabled orphans, with a phobia of short men in Audi's. Whilst playing Big Country tapes really loud (I believe they just missed out on the compact disc revolution).
  5. Audi driver I saved you a whole bunch of letters you can now use in another post. Don't mention it.
  6. In the next general election, I shall be taking all my advice on who to vote for from retired admirals, failed banks and grocery stores.
  7. The Scottish Government’s White Paper ‘Scotland’s Future’ lays out our approach. We plan a controlled points-based system to support the migration of skilled workers for the benefit of Scotland’s economy. An independent Scotland will have an inclusive approach to citizenship and a humane approach to asylum seekers and refugees. .....from the SNP website (but doesn't make it true!)
  8. Up there with letting 16 year old vote in the WTF was Cameron thinking when he agreed to it I agree it was a spectacularly risky move to allow 16's and 17's to vote on this most important issue as a first experiment in extending democracy. But as a principle, if you can be married and wearing a military uniform and paying taxes, you should be able to vote. I watched some of the BBC three debate with Scottish young people and was truly impressed with the intelligence of the debate and their level of engagement. However, these people were obviously cherry-picked. I saw some late night BBC report that was roaming the streets asking young people for their views and the general consensus was they would vote yes because there would be a big party afterwards. I think you'd get idiot answers from idiots roaming the streets faced with a TV camera regardless of age. Fairly confident I could go into any town centre and get a late night idiot of any age you choose to say anything you choose. If we are barring 17 year olds because a proportion of them are a bit thick or mischievous then we need to come up with another criteria to vet them out once they are 19 or 57 too.
  9. Can you genuinely see the UK government investing in the infrastructure to build booths on all motorways, A roads and B roads plus monitoring the countryside, building train stops and adding coast guard to the local harbours to stop people popping up or down to see their relatives? No, there'll be 17 additional customs officers allocated to stop every 20th consignment of dodgy fags or Irn Bru plus regular infomercial articles on the One Show about how we monitor the border. Isn't the problem that Scotland would have an open immigration policy ( or so the rumours say ) and thus anyone could just walk into Scotland and then walk into England (illegally ) if there was no border ? Where did you get this rumour from? But yes, I think Scotland does rely on immigration (a bit like the rest of the UK) so I could see their system being relatively lax. But even if it is suddenly easier to sail a raft from Libya to Aberdeen, do you really think this will cause the Uk govt to build a 5.4 metre high wall across fields and check points on every road and rail link? I genuinely can't see that being the response. More likely Westminster will chuckle as they get the Daily Mail to persuade us we need i.d. cards to stop illegals getting our stuff.
  10. Up there with letting 16 year old vote in the WTF was Cameron thinking when he agreed to it I agree it was a spectacularly risky move to allow 16's and 17's to vote on this most important issue as a first experiment in extending democracy. But as a principle, if you can be married and wearing a military uniform and paying taxes, you should be able to vote.
  11. But wouldn't requiring a higher % mean potentially building in minority rule? Set the bar at, say 55% and the minority 46% have an unfair control over the majority.
  12. Rugeleys mum once pissed all over his drive. Where has your mum opened up and shouted for a mop?
  13. Can you genuinely see the UK government investing in the infrastructure to build booths on all motorways, A roads and B roads plus monitoring the countryside, building train stops and adding coast guard to the local harbours to stop people popping up or down to see their relatives? No, there'll be 17 additional customs officers allocated to stop every 20th consignment of dodgy fags or Irn Bru plus regular infomercial articles on the One Show about how we monitor the border.
  14. I think my gripe is that both sides stick to juvenile positions until (and even after) proven utterly wrong. The level of debate is a bit basic. One side says they can instantly join the EU, the other side says they'll be veto'd. The truth is they could probably join in a good few years time (what with all their fish and everything). On the currency, one side says currency union the other says you cannot use the pound. The truth right now is they can use the pound but without any control or influence, the truth after a theoretical yes vote would be different again, I suspect. Milliband says we'll potentially need to build border crossings, but fails to notice there aren't any in Ireland. The SNP promises to protect the NHS whilst trying to work out how to shave a few hundred million off the budget. Westminster tells one group they'll scrap Barnett and tells another group they'll strengthen it. The Westminster offer is changed after the postal votes have already been submitted. Westminster have promised non-specific constitutional change 'set in stone'. Today they've clarified that a timetable to talk about change is what's 'set in stone'. As the potential split of one country into two, I believe it's been an exemplary campaign period for the people, open debate, genuine choice and as transparent a voting system as anywhere in the world plus the result will be honoured by both sides. As for the politicians and their contribution to one of the most important votes in 300 years, well that's been nothing short of confused, lazy, deliberately vague and mostly juvenile. It'll be interesting in 18 months time to see many of the better together campaigners explaining why we'd be better off out of europe.
  15. He said they would still have to apply where as I'm given to believe Salmond said they would be straight in it ( on Andy Marr show ) Yep, he said they'd have to apply and Spain wouldn't stand in the way, if they fulfil the criteria then they are in. That's a big if, but it's not **** off jock. The NO campaign have presumed Spain would veto, the YES campaign have presumed automatic entry. The truth, it would appear, was somewhere between the two incorrect claims - fairly typical of all politics unfortunately. In similar style, it would appear Ed Milliband has promised Welsh Labour he'll be scrapping the Barnett formula and promised Scotland he'll be retaining and strengthening it. Politician in short term lies hoping nobody notices shocker! The fact that it was Welsh Labour that complained to the media about this, er, 'error' shows the esteem Ed is held in amongst his own.
  16. yeah, fluked it to be honest, hadn't seen them before so just grabbed one of each I've drunk the lager and yes, really nice. I don't drink a lot of lager because generally it's chilled fizzy rubbish, but that was less fizzy and actually had some taste to it, so I'll be getting some more of that in. I'll look out for the others too.
  17. So apparently the Spanish PM in answer to a question in the Spanish Parliament has said that if a democratic vote in Scotland lead to independence, then Spain wouldn't stand in their way if they wanted to apply for EU membership. Now that is a million miles from auto membership the next Tuesday after independence. But it's also a million miles from the presumption of a veto spouted by the NO campaign repeatedly, on Spain's behalf. Apparently, Spain are more interested in fishing rights and maximised trade than some people presumed.
  18. Two samples to see if they're worth a bulk buy for party time.... I have acknowledged the rise of the trendy lager.
  19. We're all British until the vote is over at least, so our word is our bond and we don't do election fraud its just not British! Except in Tower Hamlets. and parts of Northern Ireland vote early vote often
  20. I'm just saying think about it, almost the whole of the new U2 album for £2.99
  21. No real change, certainly nothing like the banking crisis or the oil crisis or the winter of discontent. Just an opportunity to re-examine how the remaining UK democracy works and fix some problems with it. Not that the opportunity will be taken, because our half of the deal will still be run by Whitehall that likes things just as they are. Statistically, the UK will have less rainfall and more sunshine. Plus we might get to re visit the stupid clocks forward clocks back thing. Scottish plumbers and bar staff might become more prevalent and threaten the dominance of the Polish and Australian versions. You'll be well within your rights not to accept weird Scottish notes in your late night taxi change. Berwick Rangers will become a hot bed of smuggling activity. The Russian navy will probably start sniffing around closer in shore, just out of mischief, just to make Putin look brave and to see what new shade of shiny pink Cameron turns. Although, in all likelihood, the PM won't be Cameron, it'll be somebody more overtly proud of their right wing heritage. but best we don't make this about the attributes of any of the leaders, because I'm struggling to pick a winner on that measure
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