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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. been watching your bathroom window for about three months now that's quite a low elbow action if you really are just vigorously cleaning your teeth
  2. do you perhaps buy lots of stuff on e-bay you don't actually need or know what to do with?
  3. I've been driving a Hyundai for a few days. A Focus sized, 6 speed manual, diesel that I've just realised I don't know the name of. It was perfectly ok - I had one 3 years ago that was horrible, so perfectly average is a great leap forward. The two main points I'd make: A relatively minor one, how much money is saved by having electric windows that are auto down only, not auto up? I'm sure it's sold as a safety feature, but my usual car has auto up that stops if there's a resistance so you can't get your head stuck. It's a major hassle to try and drag race away from toll booths and car parks whilst keeping a finger hooked around the window button. Kind of trivial, but really got to me. Second point, why in all that is **** holy do we still have manual gearboxes? I mean, it's just a crap idea. Hand brake, clutch point, 3rd gear, no put it in 4th, no 3rd is better, ooh now I'm stopping in traffic, now I'm starting again. Seriously, all that changing gear and never ever quite being in the right one. Oh yeah, one more, thought it was interesting that they had illuminated buttons for the i-pod interface and the sporty steering option and the CD player - but not for the lights? Get in the car in the dark and you can do absolutely everything except find the **** light switch.
  4. you can take a negative out of any situation if you really want to or you can see an opportunity to address some stuff that was wrong and make sure everyone understands why we're better together - after all, big business, the military, international banking, the US government and all major UK political parties believe we are better together - now there's a once in a generation opportunity to prove it or they can just relax, 'cos lies got them through a tough week but now that shit is over
  5. Feminism is definitely not benign. I used to think it was but even a slightest acquaintance with the reality (check out my avatar) and the truth quickly becomes apparent. I used to read Spare Rib back in the day - I don't think it ever pretended to be benign. But you can't really label the whole idea of feminism with any catch all descriptor, I guess. Power to the people, regardless of genitalia.
  6. Yep, and if you'd filled them in they'd have wanted statistics on your employees ethnic profiles and if you'd given them that they'd have wanted your sustainability policy and your business ethics and corporate responsibility documentation. Then strangely they'll give the job to the guy that already plays golf with the head of one of their departments. Had a bunch of them from planning turn up on one of my jobs to look at a house that wants planning permission. A normal house on a normal street, no building work going on, people living inside it. They literally hired a bus to come and look at a house they all pass every day. Then they all sat on their little bus, wearing neon yellow ppe vests because they were 'on site'.
  7. If I'm on my bicycle, when I hit traffic I go on the pavement and extend my arm out and give every driver the middle finger. Do you recall receiving a half finished Costa Cappucino (medium, skinny, decaf) to the back of the head, just after passing a car broadcasting some asian dub, about 3 weeks ago? sorry about that
  8. When a 16-year-old runs off with their schoolteacher they are deemed too emotionally immature to make an informed decision, but simultaneously they are considered mature enough to vote. I can't square this circle. it's as simple as no taxation without representation (as the canadians or some other colony got all hissy about) if a 16 year old can pay income tax on a full time contracted job, they get to say who they want spending the tax or we stop emotionally immature 26 year man children living at home with mum getting the vote
  9. There was an Ashcroft poll in the Grauniad (here) which had the 18-24 group broken down as follows: But look at the sample size for that agegroup - 14. Hopeless. excellent example of received or anecdotal wisdom versus the stats versus the stats behind the stats
  10. Why should the forces of feminism be benign? There's still a lot of ground to be made up for true equality, so get some high profile messages and lessons out there.
  11. its an oldie, but still my fave cat picture
  12. Whatever happened to Nick Clegg? What does he do now?
  13. I think prison for a grope 20 years ago would be overly harsh, it isn't needed to protect the public. But if it was wrong, it was wrong. That a victim may laugh something off at the time might be a defence mechanism, telling yourself it wasn't serious. Whereas, to remember it all those years later it clearly wasn't that trivial. It may well be that 20 years ago, if you want to keep a job in the industry you had to accept a certain amount of hands on experience that you didn't like but told yourself it was the norm, that others put up with it. A bit of public shame and some community service 'feels' about right on my next to no knowledge of this case.
  14. Driving around last night, in the dark with the neon of advertising all around, car windows down and a bit of asian dub playing. Brixton, Chelsea Bridge, Fulham, Hammersmith and out along the raised A4. Quite a filmic experience. I tend to play 50s jazz while driving through cities at night, for the full film noir experience. Wrong thread, though. I've tried, but I struggle with jazz, I do tend to need a simple repeated loop. It may well indicate clinically low IQ. Or taste aids.
  15. But generally, lowering the age to 16 should be a good thing. Either that, or raise the age of everything else to 18.
  16. Driving around last night, in the dark with the neon of advertising all around, car windows down and a bit of asian dub playing. Brixton, Chelsea Bridge, Fulham, Hammersmith and out along the raised A4. Quite a filmic experience.
  17. technically, I think you've missed one out, too
  18. but there was no exit poll? looks about right, but can't be very accurate as the votes on the day were a little off the predicted but the old being small c conservative is fairly standard
  19. It'll be interesting to see if the BBC keep us all so well informed at the general election on how Asda and RBS would like us all to vote.
  20. that phrase 'small price to pay' is quite Orwellian in its own way
  21. come on team, today is the first day of the rest of our lives, we're awesome yay fist pump & leap in air I **** luvs Mondays
  22. If he can get a major conflict going for a few months, lots of rocket flashes a bit of shock and a pinch of awe, then be seen glad handing the winners, well, who knows there might be another peace prize in it for him. Or another million dollar cheque from Israel.
  23. Who's that in the frumpy frock? Has Voderman been replaced?
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