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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Whereas the right wing aren't bothered about morals? or don't see themselves as moral? or don't consider morals important? I'm not disagreeing, I just don't follow the logic of the point? I am easily confused by about 11:00pm on a Friday and we've now passed that point.
  2. it's taken me years to get the horse to even do half the stuff, once it's on the web I've lost financial control over it
  3. 4 points from 2 games and the next is an easy, walk over, points already in the bag, formality at home against Cyprus nothing can stop us now forward brothers and sisters, forward!
  4. so how do you get hold of new releases by Mountain of Love? how do you get hold of multiple remixes of 'techno' by Alabama 3? where are you finding your Jack Brett fix? it's all horses for courses, if we all liked the same thing, my taste wouldn't be considered superior
  5. I'd estimate I've spent 500% more on music than my missus knows. The stash of stuff under the bed? The box in the garage that looks like there might be a spider? The bin bag in the attic? Yep, all illicit music. ------ By coincidence and to illustrate: I was in Spillers Records this evening having a right old chat with the owner about where to start a Johnny Cash collection (she's a bit of an enthusiast). We were both mid ramble when my missus walked in (hunting me down as I'd promised to pay for pizza). I said (slightly too loudly) "I've never been in this shop before" and fair play to Ashley the owner she said (in the same awkward loud style) "I do not know this man and have never seen him before" my how we laughed
  6. Can Keith Vaz get his voice any more plummy?
  7. why watch this sort of person on the TV when you can just get yourself a seat in a coffee shop close to any London office block and people watch these types up close shiny suit, a run of the mill degree, talking loud about admin shite and thinking they are running the world
  8. why don't we simply parachute them all into Syria? win win
  9. Just don't lick any obviously sweaty Liberians and you'll be fine. Librarians, no problem. Anyway, jihadi john's gonna get you long before ebola or dark eyed ghost children do.
  10. that's exactly why I can't vote tory George has a roman haircut and Theresa May wears fancy shoes. Don't know what the policies are, can't get past the shoes and the hair.
  11. can't remember what it is, had a picture of a deer or a stag on it and cost nearly £4 very average robbing cockerney barstewards
  12. the 19 year old me would be disgusted he thought militant tendency were sell out pussies
  13. nah I wouldn't have thought so I've pitched in previously and said Alan Johnson would have been a good call but now its too late. The only viable one as far as the media would be concerned and therefore the only one that wouldn't be ripped to shreds on day 2 of his job would be Kane Milliband, but the unions just couldn't stomach that one. So I don't see a change happening unless Ed throws in the towel. But we're on countdown to the election, so every day that goes by makes it incrementally more difficult to change. A shiny new face, even Andy Burnham, would see a lift in the polls for the simple sake of a change.
  14. it all makes us look a bit two faced when you see the agony we've put many a third world country through to honour their debts but yes, agree with the above, an honest conversation simply isn't going to get anyone elected unless that conversation is to say we have huge debts and we're basically going to service them long enough for it to turn into the next generations' problem a bit like nuclear waste and carbon we're essentially a bunch of shits
  15. it's summed up by the Chancellor being able to give the following speech: 'we are currently job half done on the deficit, we still need to make stringent cuts, we cannot afford to be paying benefits or funding state run stuff. We need to cut the budgets of most departments by 30%. In addition, we aim to give everyone a free fiver by the year 2018* conditions apply.' To which, a huge chunk of the voting electorate hear and base their voting intentions on: '......a free fiver....'
  16. we simply couldn't handle his swag
  17. well, if it is steroids then 13 years of footy league testing would suggest he's either very clever, spectacularly lucky, or using something legal
  18. MK Dons 2:3 AFC Wimbledon winning goal scored by my hero, Adebayo 'Beast Mode' Akinfenwa he's a big lad, probably the biggest in league football
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