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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. aye, tis true once you get competent at your job, you get promoted out of it, continually until they finally find your true level of incompetence My job was drawing schizz, I must have been fairly good at it because now I get other people to draw stuff whilst I look at spreadsheets and forecasts and resource plans (for which I have no training, qualifications, interest, passion or competence).
  2. Twenty years ago me and my mate were both invited to apply for the same job. We both agreed it was best of luck to the winner, but both agreed that we would stick to our guns on salary, they'd asked us to interview so we were cheeky with the money we would ask for. After the interviews, my mate got the job, which was fine as in reality he was probably a shade better than me at the work they wanted. But he then confessed he'd dropped his price by a few thousand whereas I had stuck with it. I felt really really aggrieved by that. Well, for about a month I was aggrieved. Right up to the point where they invited me back and employed me as his boss on the higher money. Fucktard.
  3. No Alabama 3 in there, Crisp? nah, Alabama 3 are a real band (and the most excellent live band experience in the country), I made all those ones up. I was particularly proud of number 4, which made me laugh at my own joke. Little things for little minds I think.
  4. it's like a parody account
  5. It's a matter of personal taste as to whether new build or older is right for you. Broadly speaking, new build gets good energy efficiency, minimal need to do DIY and some assurance the roof will last a few years. Due to those pesky planning laws they often have very limited parking. I've recently completed a scheme in Bristol where every house was 4 bedroom and they were only allowed space for one small car. That was a condition of the planners not the developer being tight. Seriously, 4 bed houses, space for a Focus / Astra sized car at max.. Older houses generally have 'character'. This means that the walls will be made of real materials like brick, stone and plaster. This means you can put up a shelf but you can't hear the missus having a piss upstairs unless she's really squeezing. They also tend to have a bit of parking at least the same size as the width of the house. They also offer 'opportunities' for endless DIY chores. Personally, I'd go with an older house, but it is just taste. Best of luck.
  6. 1.0 Wanderers thru De'ath 2.0 The Zorr 3.0 Big Time Phyllis 4.0 Broad Enema 5.0 Albert Singh 6.0 DisDaat 7.0 19seventy9 8.0 Marjory Reen 9.0 Ear 10.0 Cockblockers after number 6 the list gets a bit fluid
  7. ah crap, now I've got to stay out of General Chat all evening whilst the usual suspects jizz their own Y fronts
  8. I'm not sure who's side I'd be on. I like a good "minimalist/jungle/krautrock/reggae wank fest", but I also like The Beach Boys and Black Sabbath. you can mind the coats and watch out for parents and rozzers
  9. anyway, in the laptop right now, we're still on this bad boy from earlier in the week...
  10. I'm sure the Beach Boys must have done a good or at least passable track somewhere, even a blind squirrel can find one nut.* But that whole metal / rock / heavy thing is the only music that leaves me utterly cold. I think it's a throw back from being brought up in a house where it was all Rainbow and Queen and Nazareth, Kiss and Gillan et al. Urrghh, shivers. *God Only Knows and Feel Flow are genius
  11. that is truly weird I would very rarely comment on somebody else's taste, but I was going to quote Whitesnake and just write 'poop' truly weird we should organise a big car park fight, anyone and everyone with any slight tiny bit of taste, versus Rob and Rugeley I'm just a bit worried about what the result would be
  12. often, people in the BNP are a bit racist
  13. Walthamstow market was a revelation a couple of months ago I'd never been there and presumed it would be a dozen trellis tables like what they do on EastEnders. It stretched for miles. I had lunch in the 'authentic Albanian' place close to the tube station. Ham and cheese croissant and a chocolate brownie with a cappucino. Very sophisticated these Albanians.
  14. I got offered a full time post in London yesterday. It was never ever going to happen, just a lovely ego boost. But this timely thread does reinforce the decision to say no spectacularly easily. I was able to go home and announce 'I turned down a new job today'. Twenty five years ago it was my absolute ambition to be based in London. If I'd actually managed it twenty five years ago there's every chance I'd now either have a property I could cash in and retire off to the coast - or I'd be long dead. Not absolutely sure that helps with the flat hunting, I just needed to share.
  15. currently working out of Kings Cross a couple of days a week, still can't decide if I like it lunchtime for many appears to mostly involve standing outside Pret in a shiny suit talking very loudly about how important they are it just looks like the out takes from the Apprentice *cough* Flying Scotsman *cough* I think at some stage I'm actually going to go to the Flying Scotsman just to see if the rumours are true I do Monday's and Tuesday's, give us a tenner and you get to keep the ping pong ball. I'll be honest, I had to google it when Dave referenced it. But I will give it a slow furtive walk by on Monday...
  16. yep, similar I know somebody that was a regional co-ordinator of a couple of Remploy factories really really distressed when they were closed down with absolutely no other employment opportunities in the area hopefully people remember this kind of scum behaviour when the next potential Labour candidate comes tap tapping on the door hoping for a nice £67,000 salary plus perks and expenses
  17. an absolute prize disgrace on the new Labour roll of honour of disgraces
  18. they were on to something with the phone charger jacket they could have had one to charge all phones across the planet retailing for £29.99 and then another one for i-phones for £650 plus another £45 if you've got a 5c plus you'll need a special lead for £17 and a pocket protector for £25 that only works if you keep one arm out at a right angle **** i phones
  19. are you suggesting he's shoved the pepper grinder up his arse and tweeted the pics to some young mums and a journalist?
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cmg407c8Z_4
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmF33nxMRdc I was there, as they say. But then I was also there for the version at Brixton Academy, Festival Hall, Brecon Indoor Market, The Point, CIA........
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRn-1b6yqmo testing new speakers out the kitchen... What? Whatyousay?
  23. never spend lunch where I've been working my booty all morning mate
  24. I accidentally spent £12 in Pret on day one, only to find some idiot had decided it was a funky cutting edge idea to put slices of fruit in a bacon roll. There some sort of Hare Krishna kitchen two blocks away, going to give them a spin next week. At least I'll be prepared and on the look out for strange fruity additions.
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