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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. how can a snake carry anything never mind female salmons? NO ARMS go away and work on your research
  2. to be fair to Manchester, they invented walking like you're a huge swinging dick
  3. Of course, it's 3 VT boffin points to all of you out there that spotted the picture of cleaners was taken in Kensington Town Hall, January 1975, celebrating the Equal Pay Act coming in to force. Thought I should add that footnote as some of the younger readers might not have got the relevance and ironic humour straight away and thought we really were bemoaning equality.
  4. They get paid the same once they can get stuff off a high shelf for themselves, win a chair race, or pick up a box of A4 reams of paper. And stop taking a third of the time off as sick days.
  5. They get paid the same once they can get stuff off a high shelf for themselves, win a chair race, or pick up a box of A4 reams of paper.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTMBLni45pM
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ty-IJ3qz-GE ok I think I've got just about all the music together for my film, all I need now is a plot, some dialogue, a camera.....
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1f3hfnBh40 they should've let me have a go at re scoring Drive
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpEHhxXp_J8
  10. Oh my god, won't someone think of the children!? They'll get some cheap Polish supply teacher in - cheaper, works a 25 hour day and prepared to turn up for work when there's a threat of light snow: Stefski
  11. #2 - Wenlock weird looking, currently between jobs, mostly inoffensive, some useful design features, happy memories
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1-bbd-rLGw
  13. I think its all of the above. The headline 'British man kills women overseas' just isn't going to cut it. Not least when it is in competition with thousands of other deaths. I just looked up one easily found figure, the government website quotes that last year 5,930 Brits died overseas in accidents and unlawful killings etc.. Sixteen a day, every day, you need an angle if your story is going to get press coverage. It's at that point the sex angle pushes you to the top of the pile. But yes this has too many buzzwords to be missed, Hong Kong is current, bankers are current and prostitution is never out of fashion with the media.
  14. My kids 'met' Danny Jules and weren't shy about interrupting him half way through his lunch for photos. Which he was really nice about. He presumed they were Red Dwarf fans and looked utterly flabbergasted when they said no, Death in Paradise. They met him again then about a month later at some sci fi convention thing and he said he remembered them because they liked Death in Paradise. I've seen it, it does what it says on the tin: Sunday evening TV
  15. save yourself the bother of needing a CRB check and just get some Shonen Knife in your life
  16. I'm not so sure the UK won't leave the EU. It's not beyond the realms of possibility that a Tory govt or Tory lead coalition gets voted in. Then you have the much touted referendum. Once you give 'the people' the referendum and the quality of debate is similar to the Scottish Independence one, that usual tabloid standard where the loudest most media covered lie will win, well then we are out of the EU. Then we'll see what a total waste of 0.75% of your income tax the EU membership was.
  17. OK "Who the ****ing hell are slipknot, in relation to me getting out of bed" Imagine Marilyn Manson, but 'street toughs' ghey, not 'musicals and show tunes' ghey.
  18. They could so easily stop that sort of thing by putting a clear plastic panel in the middle of all trench coats, but there just isn't the political will.
  19. You're a young professional male with the entire world at your feet. What's the very worst thing that can happen? Well, I guess a year from now you could have a melt down and the Hong Kong Police find you sat on the floor of your blood spattered apartment, in your underpants, sobbing, with a dead prostitute in a suitcase. But this very rarely happens.
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Shgpssp9ZpA
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3s73x28ywg&list=UUqoQV0b3ZJTR3wd4EF0iy_w&index=10
  22. The fact that I'm actually in a pissy mood just because bloody Aston Villa lost again. It really shouldn't matter anymore.
  23. The Secretary of State is a tory, the First Minister is Labour, the Assembly is Labour, Cardiff has Labour, Conservative and Lib Dem MP's but no nationalist MP's, no nationalist AM's and only 2 nationalist councillors out of a council of 75 seats. It'll be some other brand of zealot at work here. But yes, I agree, there are some weird decisions coming out of Cardiff at the moment. They appear to be actively discouraging any form of business other than coffee shops anywhere near the centre of town - and don't you dare try and use a car - unless you are a politician in which case you can have your own free secure car park and alter the traffic lights to give your office priority at commuter time.
  24. Out of curiosity, where have you seen this happening? There was a consultation document issued in January that re endorsed a policy first set out in 1972, plus a vague statement in June that the policy needed the economy to improve before it would be properly considered, but I haven't seen anything since.
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