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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. I don't require any cillit bang, I don't need reminding to buy toilet paper and I have no friends. My aversion to ITV and facebook finally appears to be paying off.
  2. oh no, don't get me wrong man, some of my friends have brown cars respec'
  3. I endorse this statement. He's a self publicist and a cock.
  4. You, sir, have just won the lottery. Contact ratshitcompolawyers4u.com immediately. Donoghue vs Stevenson for the internet age!
  5. zing! I've got Tony in the lead at the moment. The lefties aren't really working as a tight unit.
  6. I wanted to write surely, but thought somebody would put Shirley. So I put Shirley, but somebody still mentioned Shirley. Shurely shome mishtake (to be said in a shean connery Irish accent).
  7. At that point, on Monday evening she was live on BBC radio - but didn't have pictures she could get out without betraying her position. TV news appears to operating a similar policy to VT, pictures or GTFO.
  8. I saw a dark brown 4 door diesel Porsche earlier today. It really annoyed me. Shirley, when you get to the point of wanting / requiring a four door diesel car in brown you admit defeat and get yourself something else other than a Porsche?
  9. There was a journalist reporting out of Kobane a night or two ago. She claimed to be in the town and seeing the situation first hand. Her report suggested IS had about 60 / 70% of the town, about 10% was no man's land, leaving a token 20 - 30% preventing IS being able to say they'd taken the town. It's all a little bit shit this.
  10. Is a Yorkie actually chocolate? If it is then they must have spent an absolute **** ton of money perfecting a chocolate recipe that tastes just like a cheap sugary candy substitute.
  11. College student in 'not organised, what day is it, where are my pants, what happened to Monday?' shocker!
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-5E6_qtXAw
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIWKfRT_XvM
  14. no wonder she topped herself
  15. In a previous life back in the day I was an Equal Opportunities Union Rep. I've done the marches and the conferences and the back room strategy meetings. I've even flirted around the outer edges of Militant. Hell, I've even tried to look interested in subscribing to spare rib. Never ever came up against any such claims of the privilege of death, or anything else quite so baffling. Perhaps the real plotting couldn't start until after the white male had left the room. I'm not saying these views don't exist, that a quote in a book can't be referenced as 'proof'. Just that we should resist presuming to talk for whole swathes of society as one block. I think if we replaced the word 'women' with 'africans' or 'Irish' etc., it would more obviously be daft. There is no mass female conspiracy. I'm going to go off and post some music videos.
  16. every now and again a Dexys song comes along that just stops you in your tracks I bought the recent album and put it on in the car, I had to stop and just really really listen anyway... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jY1dRCU4Rs my kids can play along on the drums and piano on this track first time they really nailed I nearly bloody cried
  17. There's a bit of a flaw with that. Well two flaws, really. Firstly it's something (understatement) of a logical disconnect. It's like saying football fans want Man Utd to win the league, and they also want Man City to win the league. See it's not the same football fans saying each of those things, or the same women, (if any at all). Which brings me on to the second point. it's complete bollocks, anyway. I don't get your football analogy. I just noticed that certain Scandinavian countries are enacting laws which will make it a legal requirement for companies to have a certain proportion of women on the board. Unless I have missed the bulletin, I don't see any planned legislation to ensure that women represent a proportion of employees in dangerous jobs. It seems perfectly logical that if governments seek to redress the social and market forces which keep women out of the boardroom, why wouldn't they try to redress the social and market forces which place men in dangerous jobs. I have read several Guardian articles demanding the former but never the latter and so I assume it is something that women don't want and will never ask for. Why on earth would somebody spend time and money forcing somebody to do a dangerous job? Surely a more enlightened approach would be to take the danger out of the job?
  18. Male and female footballers of equal talent and ability should be on the same team.
  19. ooooh, look over there! Two bald men fighting over a comb.
  20. No one in their right mind could possibly argue against equality but all evidence suggests that modern feminism is about obtaining privilege and not just equality. Even when women were campaigning to get the vote they didn't want equality. The Pankhursts campaigned for votes for women but not for conscription and while demanding the vote were high profile campaigners in the 'white feather' movement, where they demanded that boys as young as 17, who like the majority of men at that time could not vote, do their duty to protect women by signing up. When I first wrote out my little piece there, I ended it with the joke '....unless you dislike women, like MMV' I decided to delete it as it wasn't fair, wasn't that funny and might have been taken more seriously than intended as it's difficult to convey a gentle joke in written form. I'm not sure anybody but a select politicised few feminists would actually want privilege over men. No more than men wanting it (and currently having it) over women. What many want is some forms of positive discrimination for a period of time to help redress a balance and show girls and women there is an equal position to be taken out there, everybody alongside everybody. Personally, I'm all for a time period of positive discrimination. But equality shouldn't mean having to put up with the same shit and stress men have managed to get themselves into.
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