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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Quadrophenia is close to the 'so bad its good' category. But I don't think anyone does 'rate' it do they? Lots of people enjoy it, I enjoy it once every few years, 'where'd the bird go?' is oft quoted and who can resist spotting all the modern cars and shopfronts and clothes etc along Brighton seafront. It's a laugh and a pleasant jog down memory lane. It's a snapshot, we still had municipal baths but people were shagging in the bath at house parties.
  2. I'm sure you've already worked this out yourself if they're 4 and 8 but when my first nipper was small we did all the prezzies with labels 'from father Christmas'. Once everything was opened it was pointed out by our little angel that there were presents from nans, uncles, aunties, friends, loads from father Christmas.....but nothing from us.
  3. Tokyo Wives IV out of focus, genitalia pixilated out, couldn't understand a bloody word of the plot
  4. On a visit to Kenya to take in some safari's a night in the bush (fnaar), a beach and reef break and a trip to Kilimanjaro (we've all done it), I noticed that everywhere we went from hotel reception to Mombasa restaurants to boats to safari lodge the only two songs any of the bands knew were House of the Rising Sun and Batchelor Boy. By day 3 the whole group of us would surprise whatever local band struck up the tune by wholeheartedly joining in and belting out the words. By day 4 there were grumblings of shut the **** up if we saw somebody go anywhere near a bongo.
  5. I have just eaten what I expect will prove to be the best sandwich I will ever eat. 1/2 wholemeal baguette (warm) butter hot roast turkey brie cranberry sauce sausagemeat stuffing pigs in blankets You ate it? If I was presented with that I'd have **** it. aaaaand we're back to somebody getting mayonnaise in their eye
  6. and you two can **** right off if you're going to be reasonable to each other
  7. it's a problem We have a whole system based on 'growth' which itself is measured by GDP which itself relies largely on us buying more and more 'stuff' whether we have the money or not. So whilst we don't 'need' that 55" TV or the wrestling action figures that we bought on our card with every intention of paying back at the end of the month (ha!, yeah), we do need to spend that money on something to sustain the system. If we all decide we'd be happier meditating than playing on the xbox, then we need to buy lots of meditation stuff as just sitting at home humming will crash the economy. But by the same token, constantly buying material things to constantly grow the economy is currently being done by stripping out natural resources at an unsustainable rate which is being accelerated because whilst people in Islington are remembering to buy better lightbulbs, people in China are buying 20,000 cars a week.
  8. Performing a sex act on public works to help a biker? I don't get it. so you've never seen a hump in the road?
  9. agreed Being a bit racist when tired didn't hurt the UKIP campaign, so you can sometimes make a gaff and get away with it. Not least, if you condition the media and the public to your response of 'ah well it was a gaff, to the pub!' which appears to work well for UKIP and Boris J. But ... by the same token, if you live by being pc then you die by being pc. In this case some Islington Labour type hasn't been caught out by double meaning or campaign tiredness, for me she clearly was being a snob about 'that sort of person' and 'that sort of place'. A modest house in a modest town with a worker's van outside - and a representative of the Labour party decided to take the piss. I spend a fair bit of time around Rochester, that looked like a very very typical set up to me. If that's not you're target market, you're in the wrong town.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCu2RVCpges well, if we're having a stoner page, this is my go to album when I have something long and dull to write
  11. by 'rich' if you mean the vast majority with their mortgages, car loans, credit cards and overdrafts.....yes There was no intended target group, it was a passing idea and an illustration that part of what separates us and our fancy soft western lives from the poor of Mexico or Brazil or Laos is easy access to perpetual unsustainable credit.
  12. What could possibly go wrong! Well, I guess you'll find out once you've climbed up into the cab of her lorry parked up at some overnight truck stop with the curtains closed...
  13. I was 16 in 2001, so although not something I'd choose to listen to often nowadays it will always have a place in my heart. sorry, for clarity, are you actually saying that's a real genre?
  14. If people were offered the following policy: We will cancel all debt, all debt from your credit card, the mortgage, the national debt and what your local hospital owes. We will then all have to live within our means. I think the second half of that policy would kill it dead. We've all got too used to comfort and the idea of money actually being abstract and somebody else somewhere else will settle up at some other time. But not us, here, now.
  15. ...but never throw music away kids. You'll be amazed the schitt you'll give a second chance 25 years later. I'm currently rediscovering country funk - something I'd have been violently opposed to back in the day. Of course, if you're under 24 years of age you'll only keep any music until the end of you're phone contract, but should you buy a hard copy I mean, keep that.
  16. ahhh, the 1980's I had a copy of 'So What?' by the Anti Nowhere League and thought I was at the pointy end of the coming revolution. But then I also had a whole bunch of Soft Cell 12" singles (fnarr), so who knows where my head was at. I loved Soft Cell because my dad hated them.
  17. cranberry is ridiculous do these people put jam on their sausage the rest of the year? I presume there's at least one person on this forum that has done that......
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbj-cGg8aS4
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9viPN8XrBc
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuPTxLSPSjk
  21. I'll give the office party a swerve as per usual. It's in the centre of town on black Friday, I just don't need a free beer that much (not when I can get my own on expenses!). I've learnt from my mistakes though, I'll just arrange a meeting somewhere for that day and tut a lot and wish everyone a good one. What I won't do is kill off the same relative twice, a mistake I did previously make. I announced one year my Uncle Fernando had died and I had to attend to family matters. I thought giving him a random funny name added some clever credibility to it. Rather stupidly, a year or two later I killed him off again having thought last time I'd only said he was ill.
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