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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. That's most definitely the case with my mother (and therefore 'my parents'). Love is measured in 'effort' but effort can be transferred across to price. Personally, I'm a little more relaxed about the whole thing. If I've stood next to my dad at the football every other Saturday for months and we've taken it in turns to bring the chunky kit kats, I think it's safe to presume we're ok with each other these days. Chucking him the best watch Argos can deliver in 24 hours is a much less accurate measure of anything other than modern computerised warehousing and despatch techniques. I'm sure there's a line from a Larkin poem somewhere that has some relevance.
  2. I told my parents I wanted a selection box and a ten pound note - they went off on one about we might as well not bloody bother - apparently it's not a proper family christmas effort if it's less than £40 and didn't come from Amazon.
  3. Yep. These people officially gave up on British values the day they went to join IS, they carry a UK passport but they are no more British than a man from Mars. So we decide how 'British' someone is (and whether or not it's okay for the state to execute them without any sort of due process or legal oversight or whatever) due to some subjective test of whether they've 'given up' on a rather nebulous concept such as British values. In my warped mind, I have things like the desire for due process, legal oversight and not allowing the state such carte blanche under this banner of 'British values'. So if you join IS, you are still as British as fish n chips according to Snowychap. I've heard it all now. well, in that chips are a French creation from the south american potato and fried fish was brought here by the jewish community....that's probably not a bad comparison
  4. 12 year old kid shot dead, shot in the stomach by police in a playground for carrying a toy / replica gun and not responding to their instructions. Lots of things you can say there, about lots of aspects of the case. But in a country full of guns and with gun crime such a problem, would you let your kid go out with a toy gun?
  5. visited 50 constituencies recently he's clearly a man with a plan - even if that plan fell over on it's arse at the first question asked of it
  6. my prediction was a 1:0 win without an actual shot on target I was depressingly close to being right
  7. What's the selection process on quiz shows? I'm not really into quizzes and I'm not really into TV quizes, but I too have been annoyed by them always choosing the category 'films' or 'reality chefs that have been in howdy magazine'. But is that because that's who the quiz programme have selected. Whilst a mastermind winner might cruise through Pointless, I suspect they wouldn't get on the show. I suspect that somewhere there's an entrance form that asks: 1 names the multi headed dog that guards the gates of hell 2 name the first tank battle 3 who's been on the most episodes of celebrity junble shag off I suspect anybody choosing to answer 1 or 2 isn't going to get on the programme. but that's properly off topic here's a picture of that book by the plagiarist heathen, first published today 1649
  8. of course they take some liberties with the story but "outrage" is a bit much, they portray him as a cock, they quietly suggest the ridiculousness of the homosexuality laws and they show him as a genius, not sure what else you want I haven't seen the film and so I am only reporting what I have read and heard in reviews. Some guy who worked at Bletchley said that the storyline was infeasible because the security was so strict, that people from different sections would never have met. Geeks are very protective towards Turing. I am just glad that he wasn't cast as an American and his taste in shirts caused no offence. Isn't there an american version where he has to choose a cup off a table full of cups and there's a monkey and you can't decide who's side the monkey is on and some old bloke melts?
  9. No Villa shots on target. Defender rump deflection, 0:1 Villa, crisis wot crisis? Stick your house on it.
  10. I suspect there are as many truths as there are villages, factions, families and days of the week. It's clearly chaotic so I can't see how there can be any one definitive version of the truth other than to say it's murderous chaos.
  11. I don't think Cameron can be put in the same category as Farage and the babyeater. According to Gove in a radio interview on Friday, Cameron is the stand out politician of our age. Of our our age? Queried the interviewer, just to check. Yes, the stand out best politician of our age bar none, beyond compare. Creepy as ever.
  12. Vichysoisse. there was a hot version of vichysoisse on offer! along with oxtail (with obligatory roughly hewn artisan hunky chunks of oxtail meat), clear chicken and barley, ham and mint, tomato and pepper to be fair they were all really nice especially the barley broth thing but I just ended up really stressed about whether their inter departmental mail merge would go well on Monday
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSif77IVQdY
  14. I think the home made olive bread probably won that one. They didn't even have any music on 'so we can hear each other talk'. Completely the wrong party for that to be a good idea. But at least now I have a great in depth knowledge of the work going on to merge two local authorities without adversely impacting on children's services. pffff
  15. I went to a soup party last night. 5 couples had been nominated to make various soups, the rest of us just had to turn up with drinks, bread and our own bowl and spoon. The soup was lovely, as was the bread and the wine. But over all, I don't see me bothering with that particular format with those particular people again. It turned into an evening talking work rather than general nonsense so I just shut up eventually and just fed their dog kilos of cheesey bread.
  16. you'd have to be very careful punching the air with delight not to break the glass table
  17. Bicks it's a rare occasion I'll have to agree to disagree, they were there trying to harvest the C2 vote when Lady Nugee, to give her the proper title, sent that tweet. She has a property portfolio of multiple London homes in the millions, 3, 4 or 5 million pound depending on your newspaper of choice. Personally, I'd have knocked her down a peg or two too. The slightest tweek to that tweet would have saved it, personally I'd have turned it into a thumbs up selfie and made it a lot more difficult to get one single clear meaning from it. But yes, it is a very very small story.
  18. life can contain nuance as well as nuts if you are going to be a Labour representative you are supposed to be the party of the everyday working folk if you come from Islington and live in a multi million pound house, there might be a suggestion you aren't 'for the workers' but 'for my champagne labour elite friends' if you you are a Labour Islington elite and tweet a picture of what could be perceived as an average chav's house - then you're going to get criticised if that happens when the tory party and their media need a distraction - any distraction - give us something please!!!! if that happens at the same time as the world and his dog is proclaiming your posh elitist Labour leader is disconnected from the people and can't manage - you are toast
  19. hot dirty talk from Polish ladyboys > hot dirty talk from Ismail
  20. Are you really Welsh? it's not unusual
  21. I had high hopes when I clicked on this thread. Turns out its another one about blokes complaining. Not an appreciation of Tokyo Wives IV.
  22. Without wishing to look like a whiskey snob wannabe ..... I don't think there is a true taste quality distinction between single and blend. As in, some blends can be better than some malts, for instance Ballantines is a blend that's a lot better than a lot of malts. So whether something gets a touch of water, or ice, or cherry coke shouldn't really depend on whether it says blend on the bottle. But then again I think Lagavulin is horrible, almost undrinkable, so what do I know! There you go, I said it.
  23. here's the h you missed out h (sorry)
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