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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Have you considered moving to Greece and starting a cult?
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJ9CLOEOB5U
  3. nutjobs and adventurers often need a hook to hang their mental shit on as they lack the imagination to come up with their own justification for their rape and bloodlust It's probably quite a high score draw on whether 'religion' has been at the root of the most killing, or whether Nazism, Stalinism, Maoism, drugs cartels, the Shining Path, ETA, Sandanistas, slave traders, Khmer Rouge, Kim Jung Il, Pinochet....... Well anyway, we've done it before, lots of people choose their own dubious reason for mass slaughter, doesn't excuse it, doesn't make it a legit cause, doesn't make the cited cause actually responsible.
  4. really? **** me, it's only £1 in Waitrose here this could be me, this could be my moment, I might hire a van fill it with bread and sail across the see to the IOM
  5. I suspect my lack of knowledge of the finer points of football laws and committee decisions and procedures means they pity me.
  6. I was on another football forum where football is discussed and there was a real argument building about a fight on the pitch at a game last Saturday. People were calling each other out, officials from the clubs were pitching in, I helpfully pitched in with a popcorn eating gif ....... and killed it dead! No posts in a couple of hours now. I was enjoying that.
  7. all the depth and nuance of an actual U.S. security briefing
  8. having installed a small number of escalators, I know for a fact I've put in a mid floor landing where you could go left or right, up or down although the first official and patented escalator was installed somewhere in America in about 1896 or so, the first ever recorded 'one off' non-patented escalator was installed 7 years earlier in the refurbished private quarters of Cardiff Castle by Lord Bute
  9. Not in the Leeds Clas Ohlson it isn't. not anywhere does the left hand one do the up and the down surely? where's the one on the right going?
  10. "We've put you in random groups so you get a chance to interact with people that you wouldn't normally do at work. It gives you a chance to get to know each other better" - or some such guff. If i've worked in the office for 12 years and never interacted with Keith the paedo from customer services or fat Debbie with the lazy eye from accounts then a 'team building' exercise where we play cluedo* is not going to help me like them. *for reference it was Colonel Mustard with the lead pipe in the study. Battered. ahhh yes, another tier of hell I'd forgotten about, good call the last office Christmas party I went to we had allocated seating 'to mix up the teams and meet somebody new'
  11. Who becomes the arbiter of how bad a group has to be before we can kill them on the street without trial? IS have certainly got all the attention at the moment, but in reality, in Britain the ONS figures suggest drug misuse killed nearly 3,000 people. Heroin alone killed nearly 800. Surely if we are looking at threats to us we need to be taking out the drug lords? I'm not saying all of them, you know, just kill the really big ones. It's spectacularly difficult and the situation might change. But out of the 'theatre of war' and away from immediate threat we just can't go all gung ho hollywood on this. When we do that. we tend to take out too many Brazilian plumbers for my sissy liberal stomach.
  12. taken on the 22nd and 23rd according to the top of the chart we were quiet on the 24th
  13. I'm still in my forties! Anyway, I like rabbit in the first picture. The second one sat outside Cumbernauld looks like a right clearing in the woods.
  14. Just be content that Jesus loves us all equally, especially me.
  15. yep trouble is it doesn't respect the laws and culture it's apparently trying to preserve out of curiosity, how would we then deal with people fighting with groups previously thought 'bad' that are now considered 'good' will we be letting these guys back in?
  16. why the hell did you fly to Brazil and back? no wonder the environment is going to ****
  17. I wouldn't be so hasty. Having seen the state of the engines that arrive for servicing, I'd pay the extra and go BA. Their engines generally arrive on the back of a lorry looking in a better state than most of the others leave. It would appear that even in aero engine servicing, there are grades of service. Would you fly with an airline that have gone for the 'value' package? Having said that, regardless of the engine servicing regime, a door blowing off and causing Tony to be spread across most of Slough with his lucky flying pants on fire is never a pleasant way to start a holiday or business trip.
  18. You shoot the other astronaut and use the air escaping from their suit to ride them back to the mothership. Back on earth you explain that the other astronaut willingly gave their life selflessly for the good of all human kind, and that they tasted a bit like chicken.
  19. We were given a broadsheet newspaper and sellotape and told we had to build a bridge between two chairs. We sent a few of the group out to get cakes and coffees, dicked around for 45 minutes and then pushed the chairs closer together removing the need for a bridge. We didn't win. They tried their best to congratulate us on our lateral thinking but you could see they hated us.
  20. each to their own I guess, with the computer games I've never really got the huge excitement of computer games - and I was a bit of a champion on those first arcade games, Asteroids and Space Invaders and all that back in the day. Banned from most places for being able to spend 10p and play a machine all day if I was so inclined. I know there have been some technical advances since PacMan. But each to their own as I say. I get properly excited getting back stage at a gig, like a kid doing the whole photo's posing with guitars and all that crap. But my missus just looks at me blank when I tell her I sat in the aircraft seat from Gruff's Skylon song or I've shared a vodka with the Reverend D Wayne Love etc.. I guess my degree was quite a big thing. I don't personally rate degrees as a measure of anything very much other than the ability to get a degree. But I did mine late in life, I did 5 years not only condensed into 2, but did them in the evenings whilst holding down a full time job. Nearly **** killed me, but I did it. Hasn't made a jot of difference to my ability to do my job but Clients pay substantially more per hour now it's on my CV.
  21. What happened to that brief craze for wheeltrims that kept spinning when the car stopped? I guess that either somebody decided there were H&S issues, or somebody decided they made you look a total tool.
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