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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rU29_RST49c
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CSsyJKSfbs
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgtQj8O92eI
  4. Shocking scenes in Tesco and Asda today, if that happens again in the January sales I reckon they should make supermarkets all seater.
  5. post that up again CED so I can give it another like
  6. To be honest, I saw Gove was on the programme and I'm now having a retro go on F1 2009 in a Force India bumping everyone else off at corners at Suzuka.
  7. 'an old fashioned policeman, well suited to his job,without the wit to make shit up' if ever someone was damned with faint praise
  8. apparently DFS are going to sell everything at full price just to **** with people's minds
  9. ooooo k I guess we'll park that one up then and move on to something less touchy.
  10. I've never strayed far from my basic tactic of stun grenades and a decent knife.
  11. That's quite a scenario there I think there is a difference between knocking down some houses and knocking down a medieval castle! But say, in the absolute worst case scenario, the bus terminal had absolutely no other place to go, the current bus service was an absolute shambles and it was directly affecting hundreds of thousands of people, I'd consider it, yeah. I know that scenario would never come to fruition though, so don't worry x It's important to note that castles have been demolished before though do you miss them? So, I'm being a bit slow I know, but you're saying you'd give more thought to whether or not to demolish an empty Castle than evicting the 10,000 people mentioned previously? For a bus terminus, to save on commuter times. Fascinating, if its not a simple wind up. Personally, I don't miss the missing castles that much. I'd certainly give them less thought than displacing 10,000 people.
  12. So, as a little scenario here, what would you do if a new bus terminus was mooted that required, for instance, Warwick Castle to be demolished? We still have other castles, dozens upon dozens of them, nobody lives there and we can make a good dvd of it before it goes. Would you be ok with getting rid of Warwick Castle for a new bus station. The new bus station would knock 15 minutes off a number of destinations.
  13. Excuse my ignorance here but I've seen and heard it mentioned a few times recently that the Quran has never been changed. Does that mean that the actual words written in a copy I could buy in a shop today are the same words the original was written with 1,400 years ago? Also, is there any chance the use and meaning of the words, even if they are still written the same, could possibly have changed over 1,400 years? I just find it hard to believe there has been absolutely no development of written or spoken language in well over a thousand years and there is absolutely no need for any translation or knowledge of earlier writing, context, meaning etc.. Given that the english language, both spoken and written can be almost unrecognisable over just a hundred years or so. Err, possibly the wrong thread...
  14. I think the majority of the people against it are doing so because the line runs right passed, or through their property. Its going to be another expensive overcrowded train but gets you where you want to be about 20 mins quicker. Maybe the billions could be spent on making the exisitng trains less expenive and overcrowded? High speed trains require high speed lines. The infrastructure in this country shouldn't be dominated by democracy. Everything should be subject to compulsory purchase orders if it's for the good of country. It's the little towns and villages that people get sentimental over that are the problem. Our own history holds us back in many respects. I love our history as much as anyone, but if it's the difference between making my commute 20 mins faster everyday or looking at an old beautiful house, I'm sorry house, but you've got to go. My time is worth more to me than any buildings. You'd happily see peoples houses torn down just so you could get to your destination 20 minutes earlier. Your 20 minutes is worth more to you than a families home so stuff them, they should move. What a sad situation. I presumed he was either a Maoist central planner, or only joking.
  15. I've got a broom I can convert to a spear, and I'm free next Sunday if that's any help. Coincidentally, I'm already dressed as a roman centurion, as I'm at my club.
  16. what struck me was the disproportionately tiny amount that was designated 'EU' I'd presumed from media coverage and right wing outrage it was hovering around the 75% mark, turns out all that talk time and worry and campaigning concerns 0.75%
  17. yep, trains should be awesome and for that occasional weekend seat in first class for a tenner, they are Unfortunately that's not the most common experience - given the amount of subsidy they get and then the cost and the experience, it does feel like something that needs a whole fresh approach. I don't mean close them, quite the opposite, they need a radical strategy to make them better. It's patently ridiculous that it's a better experience to use the M4 rather than a train. I guess the instant fix the Green Party would suggest would be to make the M4 even worse.
  18. yep I have boycotted train use for years. Lately, I've tried to use them again but I think I'm coming around to the fact that they are just not for me. The price is the main thing, almost four times more expensive than driving and then you have to get a cab to your actual destination because Clients rarely want to meet at a train station. Yesterday my journey started with the tickety machine being out of order. The ticket office was closed (understandable it was only about 6:00am). So I get on the local link train and the seats are so rammed together I can't actually physically fit in the gap, my arse to knee dimension isn't compatible with local train seating. The ticket guy on the train doesn't come out of his little room for the whole journey. At the central train station they get all upset with me because I don't have a ticket and frankly don't believe my story and don't want to let me out to pick up my pre paid ticket! Obviously all the ticket machines are the wrong side of the barrier - it would clearly be mental to actually have a machine IN the **** station. Clearly they have to deal with a lot of scum and are conditioned to dealing with dregs - but this was now 6:30am and I was wearing a tie godammit! The main train turned up, no seat reservation tickets put out so its a Ryan Air style free for all. Other people are now eating train food so I'm getting warm fat smells and other people's jibber jabber crap conversations. I can't make phone calls for about 50% of the journey due to lack of signal. A thoroughly miserable experience and to those out there doing a regular commute, I salute you. I'll be taking the car again on Monday, saving myself an absolute wedge of money and having knee room plus my choice of smells, music, phone or silence.
  19. Yep, that's an open return so its the priciest ticket you can buy - but in that it is a business commute and I have to be there for a set time and can't be sitting in Paddington for 3 hours waiting for a cheap return train, that's the one it has to be. It's actually cheaper to hire a car for the day and pay to park it in London, which is ridiculous.
  20. Cardiff to that London open return - £210* Cardiff to Swindon open return £30, Swindon to that London open return £120, total £150* same train straight through no changes Also, when at 6 in the morning the pre pay ticket machine is out of service and the station ticket office is (understandably) not open yet, it's a little annoying to be accused of 'trying it on' for not having a ticket. * alternatively, £50 of fuel, £6,50 for parking all day, drive your own car.
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQTXjIsEK3Q&list=PL1FD01B9758420330
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tvHIr7uDj8
  23. I can't speak for others, but in the limited circles I move in I've never (literally never) heard anybody claim their god is better than someone else's or claim it's ok to do down known believers or others shades of the same thing. Quite the absolute opposite in my experience. Perhaps the plotting starts once I've left the room. But granted that doesn't make it true for millions of people in millions of other locations.
  24. yeah I don't touch that foreign muck to be honest, I usually slowly cruise round and round the cake aisle waiting for the tiger bread to be reduced to 19p at 7 o' clock, or failing that, checking out the middle aged posh gays
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