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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. PM me the address. I'll be getting new socks in a couple of weeks anyway, so no charge.
  2. The Cerys Matthews interview with Woody Woodmansy on BBC R6 just now. An absolute delight. How somebody that was in the Spiders behind Bowie can be quite so grounded is just excellent. Not a bad word to say about anyone. When rounding up the interview Cerys asked what he had coming up - which is the standard opportunity to plug your next collaboration / gig / release. Woody's answer? My son is getting married and I'm trying to help but apparently I know nothing about colours, and I've had to go to Debenhams for a suit fitting and those cubicles get me all flustered.
  3. Christmas stock take. Out later to fill the gaps which appear to be: Rioja More fizzy stuff Cognac more beers n white wine already stored down the garage staying nice n chilled
  4. not mine, somebody posted 'em up on twitter earlier and I thought some of ya might appreciate 'em
  5. MMV, there is something in your last post and your last point but please believe me, some, no matter how small a minority, do it out of lust Many many years ago I started knocking off a woman for the twin brags of firstly just plain letting it be known I was having sex (so so important in the young male that not only are you having sex, but that others know it) plus the buzz that everyone knew her steady boyfriend of 2 years was a big deal in the local amateur boxing scene. How **** spectacular must my cock driving ability be if she's knocking me off on the side of an amateur boxer! Turns out I was only after recognition as a player with a functioning penis and she only wanted more attention off the long term boyfriend. So we both got what we wanted and no long term harm was done. I even managed to get a spectacular back street beating from a bunch of people I'd never met before, roughly 10 minutes after her boyfriend had confronted me and we'd both agreed he couldn't touch me as he would lose his boxing license.
  6. and if they walk very very slowly to the doors, get into the doors AND STOP you should be allowed to simply push them to the floor and step over them
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96IlCehRnaU
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5jI9I03q8E so, when I get this time machine sorted, London 1968 is on the bucket list
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vO_tf9YjsJQ
  10. I think that's a slightly loaded question that is difficult to answer. Here's another one: If we slash the public sector, cut 250,000 jobs, stop investing, close Surestart, get rid of the Fire Brigade, reduce the police force by 40% and abandon road building projects and abandon capital projects, how will we reduce the welfare bill and how will we generate tax income, demand for houses or stimulate the High Street? It's a bugger's muddle.
  11. I guess we could either provide proper health care and long term support for veterans. Or I guess we could tell potential new young recruits that 40% of american homeless are military veterans with mental health problems and ask them to sign a waiver before they sign up. NHCV
  12. cheers, yes I saw that! I'm going to check it out again in a couple of weeks when hopefully it's died down a lttle
  13. I was a bit late to this party, been looking for a copy since Sunday and I've now admitted defeat.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWXQUhBsUVM&spfreload=10
  15. PISS OFF! Yeah, I heard Andy D and his missus were great again - next time man, next time. For me, the highlight of tonight was a full orchestra giving it the max for the music of 633 Squadron.
  16. that's interesting on rent vs mortgage costs other than the deposit problem, most definitely cheaper here in Vale of Glam to pay mortgage than to rent - hence the number of people still buying to rent which I'd presumed was something that died 6 years ago so those with cap can get a mortgage, buy a house and still be guaranteed higher rent than mortgage payments the 3 houses opposite mine are all paying £200 a month more to rent than the cost to buy - as ever, that extra is stopping them saving for a deposit I don't think I'm talking rubbish, i'm sure that's the case - even funnier the council just unilaterally decided to give them a free disabled parking space so now they're paying more and can't park - I just stand in the garden on weekends giving them the middle finger and pointing at my parking space and waving tenners at them
  17. St David's Hall tonight to see the Cardiff Philharmonic perform 'a night at the movies' Gone With The Wind King Kong Skyfall Gershwin in Hollywood The Sound of Music Ben Hur - Parade of the Charioteers and Star of Bethlehem Its a Wonderful Life The Cowboys Overture Star Wars Pink Panther (It had better be tonight) Hymn to the Fallen (Saving Private Ryan) The Longest Day Miss Marple
  18. Nice! Am I right in thinking they've sent it out to come back fast and see if the heat shield works? I think that was the whole point of this mission?
  19. This is clearly where I need a bit of old fashioned 'political re education'. My idea of my form of socialism is the opportunity to drink champagne for everyone. I'm not overly interested in warm flat beer and sliced white bread sandwiches. Which leads me to suspect I might have morphed over the years from militant to Blairite. But without the blood lust, obvs. Come to think of it, I'm off out to a classical music concert tonight and currently considering where to park the merc and where to have dinner....hmmm. I shall use Christmas to have a word with myself.
  20. The answer can be found in Robert Tressell's famous book, The Ragged-trousered Philanthropists. Tressell wrote that poverty was caused by a shortage of essential goods (food, clothing, shelter) and that productive capacity was wasted on producing useless luxuries for the rich, like Champagne. Champagne is particularly labour-intensive. So by consuming Champagne someone is helping to create a demand for a product which reduces the amount of essential goods available and therefore increases poverty. Therefore, socialists should not drink Champagne. I did not know this. Top referencing.
  21. nah, nobody thinks you're evil, far from it and personally I agree with stacks of your opinions, so they must be excellent opinions! We're all entitled to pitch in with our views and like everyone, you, me and all the others don't have a one party tick list of absolute agreement on all topics. I find some of these conversations really quite informative actually, but they definitely need multiple viewpoints to be chipped in. With ref your remark on where you grew up and the 'relative' poverty people experience today, that is really quite true of a lot of people. I think a few of us in this thread are at the point where we can give the 'when I were a lad' monologue so enjoyed by the yoof. In our house we have a drawer full of candles and matches ffs, just in case there's another winter of discontent. Plus an old school attitude to credit (except for houses and cars strangely, where we have a more modern approach to what we can afford). But yes it's a given that the poor of today are not as poor as the ones when we were kids. They are relatively worse off when measured against today's well off, but something tells me that's a bogus measure. Once you're safe, warm, fed and clothed the rest is just optional gravy and jam. Once we have everyone that wants to contribute safe, warm etc., then and only then can we consider tax breaks for skiing holidays for the under 12's.
  22. bad enough that twice this week I've had to miss Electric 6 and my mate was able to go and send me pictures tonight they covered Nightvision by SFA one of my fave songs by one of my fave bands covered by another fave band and I'm being sent texts about it whilst I'm putting the bins out oh yeah, and my nipper, when asked after the exam what the drums were like (by the proud drum kit owning drum teacher guy in his own mini studio set up): 'I didn't like the sticky pedal and I didn't really like the dynamics but they were ok' I was surprised at the answer, he looked gutted, hope it didn't influence the mark!
  23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnsjvqqjMfU
  24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEDaRFR2vKM
  25. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6T9qp9XbRY
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