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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. mushrooms can be shiitake love 'em all types, cooked, raw, stir fried, stuffed, fried up on a hot dog and used as bulk when you realise there wasn't enough chicken for that curry you already started making
  2. It's a works phone and laptop - they get the bills and data not me. Almost worth logging on to cockornocock just to see if anyone ever notices it...
  3. I think someone saw the word 'nazi' and thought, huh huh, huh huh, Germans got a sign with nazi on it. This would never have happened if we'd just stuck with pictures that looked a bit like cocks and fannies.
  4. white sliced, mayo, raw chestnut mushroom, white pepper mostly absent possibly the most bland experience you can have, I didn't fancy peanut butter or tuna and I wasn't just bringing out of date mince pies
  5. Mushroom sandwich? If it's not a psychedelic experience you're after, try Tartex. I thought tartex was something old people had on t'walls n ceilings? I'd clear given the pepper less of an express shake over the top of the mushroom and mayo concoction than I'd thought. All t'pepper was in one corner which made for a 75% dull, 25% ridiculous pepper hit experience. I shall be out in 25 mins looking for something with more of a bacon content. I'm off to check out the new location for Spillers Records, doesn't sound like they'll be open today but I'll push my face up against the glass and see how its shaping up. 4 years looking for new premises, they're finally moving from No 31 to No 27 in the same arcade!
  6. yep agree, but also agree with CED, they are made almost unwatchable on that awful channel by the sheer number and duration of ad breaks didn't bother with Zulu the other day for that very reason
  7. Have they ever had a car that's beaten them? I know they've had cars where they've taken a loss rather than the usual £100 profit. But has there ever been an episode where they are sat cross legged under, say, 65% of a rusty Jensen Interceptor and announced, 'you now what, bin it'.
  8. As predicted, I hit the wall at around 9:30am having eaten my lunch in the car at 6:45am On the plus side, I've just booked myself out for 'meetings and site visits' Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. I actually had a mushroom sandwich earlier, yeah, but hours later and still nothing's kicking in. Waitrose chestnut mushrooms. Crap.
  9. ok I've got a couple of CD's - it'd spoil the surprise to say what's on them, but it's vaguely country funky (I know, I know, brilliant), anybody interested, drop me a PM of the address, you know the score.
  10. I was thinking about putting Frannie on my deathpool list. He's upsetting a lot of the Vatican mafia and trying to dilute their power, I don't see him lasting long.
  11. What better thing to do on a dull, miserable, grey January day than slowly take down the Christmas decorations whilst supporting Aston Villa.
  12. I'd leave it another 15 minutes so you don't miss anything
  13. So this was the bright future spelled out on my free scarf all those years ago?
  14. I'm still in a large Egyptian river. Playing music, cooking cottage pie, planning a trip out shopping for nice things, scheduling watching the Villa game on some stream somewhere.
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50xx1_CbJTI
  16. I saw that and liked the look of it, saw the price said some thing to the missus, her exact words "I'll buy you the Lego one instead" Anyone know how I can get that to stand in a court of law? buy the lego, give her the receipt best case, she gives you the money worst case, you have legitimately bought the lego millenium falcon and she has gone back on the deal and you can make her feel bad - but you have it
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkjeAt0KrL8 The Disco Song, lovely lovely Sunday morning music. But 40 years old! 1975, now that is a bit scary.
  18. I genuinely thought he was called Lionel?
  19. I find it difficult to poke fun at soap watchers when I will happily sit up at 1:00am and watch: 2 blokes build a glass sided shed an episode of Family Guy I've already seen twice a fat bloke and a tall thin bloke rebuild an average car and sell it on at £150 profit old people talking aboutRAF bombers they flew in the 1960's that weren't that good but I digress, the point of my post: I was in a cafe doing the cake and coffee thing earlier, a bloke asked an old lady (easily in her 80's) if she was ok as her head was slumped and she hadn't moved for a while. She apologised, she had been playing a game on her phone under the table.
  20. I am genuinely convinced every year that this is the one.
  21. If somebody pulls out across a pavement I'm walking on, I'll go out of my way to stand really close to the car and block their view of whether anything is coming down the road. Slowing both of us down. Pavement rage.
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