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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Me too. What happens on holiday stays on holiday.
  2. I don't think that's the case Ruge. It's all just opinion and nobody is right or wrong, but I don't think anyone showing concern is dismissed as an ignorant racist. I have concerns and I don't think I'm particularly racist. I can understand you not wanting to go into town centres. I can understand it but I don't agree with it. Do you avoid the train and the tube and buses because of the London bombers that selected public transport? If they declare they will target computer users will you stop going to Currys. Personally, I refuse to let the scum tell me where I can shop and socialise. If anybody wants me tomorrow, I'll be in Whitehall, Putney and Wimbledon. I'll be shopping, having meetings and meeting friends for a coffee. Wary and concerned? Yes. Changing my way of life because that's what they want? **** 'em.
  3. yeah, that's a good point. Best of luck and all that.
  4. If I had a quid for every time that's happened to me.
  5. A couple of others have kinda beaten me to it, but what are the peace lovers of any description supposed to do about it exactly? Other than hope their example is taken up? If peace loving Pakistani's of any or no religion were to ask us what we do when American drones bomb family weddings, how good would our answer be? But we can trade clever examples all day, killers are mental scum. It's a mess, radical islam can't win but it can spread lots of misery for a long time.
  6. I've just seen where Bournemouth are in the league. In my head, they were bobbing along somewhere around 12th in Div 1.
  7. The reason non Muslim European people get so uncomfortable about that particular religion being critically examined is because most of its followers are not white. I'm not so sure about that. It's certainly a bit sweeping. I'm a white european, I can't say I've got any interest in what colour a muslim is. But then, I guess I mustn't presume my thoughts are universally accepted, automatically true and violently right. We can all see where that leads today.
  8. I'd say the only sensible response is to find out what article or cartoon was capable of causing such offence to them and buy it. Buy it, blog it, post it and re tweet it and stick it on lamposts and park benches.
  9. Whoever's house it is, it's fun to piss on the bathroom carpet just a little bit every now and again. So you know you're a free man.
  10. oooooooh!!!!! tape to tape high speed dubbing Forgot all about tape to tape - I did have that at some point, but I don't think it was on that first one, as you say, it was probably around 2003 I got that one, 2 for 1 deal with my Betamax set up.
  11. I think you mis heard Snowy if you think he called you a plucky Brit. But Great! I get to shoot my own poor people and then replace them with Mexicans.
  12. Yeah, I was just trying to keep the war going between Tony and Snowy but without obviously taking sides. I love them both.
  13. At the very end of The Jam, so about 1982 / 83 from memory?? They stayed at the hotel I was working at and they had a ghetto blaster / brixton briefcase. I was very very taken with this - and with the reggae tape that was constantly playing on it in the bar of the hotel that they'd taken over. At the end of the stay their roadie gave me the tape, plus a tip of about £60 (a month's wages for me back then). I went out and got me a big old Panasonic blaster, cassette player, big radio dial like the one above AND critically I took it apart and 'customised' it. Just like the Jam had done. Took off one speaker cover and wrote on the cone (as above), painted it, covered it in stickers and snapped a few bits off. Really kicked it about before I took it out. My mum went ballistic. Battery life made me sad.
  14. What is this elevator of which you speak , it's called a lift , unless you are American in which case she would have got off on the first floor I suspect she's been getting off on many many floors.
  15. You need to respect the culture, it's the only way for true love to flourish and for her to be able to trust you in the longer term and, hopefully, over time once married she will be able to commit to you fully with mind and body. Just do everything, every step of the way, the right way. Start off by asking to see her father in private. Explain that you have grown fond of this girl and that through her you have grown to respect the whole family and that you believe you can someday add to the family and make them proud of you. Then offer to buy her off him.
  16. he died in the mid 1960's, but I believe they found another one
  17. some forms of cancer are actually random as it turns out
  18. An ill considered gif here could lead to a sanitised version of a 'Paddy's things that cheer you up' thread being required!
  19. Health service provision needs to stop pushing for the next big thing. The bigger cleverer 3D scanner of ever smaller things whilst prescribing more and more mind bogglingly expensive drugs. Rather than finding another way of spending £8,000,000 on a machine that will help 100 people survive and take £150 prescriptions for the next 10 years they need to get back to staffing hospitals with cleaners and nurses and checking the old have access to a glass of water. We have hospitals full of grubby scanner suites and car parks full of ambulances with nowhere to drop off the patients.
  20. I tend to use Waitrose most frequently because they actually employ staff. Also by a quirk of them inheriting the car park off someone else the parking spaces are 300mm wider than Tesco's. Tesco use the absolute minimum parking space sizing. The gigantic Tesco out on the motorway junction that closed dozens of small local shops did so with the half hearted apology it was bringing a couple of hundred (low paid part-time) jobs. Funny thing is, a few years later and the Tesco vampire has decided it doesn't need staff we can all self scan and pay a little machine. Same at the local Asda - you can interact with a person at a till if you really want to, but you'll be made to queue - a lot. Scum, the pair of them. Plus they are still horrible Clients to work for. I think I'm in a bit of a lucky position, but I'm also buying my meat from a couple of local butchers. How posh am I !!! Nah, it's actually cheaper and better quality (no injected water) if you can make the time to shop for it separately, which not everyone can. I find you can struggle to fry off Morrisons meat due to all the water that comes out of it.
  21. send text suggesting the transfer is on and the house in Digbeth can be cleared and cleaned in time for January signing - welcome to the Villa
  22. December 23rd my local Morrisons had a Stranglers CD merrily playing away!
  23. 16 pages about mushrooms and still nobody makes the fun guy joke we are proper sophisticates
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