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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. 'vote for policies' only appears to be relevant to england, unfortunately.
  2. Coda, I left out the Greens deliberately! But it was to wind up Bickster, not you. So apologies. Feel free to vote green, you spoilt, feckless, pale skinned, selfish, pot smoking child of the privileged middle classes who lives walking distance from a subsidised train station and only ever needs to go to meetings walking distance from subsidised train stations and likes having the lights on at night but doesn't like coal, or oil, or gas, or nuclear, or shale, or wood chip ....
  3. it's actually really simple: would you consider yourself a relatively normal person, of relatively normal ability and aspiration, with a desire for things to be more or less fair, overall? yes, I think I'm an honest chap that likes to rub along seeking incremental improvements for the majority - vote Labour / Plaid no, I'm a money grabbing selfish cock jockey that would do somebody down just for the satisfaction of observing their plight - vote Conservative / UKIP I really don't know what to think, I'd prefer a group of other grown ups to tell me to do their dirty work, a bit like being the fag in a gang - Lib Dem
  4. Would you really influence your daughters voting habits ? I couldn't tell you the voting habits of any of my family , and whilst at 10 my son is a bit young to vote I don't think I'd be trying to influence him ,not that he'd listen anyway , he's got my stubborn genes in him I've told my kids that they are free to vote how they like. They are also free, should they select one of the Daily Mail, twitchy eyed, god save da queen, selfish capitalist pig parties to pay full fair going market rate for their food, room and admin support.
  5. I deliberately don't have i-tunes or any downloadable music accounts I have to sign up to and put card details into. If I could instant access and possess any song I fancied on a whim, for just 59p, I'd be bankrupt by mid July. It's all about learning to live with your addictions.
  6. It does end up consuming more time than it should doesn't it? Have to confess, mine is a little crudely done, I tried a different piece of cheapo software and it didn't work it all sound a bit muffled. So I reverted to the 'power dvd' software installed on the laptop, that made it all sound violently compressed into the middle with no volume. So I did it again just using old school straightforward windows copy and paste software and it was the best result. But no fading in our out possible - so a bit clunky. Seat, 'intrigued' ha! ha! I want a full in depth written critique on every piece once you've listened to it all several times in several different locations beginning the listening experience in several different moods. Then we'll see which way the word intrigued tips! I had a mixtape (not from this forum), that survived from the office car park to a roundabout about a mile down the road. The experience went something like: insert.....press play.......skip........skip........skip......skipskipskip......eject.......window down.......launch.
  7. Probably explins the stampede to live in Spain and Maderia In a slightly cruel prank on both of them, I recently told a tory canvasser that whilst I was an absolute definite violent 'no' for the conservatives, my wife was a potential vote. That she would either vote tory or, possibly not vote. This should ensure they give her lots of attention and leafleting over the next few months. I just hope I'm there when she answers the door or the phone to them.
  8. Well, yes and no. Ignoring which side anyone might be on and just going on the principle of it, I live in a constituency that has 'changed sides' 5 times in the last 30 years where in one election (1992) the Conservatives won by about 20 votes - having organised a campaign of getting about 400 ex-pats to postal vote. So I have opinions that might appear slightly un democratic on letting people vote that don't even live in the area. I recall articles in the local paper from people living in Spain and Madeira (I don't know why Madeira!), telling the good people of my drizzly grey town how they should be voting. I was young and found it quite irkesome. I promised myself that I'd never do that. And sure enough....I still live here.
  9. as long as they all have real hands in the close up shots and one set of hands has to be black
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HG0SHf5mrb8 rumours of a return as support for the Manics I've already been promised that if this happens I've got a ticket! I don't dare to dream to believe the rumour or the promise.
  11. did Xann get that dog toy for you by any chance?
  12. What? “Explaining a joke is like dissecting a frog. You understand it better but the frog dies in the process.”
  13. I've just broken my National Panasonic headphones. The word 'National' might tell you how old they are / were. They were probably older than half the people on this forum. Pretty gutted actually.
  14. Caernarfon Town 8:0 Barry Town August 2003 Right at the start of the season the club went into receivership and everyone on the payroll walked or ran away. The fans had to break in to the office to get access to paperwork to be able fulfil fixtures. We got on the phones and got busy recruiting volunteer players and manager and secretary, sorting out registrations, organising replacement kit as some had gone missing. We then had to get together £700 cash up front to organise a bus for the players to get them to the game. We paid for the bus, sorted them out kit, organised food. We then organised a fleet of cars for supporters to follow them up. Lost 8:0, and sang for the full 90 minutes. I'm not sure the home team had ever given a team quite such a battering only to see the opposition fans and players hugging and clapping each other at the end. We completed the fixture, then the next, then the next losing all the way and stayed in existence.
  15. vast video advertising screen on a building in the smog of Beijing replicant of a film I once saw
  16. compulsory!?!?! why you're no better than they are...
  17. The one I linked went for a grand! that's in effect a waste of £1k as its value will be almost zero in the months to come You'd be off your head to be caught paying that much...
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHvyKsduiFc full band with dancers, first time in a while, should be lively possibly slightly NSFW
  19. Whats the crack with that then? Is that par for the course in the Orthodox press. short version is I think it's orthodox Jews being clearings in the woods in the name of religion ..... Apparently it's a similar problem to the one the Saudi's have with females driving cars. If they show pictures of females, some men might use those pictures to judge their own wives superficially and realise they've been short changed in the 'not looking like a dead horse' department. This can subsequently lead to the men being less sexually interested in their own woman that they bought fairly and squarely. This in turn, obviously, can lead to accidental homosexuality. This in turn is why the Egyptian army have had to invent a cure for AIDS / HIV, which I'm guessing is now top secret as they went quiet on that one recently when asked for any scientific validation they might have. It's just easier to cut out the pictures of women than risk it.
  20. I've seen the cover a couple of times and what little news I've seen in the last 24 / 48 hours has all been BBC. I suspect they are being selective and not putting it on the 1pm and 6pm main news but sticking it out on the 'serious' programmes like Newsnight or Hardtalk with a viewing audience of 7 intellectuals, 4 labour party wonks and a bloke in Wales with loads of sketches to draw up that's indulging in activity displacement waiting for Family Guy to start.
  21. They are taken at a slightly different angela?
  22. I had to carry out a survey somewhere moderately secure yesterday. Put my bag through their security and it flashed up. I had two cameras in there and Mr Security Man told me I couldn't take cameras in. I explained the whole point of my visit was to take photos, at their request, so that would be a bit of a show stopper. He had a little think, then asked me why I needed two cameras. I said I probably didn't need both. His most excellent compromise, he took one camera off me and issued me with a receipt and I got to keep the other one. Everybody happy.
  23. According to a radio report this morning, people were out early queuing outside newsagents across France. The only logical response. If you don't agree with the content just buy it and stick it in the recycling, unread.
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