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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. 'there's only one Kofi Poyser, one Kofi Poyserrrrrrrr'
  2. Isn't supporting a party you know to have some truly bonkers ideas just the other swing of the pendulum from supporting UKIP on one issue, hoping all the gay weather and making sluts clean behind the fridge stuff goes away once enough other people vote for them? If somebody on here put their head over the parapet and said they supported UKIP because of their stance on 'x' but accepted lots of the stuff was simply bollocks they'd get ridiculed wouldn't they?
  3. There would be no need for extra 'ammunition' against islamic terrorists, governments pretty much have an open cheque book from their populace to do whatever they want in the name of that cause. Going directly after jihadists would give most governments a popularity boost. So setting them up would be pointless. Using an opportunity to get rid of Hebdo, well, I'd have thought a bomb in the office or a single street attack would be cleaner. Days of running around and hostage taking is just too messy and involves too many people and logistics to keep quiet. Nah, no conspiracy on this one.
  4. yeah apparently the older ones were considered at 3.5% too low to bother paying off, so these oldest 'debts' apparently still exist - but might now get settled in any 12 month period I can understand not paying as the interest doesn't work out, but you'd imagine after the first 40 or 60 or 100 years somebody would work out this is all getting a bit Wonga
  5. it's certainly a point the Greeks would happily explore in a bit more detail! Tenuously linked to this, I heard on BBC R4 tonight that we still pay off interest every year from perpetual loans, including one we took out for £2B to fight World War 1 I couldn't help thinking it was doubly odd that firstly we were still paying interest on a 100 year old debt, but secondly, what immoral scum bucket nebulous bank / market / country would lend money to fight a war on perpetual interest? To put it in perspective, they then mentioned that we've also still been paying back interest for money borrowed to get over the 1711 South Sea Bubble. Just have a little think about that. We still pay interest for a loan taken out to bail out 'the market' from a disastrous piece of economic business 304 years ago. We are being right royally had and being overcharged for the privilege.
  6. Best of luck on the adventure. Be best mates. I've also now been ratted up by my kids who've told their mum we went out in the car deliberately skidding around in circles on ice. They loved it, they agreed it was a secret. They told her within 2 minutes of getting home.
  7. chrisp65

    Top Gear

    I presume on this occasion they didn't accidentally write 'Putin is a murdering cock jockey gangster' on any of the cars?
  8. it's a combination of both on the old mixed recycling metal and glass are easy to split out by machine as is paper and card, plastics are a bit more tricky and involve some hand picking but then, the majority of it just appears to be baled up and stock piled just outside Liverpool from what I've seen recently, I think they must be trying to build some sort of scouse version of Giza
  9. 3 out of 3 da iawn, very good
  10. I haven't listened to the video yet, I'll do that later. I'm guessing it's UKIP mental but for hippies.
  11. Care to let us know the location? Always on the lookout for somewhere half decent for somewhere to eat in South Wales. Sorry, didn't want to do the whole food critic schtick. El Puerto down on Penarth Marina. I've been there a few times and it's consistently excellent. It's not the cheapest, but it's lively, relaxed and just very good food. It's essentially a steak and fish restaurant where you go to the counter, you see and choose the raw ingredients and they cook it for you. No menu as such, everything is on display and the fish you point at is the one you get. First timers can get a bit flustered by the hustle and bustle and oddity of the ordering process. Secret is to remember you're in charge and take your time. Between four of us we did mussels / gravadlax / chorizo / calamari as starters - all declared excellent Main course was venison steak / medallions of beef / seafood / bass = again all declared excellent Desserts were all suitably heavy sticky pies for the boys and strawberries for the girls
  12. open goal here for Tony if he's paying attention
  13. they've taken their feta into their own hands
  14. I can't **** believe what **** world some people live in.
  15. you will use your vote as the market warns you to
  16. France all of it except one little bit down by Jardin de Luxembourg, that's for cheese eating surrender monkeys
  17. the architect needed a non-slip surface for the children's play area, so used 57,000 Everite asbestos cement tiles ah, the good old days When I was a kid I used to mould all year round snowmen or bike ramps out of the white 'papier mache' stuff that glooped out of the rusting steam trains once the rain had peeled back the outer case of the boilers - turns out that was asbestos too!
  18. cheaper than London, if that's any comparison just don't sit outside cafe's on obviously touristy main streets - that costs money - everything else is 'normal expensive' if you know what I mean oh, and if a chap offers you a one euro bottle of water - there's a good chance it came out of the Seine so check it's sealed and doesn't have leaves in it
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZhysyhUL9k
  20. we need to play it into the corner flag now and see out the last few 30 minutes
  21. So if Labour or a different non tory coalition get in we'll have a demonstrable better health service and education system and better anticipation of what's needed in defence? Something tells me that wouldn't be the case. Something tells me they would have marginally different ideas, touted as radical, but of equally poor foundation and be equally poorly executed and show up a different part of the whole plan where its now worse due to an unforeseen circumstance of their tinkering. Obviously, if in 5 years time things are better and fairer then I'll be totally chuffed to have been proved wrong. I see the point about the need to react to world events, I don't see much evidence of this having been done successfully under the current system. We're always preparing for the previous war, be that in health, education, or literally in the case of defence.
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