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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. the 1960 Bowden Spacelander (courtesy of @BrutalHouse on that twitter)
  2. I'm eating mince pies and I'm drinking whisky.
  3. I watched the whole video. He said a lot of words quite fast and some of them sounded clever. But I don't think he actually came out with one coherent 'fact' that was of any earthly use. I googlied him too, got a lot of fans on David Icke's forum.
  4. best of luck and best wishes and al that Xela lad, keep your chin up and give the anal lego challenge a rest for a little while
  5. This behaviour is why the terrorists are winning. it's no coincidence that if you take the letters of loaf and re arrange them and swap the f for an e, you have ebola you've got to add a b as well
  6. hmmmm it's poor form in this thread to comment on others choices, but that comment above your choice might be a contentious view anyway, here's a picture of my fave genius artist
  7. Perhaps before we all post funny pictures of tin foil hats you could please explain what your point is. I've clicked on each of those links and tried to have a little read, but they were a little incoherent. Any chance of an idiot's or dummies guide to your point?
  8. one of my problems with the Green Party is something that is becoming more and more apparent locally they don't want nuclear fuel, in itself a fairly standard view they also don't want fracking, well, again that's quite a popular view we have to move away from coal and oil, ok, yep no shock news there but locally they've also opposed a local power station big enough to run the town, which would burn waste - nope, opposed to that there was a planning application for a power station burning wood chip waste from forestry - nope, opposed that there is a plan to build a barrage to harness wave and tidal power - nope, that will have an adverse affect on wading birds is the plan to be anti everything and mop up every nimby grouping without them noticing they will, by default, be using far more tallow candles in 10 years time? I know buttercups and wading birds are really nice to look at, but I'm just not sure we can run an economy on individual garden mounted wind turbines. Happy to be put right on the energy side of things by those that know, here to learn.
  9. 07788 412511 sexy chat when I've finished my tea
  10. had to get this today having stumbled across the basement session on youtube yesterday vinyl, plus physical CD plus picture book, so that was a nice prezzy to myself
  11. received! that's this evening sorted, looks tasty, cheers
  12. ha ha! The Automatic - I know their mums! no, really.
  13. we have impeccable taste they love us except I might be the only one that likes Sparks? will catch them live eventually, I always seem to look out for them 3 months after they've toured https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlCtZRqYAIk&list=PL468812E94A130B30&index=52
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpPQqOblIys
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyjSelgTeRs&list=PL0B99F2A77C7E6D91&index=4
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_d8NhNmiRs
  17. Never heard it called that before... "Hey baby, wanna go out for a ham and egg pub lunch?" "OK, but pull my nighty down, when you're done." Ham and Egg hang on hang on I didn't play poorly on any holes thank you very much.
  18. I worked from home today. My missus worked from home today. Was a good day - even went out for a ham egg and chips pub lunch.
  19. and lo, the Phunnay Green Nutters thread did begin...
  20. What I find weird, is how just about all coal was cheaper, yet we were exporting it. Guess we must have been exporting it at a loss? We were producing it at a loss Yet in 1980, of the 128,000,000 metric tonnes produced, nearly 100,000,000 mt's was for use in nationalised power stations and nationalised industries. So this 'loss' is not quite that clear cut. It's a bit of a paper exercise, like when British Gas sells itself gas at a price that means they have to put up prices. But we could toss the figures back and fore all evening I guess, with little chance of anyone changing their mind. We now import a significant portion of our fuel from Russia and middle eastern states. That's a massively risky way of pursuing the 'cheapest' deal.
  21. yup, the squidgy sweet fruit of a blackberry isn't for the baby plant seed to eat
  22. I quite like the Cortado that Costa do at the moment, it's basically an espresso with a little warm milk added (so not unlike a macchiato). But I have to order it in a larger cup than they want to give it in, so that it fits in my cup holder. This in turn freaks them out, they see a big cup and feel the need to keep filling it.
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