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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. just your typical end of evening bit of bird song and hawiian slide guitar
  2. Neil Cowley Diane Coffee Ugly Duckling Dunn Pearson Jr Lee Hazelwood stand out stuff throughout but these guys are already ripped onto another CD
  3. I had new central heating and a boiler and all sorts installed earlier in the week plus we got Brit Gas to come along and fit us up with their 'hive'. It's early days, but it's bloody brilliant! I never thought I could get so much satisfaction from sitting in the car and remotely turning up the heating in the house for when I get home. Little things, and all that.
  4. Sunderland has done rather well well out of Nissan thanks to Thatcher and the tax deal she struck with Nissan in order to get the plant there ... I guess Nissan could have paid full whack , I guess they could have built their plant in Rennes instead ... instead Nissan got a tax break , Sunderland got a bit of a boost , people got jobs and weren't being paid benefits and of course the government got extra tax income from the people that were employed .... so the £30m that Thatcher let Nissan off has probably paid dividends in the long run now I understand people are struggling and want to sit in Starbucks typing furiously into the interweb on a laptop they purchased online from Amazon and demand these evil corporations pay more ... but sometimes it's not just about the tax being paid ... companies have and will continue to re-locate if the deal is right ... heck I helped move 2 banks from the City to Canary Wharf .. they didn't relocate because the scenery was nice , they went because they were given 5 year rent free leases ... and then other banks followed , the jubilee line was built and the rest is history ok that's a very simplistic view on it , but personally I don't wake up in the morning worrying if IBM have changed their Dutch offshore tax avoidance scheme or if Amazon are channelling the money the labour party pay them to an account in Luxembourg Come on Tony, surely you can see their are different things at play here. I'm all for regeneration zones and rent free periods - my last 3 office moves around the country have been on the back of such incentives and yes, we've used the money saved to employ a couple of people. What doesn't then happen with the company I work for, is we don't employ them on wages so low the UK tax payer has to top them up, whilst making 'no' profit so paying no tax because we buy all our paperclips from our Bermuda based paperclip specialist, owned by us, but charging £250,000 per clip. We also don't have one person sat in Ireland writing out the invoices so all those UK sales never were UK sales. You must be able to see the difference? I always presume people can see the difference so apologies if you don't.
  5. I don't dispute that they often appear legal, right up to the point people realise they were duped by that nasty accountant and lawyer team they hired to look for tax breaks. No, I don't have that big a problem with people paying the minimum tax legally possible. Why pay more? It would be verging on the idiotic. I oppose the loop holes, ifs, buts, and deliberately shadey areas left in tax rules to allow wriggle room for people with so much money, they can employ people to find some space for dance floor on the head of a pin. Close the loop holes, or accept that the rich are better and more deserving than the poor.
  6. The thing is with labour it seems that there will be tax rises and i think that would just cause further damage agreed, we should never raise taxes, we should cut taxes, especially for the rich and big companies - just cut more services and benefits in the name of austerity otherwise Amazon and Apple and Starbucks and the guy running Boots might leave given a choice of maintaining libraries or giving Amazon whatever they want there is only one logical choice
  7. we had a new kid in our school turned up calling them 'pumps' weirdo
  8. I'm just seeing the same thing there. Except one pair have been used for sport and one for lurking around shopping centres.
  9. So, Tristram Hunt, son of Baron Hunt of Chesterton, educated at University College Independent School London (and then on to Trinity College, Cambridge where he joined footlights etc etc), just tried to put down the tory education secretary because she went to private school and was taught by 'nuns'. Tristram, he's just one of us.
  10. Nat Bennett was on Radio 4 earlier today, on the little 5 minute slot they do mid afternoon where a reporter takes a party grandee out for lunch and an informal chat. NB came over as a really nice normal grounded person and spoke openly about her background and it was all going genuinely well. They discussed the death of her mum and it was quite touching. Then, the interviewer referenced those 'odd' policies such as allowing membership of AQ etc.. After that car crash of an interview we've all seen on youtube, she was basically given the softest of apologetic questions as an opportunity for a second bite of the cherry. Her response was jumbled waffle about how it was possibly an old policy, nobody knew how old, it might be about the ANC and anyway, that sort of policy was dependant on the situation at any one time. Being a soft puff interview she wasn't picked up on this truly awful answer. She didn't defend the policy or disown it, she said nobody knew where it had come from and it's validity would depend on the situation at the time. WHAT? Was she saying you are welcome to join AQ, but if a bus bomb goes off we might change our mind and come after you - because I think we only meant this to apply to Mr Mandela? She needs a couple of intense days of interview training pretty bloody quickly. She will be destroyed in a debate should one of the other leaders prove to be slightly competent...
  11. Maybe you're just not as busy as some other people are? maybe it depends on the content of the e-mail if you get e-mails asking for something simple, that's simple if you get an e-mail saying 'please proceed with the design and build of that new hospital the size of a small town', then you could well be busy the rest of the morning on just that one e-mail
  12. Doesn't that kind of suggest that the solution doesn't work? Or at least it does work, but in order to make it work are you actually suggesting a complete genocide of everyone fighting for ISIS or that might become ISIS in future, including those that used to be AQ and the modern equivalent of the woman picked up in 2005? In short, I think we need a different solution and yours sounds a bit too close to the final solution for my liking. don't forget the 11 year old brothers of combatants, the 7 year old sons of combatants, the 45 year old fathers and uncles of combatants, their wives, their admirers, the wannabes, the mentally frail, the curious psychos, the recruiting sargeants and the internet preachers, the guys that whisper in their ear in youth custody centres and the guy that sells the dvd's.....they've all got to go
  13. **** you Old joke is old. And not subtle enough. Mine was perfectly nuanced. yep, fair play, too tired this week but you're not getting a like oh no, I shall wait, and wait, and wait. Then one day, for no obvious reason I shall destroy you. Destroy you so totally that you have to start a new life on TBAR.
  14. in the interest of balance, here's Derek Brockway, issuing a yellow snow warning
  15. No mate, not the main reason, just a consideration, especially if the missus is out in it. From what I've heard, Honda's warranty is one of the better ones. I get one every few weeks, perks of the job. punctures and windscreen chips for me I stick Continentals on because they are quieter (than say, Bridgestone), but they wear quite quickly, so when I get a puncture as well I can really churn through the tyres. I guess I average a full set slightly quicker than annually, 10 months or so. Current car is on its 3 windscreen in 4 years.
  16. practise your 'standing around a bit, looking slightly sullen' with Christian Benteke excellent for use on bus stops and for looking suspicious but unthreatening
  17. When the guy calling to try and persuade you back as a business customer accidentally refers to them Liverpool...this club is ****. He did correct himself very quickly in all fairness, but dear oh dear.
  18. Could we all talk about something more knitting or dancing orientated for CED please. What's the best colour flowers for a table display in a room predominantly painted springtime urine gold?
  19. Xela, all the style of a BMW, european, metallic paint, alloys most people probably won't even notice you've changed cars... the dream that is the Pug 1007
  20. 2 door car by any chance? serves you right get some kids in the back (best they're yours or you have permission), then you'll have to swap to 4 shorter doors
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