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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. I've got a horrible feeling they are going to be made an example of. Perhaps they should start with small symbolic actions. Get a few hundred bus loads of volunteers and quite literally drive them to Germany and tell them they are there for the better life. Pointing out the other 1,500 coaches will be along in a month, then another 1,500 buses every week until something significant changes.
  2. genitals first, chips second (once I'd given it a rinse out)
  3. Country CD - excellent. Didn't have that Johnny Cash track (I'm relatively new to Mr Cash) and yes, it is excellent. Waylon Jennings was another stand out, I think i'm going to have to search out some more Waylon. There's quite as substantial C&W section in a local second hand record store and I'm going to be in town for a few days next week. Psych / Rockabilly CD - struggled with that a bit if I'm honest. Enjoyed the Cramps - you nearly had them on the CD I sent out. From memory, I think Link Wray might have been on there too. Rebel Son were also great. But the rest, I'll have to have another listen another day. But overall, stacks of top stuff! I think I did rather well out of this whole exercise. Roll on next time (but give me a chance to find some stuff first).
  4. See, it's Sunday morning and my brain is all a bit fuzzy. Is this still a knockabout play fight? Or have people got to the stage where it starts to turn and somebody ends up crying?
  5. Guinness is ok, it has its place. But I do prefer Brains Black. Sometimes Guinness can taste a bit 'thin', but I guess that might be because it's the UK version I'm drinking?
  6. I'm gonna have to come out here and declare myself ANTI short sleeves and gloves.
  7. It really isn't 'secret', but it is really good. If you don't want to stump up for subscription just drop me £10 and I'll PM you the best stuff.
  8. yeah, just demolished some toast big toast, hacked off a proper loaf and toasted in our shiny new 4 slice toaster looks like we're going back for more...
  9. well this is all getting very confusing
  10. you can't upset me, we've just made coffee and chunky buttery toast (obviously this post is aimed squarely at Paddywhack)
  11. yeah, I think you're right I can't claim to be a Redcar specialist, last time looks like a protest vote, new candidates all round Looks like a Labour win from here. Possibly best of both worlds for Pinkney and the RMT, they get to put a marker down without too much actual damage - that's my hunch.
  12. Redcar is an interesting one. Traditionally a 'comfortable' Labour seat won last time by the Lib Dems. Given the attitude of the electorate to the Lib Dems you'd think it should be one for Labour to win back. Not least because the current MP is standing down, so they have a new (26 year old) candidate. A few thousand votes for the Greens could contrive to keep the seat LibDem.
  13. I didn't go to Uni myself, started as trainee in IT around 1998 but by that time I was building up computers etc since Windows 95 came out and then Windows 98 and gained my Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer and other IT qualifications from 2000. Don't think Uni is the be all of everything is my personal view, I have been IT Contracting the last 3 years (Left a perm job to go long term IT contracting) and earning a good rate of pay. I wouldn't listen to what the guy says who said you only can earn big bucks if you went to Uni. No uni for me either and barely any GCSE's! Started as an office junior in my first job earning £6k a year in 1997! Bounced around a few jobs until joined my current employers in 2002. Got where I am today by nothing but hard work and working my way up the corporate ladder into my current role. I don't think Uni would have helped me at all. No full time Uni for me, did a degree about 4 years ago in my spare time whilst working, because I had one Client that would only pay top rate for my work if I was 'qualified'. So I qualified, BSc (Hons) and charged top rate for exactly the same work they were getting before, by the same person they were getting it from. Left school with 'o' level english language and 'o' level art, both C grades. I didn't particularly enjoy school.
  14. don't know where don't know when but I know we'll score again some sunny day.....
  15. I've just popped in to give out a load of likes 'cos I'm just **** happy
  16. all true I shall go and sit on the naughty chair for a while and think about what I've said
  17. There's a bronze bust of Thomas Hitzlsperger in the billiard room of the lodge. yeah, but in the best tradition of snobs, socialites, tories, rich bastards and the establishment: he's alright - it's the others I was referring to
  18. I'm particularly fond of the 'say something outrageously offensive about Coda or MctW' thread. The stuff people think of in there!
  19. it smells of polite society, success, proper manners and respect for authority in there not like here, where your post could end up jostled next to, next to, well frankly next to somebody from a council estate or eastern europe or a homosexualant we were all thinking it, I just said it
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