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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Tony, Yes, should've gone to Baku, but just like the Kiev visit the team visited an orphanage. Unlike the Kiev visit, the orphanage was after the game - a lesson learnt when the team went to the Ukrainian orphanage before the game and it just mentally destroyed a few of the players. Took a mass of clothes and pens and pencils and toys on those trips. Players left everything there except the clothes they were stood up in. Saw the photos when they came back, just horrific. Another fascinating fact: First time Dynamo Kiev came and played in Barry they flew their own water supply and food in too! They had no idea what it was like and didn't want to run the risk of it being some backward third world shit hole...
  2. t'was a fitting tribute ---------- 13 years ago for the Porto gig! bleedin' nora jeesh, fruit flies like bananas and all that had some good times - I organised the fans bus to the Boavista game one year we got back 3 days late (superbock lager with tumblers of sherry as chasers) and I was grounded by my missus
  3. I'm sure you already know, but Barry Town beat Shamkir of Azerbaijan home and away in a Champions League Qualifier. The match, in Baku, was the furthest Barry ever travelled for a competitive first team fixture, Barry winning both legs 1:0 Barry were knocked out in the next qualifying round by FC Porto, despite winning the home leg 3:1 had Barry pulled off an away win or draw they'd have been in the Champs League proper! As a glory hunter, I gave the Baku trip a swerve, but was there for Porto home and away! carry on...
  4. they're in the play offs against those other europeans, Azerbaijan and Israel
  5. looking at the picture, you could be right, her head was on sideways so that would have had inherent breathing and feeding issues but then, they have put her on the current season of Donald Trump's American Celebrity Apprentice (no, really) so she could still be alive it's a bugger's muddle, that's what it is
  6. No, I think that just refers to the dates she recorded the songs on that CD.
  7. VT is not real life. I was just on a conference call and I was asked if I could do Rugeley on Monday evening. To which my response was 'wayheyyy!' Which was greeted with silence....
  8. hmmm, a quick but tough round of negotiating and it turns out I'm nominated driver for the trip out to The Forum for the gig on 27th Feb I suspect it was a fit up. Nevermind, 2 weeks to put together a CD of 'driving through London at night' music...
  9. purely because I'd left it in the laptop quite like Iced Honey but some (most) tracks are a bit tough on the ears next up:
  10. As in Werner Herzog the fictional paper selling company in 'The Office'?
  11. chrisp65


    If you get yourself down to Reading on Monday 31st August you can pick up 1,527 free Halfords and Argos £10 tents, one careful owner.
  12. Yep, watched the first two of BCS so far and it was fine. Interesting to see those other characters already popping in to the story.
  13. chrisp65


    yep, Just go to Go Outdoors, join up for the discount, and buy the big tent they have on special offer that week. Then wander around deciding whether you really need that hands free headtorch, helmet mounted camera and velcro pants.
  14. I'm sure it's been mentioned here before, but a ConLab coalition? The only reason they wouldn't do it, is because it would shatter the illusion of choice.
  15. Skoda? Isn't that an Audi for people that would rather spend their money on something other than a badge?
  16. it does have balletic qualities! you know that's a representational picture of the VT nerd elves doing something technical, you're teasing me picture came first, from @BrutalHouse a brutalist design account, had to think of something to write to stick with it
  17. tory in 'blame the unemployed' shocker!
  18. I hadn't appreciated the mansion tax only applied in London, presumed it was national. Will that be a bad thing though? Won't it potentially mean some of the wealthy push out around the country and spread the wealth map?
  19. Lambert sacked. Good to see bandwidth protected for our ballet appreciation thread in the toffs section.
  20. we have no idea what the strategy is for the club, we don't know what makes Lerner tick, we don't know what he really wants so best of luck guessing what manager he'll pick out of the tombolla
  21. just as a point from earlier, a quick bit of basic 'wiki' googling re the nazi's: early on they got the churches on side, had treaties and agreements with the catholic church as their power grew they closed down churches, arrested and / or executed up to 6,000 catholic priests 'Kirchenaustritte' allowed the people to 'de register' from church. In 1937 / 38 / 39 over 400,000 were members of churches - by 1944 this was down to 23,000 religion in nazi germany anyway, having done a little reading, the jury is out and confused I'll stop this diversion well off topic here, apologies.
  22. I clicked on that link and it offered me live webchat with Harriet Harman next Thursday. What kind of sicko are you choffer? ffs the comments underneath are equally brilliant: 'dinosaurs, pirates, cowboys, they're all bastards!'
  23. There is? 40% on anything over 45k? 20% for anything under it? yes what? I'm not claiming to have just invented that idea, I'm saying that's how it would be if I was in charge.
  24. I don't think it's an absence of belief in a god that causes militancy in some. I think its a recognition that others are different and therefore a threat. A 'belief' or fear of others taking over. Whether the others are roma, muslim, gay whatever there are people happy to identify them as different and therefore a threat and therefore legitimate targets. I agree, I've never heard of people militantly proclaiming their violent atheism. But then I've never looked for any evidence of that either, something in the back of my mind tells me there was a nazi campaign along the lines of 'you are either a christian or a nazi', but that's hazy so I won't use it as an example. One for looking up later. But by the same token, plenty of non-religious people have killed the religious because those people have self identified as different or non-compliant in some way. From all the usual examples that are wheeled out, Stalin, Pol Pot etc. Not religious themselves but happy to kill others that had a belief in a different system to the one they were peddling at the time. But then, my own personal 'belief' is that of all these people that kill in the name of their god, the majority don't really believe in it anyway. It's a prop, a gang, a tribe, a legitimacy.
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