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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Roses are red, violets are blue, show us your tits Roses are red, violets are blue, here's my knife, get in the van any others?
  2. Presumably you brought up Bentleys because your postman drives one ? it was an example of an expensive car you really don't have to be upper class to drive one
  3. my internet history is going to start looking a bit weird
  4. Class? We haven't been talking about social 'class' have we? Nah, come on, you're just playing thatcher's advocate.
  5. as I've said before a lot of the people out in the real world moaning about them there tax evaders are yer builders and plumbers who will give you a quote for £1200 but do it for £1000 cash no questions asked when they do it it's "good on you" but wear a suit and try and avoid your tax and you are the biggest criminal on the planet again I'm speaking in very simplified terms and we are talking different amounts involved for sure , but its our duty to pay as little tax as possible ... heck I sneak through a marathon bar on my expenses every now and then and feel great that I've got one over the system If the world was a black and white place I'd agree with you. But there's a case being bandied around today of a millionaire that has self confessed not paid a penny income tax in 24 years and the IR have no plans to prosecute. That is simply not the same league as getting £100 off your plumbers bill. I can't argue that it's not essentially the same crime. But we hunt down people with an unused bedroom and sneak around videoing people on disability that can play golf. We apparently have ten times more people chasing benefit cheats than chasing tax dodgers. It just feels a bit unfair. If we all got done for driving at 35mph but people in Bentleys were allowed to do whatever speed they fancied, it wouldn't make us right, but it wouldn't exactly be fair.
  6. I have a mental picture of Hoddle showing Gabby how many keepy uppy's he can do and Gabby not having a clue what's going on. Whilst somewhere in the background a player is doing wheelspins in a wheelchair with Eileen Drewery looking on. Neville on Hoddle:
  7. a proper man's drink there Pad, and you dropped in a reference to the missus that is simple and clear I, on the other hand, made some sort of fundamental mistake at lunchtime. Me and a manly male colleague of the bloke variety went for a coffee at a little Italian coffee shop / cafe I recently discovered. I ordered two cafe freddo's as the sun was out. The coffees turned up in wine glasses with straws and the little bastard italian bloke put a rose on the table. I am now the laughing stock of the office.
  8. No No, NO NO NO NO, NO NO No NO there's no limit...
  9. that's the monkey! but I didn't want the bonnet scoop or the metallic paint I wanted a bit more of an understated verging on the rat look.
  10. I don't think anyone thinks the Ukraine is 'good'. But by the same token, if Putin wants to have a little nibble at the eastern borders of Estonia or Latvia or Romania, they were very recently very much Russian Empire states, perhaps that would be nob all to do with us? Up until where on the map? Poland? or Eastern Germany? East Germany was a corrupt non EU state that wasn't in NATO, we should have left 'all that lot' well alone.
  11. hmmm four different people over 6 years have failed to make this location a paying venture as a barber shop on the other hand, it does have three wash basins in a row and a big mirror I'll take it! coincidentally, we've got just such a unit in the local shopping precinct just down from us, it's a different twist on the funky dangerous hair salon theme every 9 months or so
  12. Many many years ago we had a little Citroen AX, but it was a 1.4 turbo (it had one of those stupid badges on the back, it was like a 1.4 TZIxi GT EX PL super special LX i S t ) The car weighed approximately 8 kilos as the seats were just one piece moulded foam and most body panels were flimsy plastic. The glass in the side windows was so thin it would sometimes spontaneously burst when parked in direct sunlight on really hot days. The combination of no weight, 1.4 turbo and skinny tyres was relentless wheel spin and steering wheel wrestling. Loved it.
  13. My offer to phone in tactics and team talks still stands. Happy to work on an hourly rate. I can't start for a couple of weeks, but I'm cheap, I can provide photographic evidence of myself in a Villa shirt 30 or so years ago. Most importantly, I can make a dead cat bounce.
  14. I've driven a newish Qashqai a couple of times recently and thought it was 'ok'. Nothing special, but all the electrics worked, so it was better than the almost new Discovery I took on the same journey.
  15. I wanted a Subaru Forester for years. Nearly got one a couple of times, the big old boxy ones with a shiny light grey or shiny brown plastic interior. But the running costs were just eye watering. Very reliable apparently, but if something, anything, went wrong with it the only viable choice was to tow it to some country lanes and torch it and claim the insurance. It struck me as one of those cars that had an element of cool amongst a small quirky number of middle aged wannabe hipsters and it got cooler the older and more battered it got. Along the lines of a Landie Defender, a chunky 80's Mercedes or a big square Volvo estate designed on graph paper.
  16. Did I miss a bit of this Lord Fink story? He was on the news the other night stood on some steps somewhere calling out Ed Milliband. Come out here and say that and I'll do you. Or words to that effect. Turns out now he has had a little think and said he was indeed involved in tax avoidance, but only a bit, and anyway, everyone does it. Dodgy pillock.
  17. correct Even if tax on salary over a certain point was 99.9% the more gross pay you earned, the more net pay you would get. It might not be worth the bother to some people, but you always end up with extra cash at the end of the month unless there is a rate over 100% or there's some system of fines. What does happen in the real world, is people maximise their net hourly rate earnings. Once they get to a threshold where that begins to dip, they get other soft incentives. A better car, softer core hours, access to the executive washroom, subsidised Director's bar every Friday and tickets to that show everyone wants to see...
  18. Not been watching but could she have meant in the EU sense ? No. She was specifically referring to how she felt the crisis in Ukraine was the fault of aggressive EU expansionism and Putin was only understandably trying to protect his sphere of influence in the 'Russian' area. After all, Ukraine isn't even in europe. Clearly meant in a geographical sense. Turns out, she is responsible for writing their manifesto. She looked genuinely perplexed when people gave a nervous laugh.
  19. awesome UKIP woman 'Ukraine isn't even in europe'
  20. the way to stop us cheating is to get the tax payer to fund our campaigns and party admin ahh yes, the only two possible options, fraud or state funding
  21. google image Poland Eurovision 2014 I couldn't find an image I wouldn't get a warning for.
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