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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Not if UKIP have anything to do with it, Ukraine isn't in europe according to Suzanne Evans (currently writing their manifesto). Problem solved.
  2. What's the problem? The problem isn't a problem if we accept that we are paying doctors £70,000 / £80,000 per annum and the majority of every day is spent telling people they have a cold, listening to the elderly and filling in key performance indicator charts. There aren't enough doctors willing to become GP's because the work is not exactly the sexy end of the profession and they are getting more and more 'targets', longer and longer hours and being expected to be office managers and social workers. A surgery of 4 or 5 doctors, each one earning around £35 / £40 per hour to listen to the elderly. Down the road, in the local care home, the library or the sheltered accommodation, that same task is valued at £6.50 per hour. Meanwhile mid twenties office man can't get in to the doctors for 3 or 4 days about his twisted knee, so he troops off to A&E and the government are considering chucking another £20k at doctors to persuade them to open early and Saturdays. I'm not offering any easy solution here, or peddling a political point of view. Just repeating what I'm hearing. Personally, I haven't been in to the doctors surgery as a punter for about 3 years.
  3. A couple of my friends are part time doctors (by part time I mean they've elected to do reduced hours as a life style choice, not that they're happy amateurs or anything). As sad as it is to report this, they both say that a day in a GP surgery can be a long line of the lonely, the literally unwashed, and people hoping their cold is actually a new strain of flu with the two killer symptoms: a sniff and a bit of an ache. But, it can also save a life when somebody comes in with an early symptom and it's spotted diagnosed and dealt with. So it would be spectacularly difficult to weed out the timewasters. It would be particularly difficult to use a £5 charge as the filter. People in work will happily pay £5 to queue jump the diagnosis of their cold. People that don't have £5 would end up exempt anyway. But there is a problem there.
  4. relaxed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vmaWXdtqzg
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W98pJyQiL7k
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jBMAPx_Pdo
  7. Sadly, it wasn't me. I guess there must be thousands of them out there. But yes, unacceptable wrong colour scarf breach of etiquette there. Not something I've ever done for fear of a punch in the chops or even just an offish stare. The bloke next to him, he was using my ticket whilst I sat at home eating gravy laden yorkshire puddings and roasties. I'd already given the ticket away when the managerial swap happened. But I'm kind of hoping the stub / booking history will be coming in useful!
  8. I don't think the situation is helped for the relative closeness of the terminology, 'avoidance', 'aggressive avoidance', 'evasion' and so on. It's also not helped by people very cleverly going for the moral monotone right or wrong of it. All cheating is wrong, cheating me out of a million is, in my simple world, worse than cheating me out of 57p. Both are wrong. It's also not helped by the complicity of government and it's advisers allowing or even inventing 'loopholes' and avoidance strategies. We are being distracted with semantics whilst some spectacularly rich people, millionaires, multi-millionaires and billionaires think so much of their money that they would rather have it driven around europe in a van to act as venture capital for a hopefully loss making British film, than contribute to employing hospital cleaners. That is just as warped as the scrote that thinks hospital staff are there to be abused and it's ok to vandalise the bogs whilst on a regular Saturday evening visit to A&E. But it's not for government to spend our tax writing up and selectively enforcing a tax system that includes loopholes and then suggesting to people that there is some nebulous line over which it becomes morally wrong to pursue self interest whilst staying within the rules. That's quite wrong and either incompetent, lazy, or deceitful and possibly all three.
  9. that looks like the crude beginnings of a fair and workable system to me
  10. not critical that we win (not quite) critical that there is a massive and obvious improvement probably critical that we score a league goal or two
  11. Unless I missed something about Lerner having a change of heart and he's decided to blow his inheritance on 7 or 8 marquee players, I'm not sure who people wanted that was a bigger and better and more motivational character than Sherwood? We were unlikely to poach Mourinho or Pep here on the promise of a spending budget for players that they'd use to get the Lear Jet serviced. We have a chance now, somebody that can potentially spark up enough performance to win enough points or at least get relegated bloody trying. Until and unless he fails, he's my guy. May the happy hype that swept the players up and into the crazy frenzied tactic of running into the opposition half continue.
  12. rocking that Barry Town / Aston Villa double scarf look
  13. yeah, sorry about that there's bechamel sauce* on the biscuit barrel too if I'm honest * I'd presumed the filter would have sorted that!
  14. yes, but I think there's a link to cancer and charities and wotnot, so, yeah
  15. right over his pickles and poppadoms trolley
  16. Iain Dowie just let that sink in for a moment Iain Dowie
  17. I go my missus a gardening magazine with er, free seeds....
  18. it's almost as though it's got more to do with power than religion!
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