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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAvn-Xe3cZQ&index=69&list=PLy30pWJL-4ouD569yKw1cHMeYL_cTT5nE
  2. save yourself £15 a month with the following game: decide before you enter the second hand record store the location you are going to buy from - and stick to it today Matthew! I will be buying a record from the rear left hand corner of the store 15 minutes and £4.99 later, welcome to Balkan Death Metal
  3. No, it's a statement of fact. What's extracted from that logic, is that the Green Party believe we should stop going on holiday. We should also by obvious logical extension, stop buying cars, stop using dishwashers and washing machines, stop setting off fireworks, stop buying smartphones, stop eating meat, stop, stop, stop. In an economy driven by GDP figures, where buying any old shit and then buying it again in this month's new colour is a good thing, this is not a message that goes down very well.
  4. Its a reversal thing, the actual quote from Lucas would be, 'yes'. The question put to her was, 'is flying the kids to Spain on holiday as bad as stabbing someone in the street?' Just google 'Caroline Lucas Spain holiday quote' and pick the newspaper that suits your view of the world.
  5. target the sponsors - tell them you've deliberately not bought their product because they associate with the World Cup it really does work, for all the fluff and rubbish around social media, a campaign telling the advertisers they've made a mistake on twitter and facebook has massive impact if it does nothing else, it'll make sponsors chuck some quick money at under 7's disabled lesbian 5 a side football in a few local communities as a pay off
  6. It will give me the chance to forensically examine your bowels
  7. So you could have a semi to look forward to? Very best of luck.
  8. Trying out parking on someone's private parking space on Friday night (JustPark.com) - £8 for 12 hours in central(ish) London looks like a deal worth giving a go. Doors now opening at 7 and due to go on until 2:00am due to extended number of bands!
  9. even though you only mentioned the Tory crook and not the Labour crook aww come on now, they didn't give me any Jack Straw info to relay, so I tried to balance it up with an Austin Mitchell gaff. You must know I'm not a Labour supporter.
  10. If it was the one on R4 this morning, yes, it was bad. Asked about the Green Party ideas on wealth tax she had no grasp of any figures and wanted to give a speech about how the world is becoming transparent. When asked how they got to their £40billion to be raised figure - not a clue, other than something about Ferrari's counting towards your wealth, so I guess there would be some sort of national audit or census of peoples stuff? Then tried to give a repeat of the world is transparent speech, in case we missed it the first time. Asked how the Green Party policy on reducing military spending, scrapping nukes and withdrawing from NATO would stop the Ruski's flying bombers up the English Channel she missed an absolute open goal. Her answer was something about knitting and compromise and being nicer to people. Surely the answer was that being in NATO with nukes and troops all over the world doesn't appear to have stopped it so that's a flawed argument? Perhaps she needs to adopt the 'big party' tactic. Send on a minion. They say stuff, if it goes down well, great! If it doesn't then the all seeing all knowing leader corrects it by press release later that day. Not good in a knockabout live debate. Would probably give the best written answers in an exam where the questions were previously advised.
  11. I was quite late to this and hadn't appreciated we were looking at two parallel stories of two different murder scenes. I was quite confused. It was very good, but adverts are a pain in the nuts.
  12. I read this a few days ago when it was posted and I can't get over this... It's absolutely barking: they want the scrap with the Army of Rome(?) at a particular spot in Syria, they want to nearly lose, because Jesus (Our Jesus! ) comes to lead the last 5000 IS* survivors to victory. Istanbul gets sacked, the apocalypse comes. So it would appear that placing an army on this particular spot in Syria would bring IS* together to attack it. Then either they all get wiped out, or Jesus returns. The World has gone mental. and for those of you that enjoy the occasional bit of late night american evangelical TV, there are plenty of guys over there preaching that we should take them up on the offer and have an 'end of days' showdown
  13. He's way too vanilla for my liking, but he's good at what he does, which is more a take on British Blues than the stuff from his own side of the Atlantic. More Mayall than Muddy. Totally agree. He's a good player, but somehow never more than the sum of his influences (i.e. Clapton, Page, Rory Gallagher, etc.) I have 'Live From Nowhere in Particular', and that'll do for me. The mention of Mayall makes me want to look him up, which I will later. Is he one of these that just can't get it translated into recordings? One of the best live bands for years was Nine Below Zero, saw them so many times. But man, their records were dreary. Similarly, I've never found a BB King record that actually sounded as good as BB King did when I heard him live.
  14. They mentioned on R4 earlier that Malcolm Rifkind works, by his calculation, 46 hours per week for other interests. I guess, we as voters are responsible for voting these horrible greedy people in - and I'm not pointing at any one party here. Austin Mitchell MP has suggested a paedo could be elected in his constituency as long as it was a Labour paedo. It's up to the people of Grimsby to react to that, I guess.
  15. I take it Bonamassa is some sort of late 70's mulleted electric guitar vole torture cross over?
  16. I lost one eyebrow in a freak cycle accident when I first had the stabilisers taken off my chipper. Luckily I can now do away with the NHS eyebrow hairpiece that never quite looked real and simply comb over my ear hair.
  17. Tactically, if we aim for relegation, we should miss.
  18. 'why do people keep bringing it up that I was in the National Front?' I don't know if it's mostly funny or scary
  19. I haven't said that digital is fair game for theft. no, reading back, I don't think you have I have a bad back and I'm currently high as a kite apologies
  20. I think there's a line of 'fairness' to be found that is very difficult to define or quantify. I receive and send out loads of ripped off music, the artists have received nothing. I am potentially the home taper that's killing music. Except I don't think I am. There are 7 of us going to a gig on Friday evening, to see a bunch of bands we discovered by trading hooky copies of their music. Would the bands object to us copying their music and then buying 7 £25 gig tickets and a couple of the guys possibly buying legit CD's and tee shirts once we are there? I've happily bought the CD of a busker in the street or a support band at a gig and then copied it, in essence, to 'spread the word'. On the point of paying for one format and not another, that I don't understand. I'm not even sure what point is being made there? Digital is fair game for theft as it doesn't have physical form? That doesn't look like a very thought through rule to live by if I've understood it correctly.
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yq4uCWtQE24
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