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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76EO3PQHzKw one of the first records I ever owned!
  2. you want the soul.....you can't handle the soul.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pKIQ9LqHA0
  3. I've never seen a reggae fan clap along. Probably just drum students.
  4. Perhaps Michael Green on this week's QT panel could sell that bloke in the QT audience a book to help him out of his minimum wage predicament.
  5. draw her what? I'd be inclined to say, yes, he can draw her hands or something like that, but fanny or a facial would defo not be acceptable
  6. chrisp65

    Ice rink

    not sure if this counts? it's two hula hoops in a cup of coffee
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLSOz5cI1H0
  8. Got a 2:2 doing a 4 year course in 2 years, at night, whilst working full time in the day. Nearly killed me. Stef, But the alternative is not to try? You've got to try and sell it, I guess. You put your work for the company and post grad stuff and worldwide experience and all that at the front. Even leave your grade off if you want, until they ask for it. Get into the system before you get that tiresome level of detail. Seriously, the 'degree' is no absolute fool proof indicator of suitability, needing a set grade is even less so if you have someone there with experience and aptitude. Anyway, if the personnel bot just notices an unticked box and rejects the application, that's their loss.
  9. just pitch it to them and be an enthusiastic nuisance
  10. You're not famous enough Celebs tend to hang around together, Swifty n Mooney will be on each other's speed dial.
  11. Tony, By education, I mean the ability to read and write to a 'decent' standard plus the ability to think critically and understand you need to see proof of claims from legit sources. For instance, the number of people in this country that have 'education' but still even now will believe something purely because it was in a newspaper. In the words of my own mum 'well they wouldn't just make it up, it must be true'. No need for everyone to have a degree in something, every need for everyone to understand they need to filter and check what they see, hear and read.
  12. worldwide access to free at point of use education, health and contraception* not free at the place where contraception is actually used, you know what I mean...
  13. which is why I'd support a 'none of the above' box at the bottom of the ballot paper takes away one valid excuse for not voting and allows a legitimate registered quantifiable protest against the whole sorry lot of them
  14. If you don't vote, you don't matter. Why do you think Osborne is falling over himself to help pensioners. It's because proportionally, they vote in large numbers. The opposite, sadly, seems to be the case for young people. It's part of the reason they are getting such a raw deal.Not voting is biting off your nose to spite your face. It's self indulgent at best, sheer idiocy at worst. How so? Politicians don't legislate for us individually. Demographic grouping matters to them. It stands to reason they will chase the votes of those they think will vote. Thats not to say they wont be legislating for all of us in some way or other, just that if they perceive that a certain group of people profess to have little or no interest in voting, then they will prioritize those that will.They shouldn't, but they most certainly will. Vote, it's in your own best interests to do so. Are you suggesting that protected pensions, winter heating allowances, free TV licenses and enhanced savings interest rates for old people whilst making the young pay for their state education is somehow linked to what the politicians think they can get away? Yep.
  15. yeah, unless you're a fascist nut job, you should try and vote lots of people have sacrificed quite a lot to get us the vote, don't give up, hold your nose and vote for the least bad
  16. Why would you want a 'patriotic war' that you appear to be winning and is severely testing the wit, resilience and resources of the opposition to be over quickly? Putin is remarkably popular at home, any western sanctions that do affect people will only reinforce the us against them mentality of the region. Any Russians that begin to grumble about their lot can simply be shown TV footage of the Oklahoma National Guard marching between Estonia and Latvia. I'm not supporting the Russian policy, far from it. But you can see how they might not see things the same way we do. How might the U.S. react if the Russians had a military interest and boots on the ground in, say, Cuba and Mexico?
  17. it's Tom Jones I just know it defo Tom Jones
  18. Russia currently don't have the financial power to engage in an out and out war. ...said Hitler to Napoleon
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyjSelgTeRs
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHlUcYYifO0
  21. Are you on the wind up again Chris? Honest question as I know you've caught me out before. One thing it clearly isn't is a statement of fact, it might be an opinion, or it might be a deliberately controversial soundbite, but it's not a fact. The Green party doesn't believe you should stop going on holiday, but it does believe you should fly less. They definitely believe, as you have noted, that you should cut down on unnecessary and environmentally destructive consumption. So do I. Is it a message that goes down very well by those that benefit from a GDP-driven economy and the inequality that masks? No, absolutely not. That's why it's so important. Sorry Patrick, I keep trying to give this a proper response and it turns in to some boring stream of conciousness 3 page manifesto. I've written, re written and binned a load of tosh about this forum loving to mention cognitive dissonance. Can anything be more dissonant than our knowledge of where the world is heading coupled with our desire for this year's holiday to Florida? Writing briefly and quickly is clumsy. She is right, knowingly acting in a way that contributes to global climate change injures people. Not today in a directly linked way. But with no less harm, eventually. If we found out that the operators of Hinckley power station knew it was causing problems that would kill people in 75 years time but carried on anyway, would they be guilty? Of course they would. So why not conspicuous resource burning consumption? A polite reduction in consumption is meaningless. What level of consumption by 'us' would be acceptable and manageable if copied by everyone in China, Malaysia, South Korea, Brazil, India, Pakistan...... What would be a sensible number of holiday flights per person, for 7 billion people?
  22. I do think that Gordon Brown was probably one of the few principled politicians. Probably a bit of a flawed individual by all accounts, but in it for the right reasons.
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