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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. to be fair they are our seconds sloppy seconds
  2. let them burn off 15 minutes of revenge up tempo footy for being beaten in the league
  3. just look n listen what a great team we can be
  4. But then we'd miss people like Katie Hopkins and Toby Young. No best not have a test based on 'class' or wealth.
  5. This kid in the Christian Grey outfit is yet more proof that there should be an IQ test before people that are physically capable of **** are allowed to go the extra step and actually reproduce. I'd set social services on them and get them to explain why they thought it was a funny idea. If they give an incoherent or fatuous shallow answer, they get neutered.
  6. you look at the actual policies and what they've actually delivered us in the last generation or so and they are probably the most obvious combo
  7. One snatched hour between jobs and I found a couple of gems in my hunt for awesome gravestones! Hey, we all need a hobby.
  8. couple of obvious answers here from me Barry Town, obviously, and lucky enough to support them through a few mad years when they had european football every year, which meant travelling around europe to watch your drinking buddies get tonked 8:0 by the likes of Dynamo Kiev. But it also meant great moment like seeing them play away in europe, seeing the likes of Shevchenko and Deco etc have to play footy at my local 2,000 seater ground and seeing a few euro wins, home and away, along the way. Seen them play literally hundreds of times. St Pauli, just for the hell of it, a nice ethos and I do like a good loud choreographed sing song. Not been there, but I've been to The Zeitgeist in London on a matchday and that was fun. Bit of a hipster thing - I've even got the tee shirt! Went to a gig in Sankt Pauli shirt and the lead singer had the same shirt on! We bonded over a lager in the pub over the road just before the gig. Happy days. Never seen them live. Valletta of Malta. I was working there when they won the league one year and managed to get on the team bus for the trip home through the street. Just mental, the palyers had a sound system on a low loader lorry singing quite a rude song about local opposition, Birkikara. Great memories. Seen them maybe 6 or 8 times. But the only team that gets me pissed off for a Monday morning is Aston Villa. The only team where I try luck to influence a game (deliberately not watching, or deliberately wearing specific trainers on matchday etc.), is Aston Villa. I've stood on the original Holte End, I've seen 1970s violence outside, I've had corporate entertainment! I've sat next to Jimmy Rimmer! and I was there for the 5:1. I guess I've seen them around 70 / 80 or more times, probably more as there have been a couple of seasons a while back where I'd have saved money with a season ticket.
  9. I was told it would wind around my lungs and I'd be strangled.
  10. I had you down as a swallower. I have to confess, I'm half n half, just living for the krazykiks.
  11. I always think of Alaska being further north.
  12. That's because it is an insult - it means Irish bog-trotter i.e. a robber. Conservative is the correct term - the wish to preserve that which is good about present arrangements, which the Lefties want to ditch and replace with their latest mad idea. dem books I think you'll find tory has changed and now means 'on the take from business to sell grandmothers and eat babies', whilst conservative means 'the party that facilitates the consumption of babies and deregulated the trade in grandmothers for the benefit of Great Britain plc.' Anyway, did anyone find the definitive list of subjects we're not allowed to make fun of? I don't want to have to drop cancer and necrophilia from the act.
  13. Congratulations on your forthcoming little Canadian, eh.
  14. Given the subject, hungry children, the joke was tasteless. Tory is not an insult, or is it. is it ok if I do a joke about paedo's in the tory party? Strange thing to say.No it is not. shit, I'm not going to have much material left..... ....Jihadi John? Is it ok to do jokes about ISIS and Jihadi John?
  15. Villa up soon on MOTD, if that's of any interest....
  16. Bugger, good idea. Sometimes you can have more doors, but rarely. Front of shop is prime and needs to be selling and advertising. You can't stick a shelf full of shoes on a door, basically. Also, shop shape is increasingly deep but narrow.
  17. Do you stop in the doorway of Waitrose? It's just weird, it's every single time. Semi seriously, there is clearly something going on that I'm fascinated by. It's part of my job to sort out the flow and foot fall in and out of shops and there are two groups that do this stop in the doorway thing, female multiples (i.e. two women will stop in the door) and individual little old lady style pensioners. My personal hunch, on the little old ladies, is that the thought process has slowed and they need to get to the outside of the door to assess the weather, orientate themselves and decide what they are doing next. But it's just stunning to see the data (and lots n lots of cctv clips). Question is, how do I do something physical to the shop that persuades them to either put their hood up in the lobby, or put their hood up whilst walking away. Single females, the young and most males don't do it. By the same token, people fall over single steps. You can have a single step and make it a neon colour, give it handrail, have a big sign saying mind the step and have different floor covering and additional lighting. People will fall up or down it. Two steps, significantly less of a problem. People and their dumb arse ways, are fascinating.
  18. I would only ever use the word tory as an insult. Although I have this evening just received a bit of a moral dilemma...... With two kids in school the local authority have just announced they are going to combine the local comps. The one my kids are in, which is good, and the other one which is frankly bog standard crap. There are a number of reasons, economics of scale being the main one cited. Getting the average of the shit school up being the real one. Now, every politician locally is for it except one. The current tory MP. He says that if he gets back in he will do everything he can to stop, slow or obstruct the merger. So potentially I now have a direct personal interest in giving my kids the best I can, by voting tory. It's an interesting choice (this is the same guy that worked brilliantly to help us gain control of the local footy club by the way).
  19. (1) The joke was actually aimed at middle class journalists. (2) You called someone a Tory, who as far as I can recall has never identified himself as such… then after the act of being a keyboard warrior accuse someone else of being one! Given the subject, hungry children, the joke was tasteless. Tory is not an insult, or is it. is it ok if I do a joke about paedo's in the tory party?
  20. well, I gave it most of a day to be happy but you're still at it could you post us up the banned list please, so we don't make the wrong jokes
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