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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. The story of taxman / start goes back further doesn't it? Vague recollections of listening to an article tracing it back further, Harrison or McCartney having lifted it from something else, which would explain why that one hasn't gone legal...
  2. I was toying with the idea of asking Limpid if he could zero my likes. I hate myself every time I go looking for some.
  3. Hipster? I'm currently wearing 'fatigued' blue suede shoes..... crazy.
  4. Good day/bad day thing? Or something else? small claims court on the morning show I think it'll lead to my own hour long slot at some point
  5. Is it some uber cool record to make you look trendy or is it Boyzone and you don't care what anyone else says , you like them regardless ? If you like, I could be the judge of whether it's cool - I was on BBC Radio 6 yesterday, so I'm qualified. Basically, if it has decent production values or the artist has managed to make a comfortable living out of it, it'll be shit.
  6. studio one you say.... I must be the coolest guy here, by really quite a considerable way. It's almost humbling. Almost.
  7. I've recently fallen back in love with the ritual of vinyl. Doing my best to take time out most days to do something I like. Yesterday, I sat in a quiet, sunny churchyard waiting for the correct lighting on a 300 year old gravestone. Today, I did the phone in bit on the BBC 6 morning show. Tomorrow, I'm off to a record shop to buy an actual record.
  8. record store day coming up soon (April)
  9. chrisp65

    Top Gear

    it's a knowing smugness, he knows people perceive him as smug and he's relaxed in it it's all just opinion, but I really do find him the cleverest funny guy out there My parents absolutely can't stand him and genuinely believe he simply isn't funny and that I only like him to be contrary - they read the Daily Mail. I don't know if there's a link, I'm just stating facts.
  10. Just tell all interested female parties about you shitting blood, working every hour god sends and I'm sure all the ladies will be falling over themselves for you [emoji6] [emoji11] x a nice game girl that's willing to dab the blood off a shitty arse, that's all anybody wants
  11. chrisp65

    Top Gear

    He moans about the Hamster not being a real hamster ... The irony being is that Lee isn't a real comedian Tbf I did chuckle for the first minute or two , and then it just became painfully unfunny and I gave up around the 5 min mark yeah to be fair if you like the humour in Top Gear then something that doesn't involve burning underpants or being whacked with a frying pan is going to look a bit difficult
  12. chrisp65

    Top Gear

    it's win win if the BBC sack Clarkson for punching somebody then they've stood by a good principle if on the other hand, it is decided it's ok to punch someone that's annoyed you, well, Clarkson's gonna get smacked in the face a fair bit
  13. chrisp65

    Top Gear

    Who could replace Clarkson? The Pub Landlord maybe? Toby Young? Les Patterson?
  14. I can assure you , every post is carefully thought out to maximise anger amongst any would be reader
  15. it was even worse than that, it was immobile cello tape!
  16. It's an interesting stat and it would be interesting to know all the why's and wherefore's of it. I'd guess that a degree of greater financial independence allows women to instigate divorce now where they couldn't have before. Also, the loosening of religious ties in most communities would mean less people frowning at you for not being a good little wife in the face of whatever it is that tests you. In that death via domestic violence is more than three times as likely for a female than a male and 1:4 women experience DV but only 1:6 men, it could be that more women seek divorce as they are physically or mentally bullied more frequently. Education programmes and law changes mean they can now get out of an abusive relationship where once they couldn't. So it might not be that men simply 'didn't see it coming', rather they may not have realised the little lady would do something about it. Similarly, it may be that men had affairs and women weren't prepared to put up with it. But that's all conjecture, the reasons cited for seeking divorce could be more interesting. It could be that yes, the men did not notice that sleeping around and hitting the kids and not coming home until pissed did indeed have an unexpected result on the marriage that the man hadn't considered as women think differently. If the reason most commonly cited by women for divorce is 'I found somebody richer and younger and fitter' then my argument is potentially weakened.
  17. Large Benjamin. Icosahedron. 108 years, 8 months, 9 days. Towards Aberdeen. Mooney in 'Nam style flash back burn out scare...
  18. Good shout on the VW, has anybody ever seen a male driving a new VW Beetle?
  19. There are definitely cars which are generally accepted as 'hairdresser cars' or 'girls' cars. Rightly or wrongly, and almost always wrongly, they are out there. The MX 5 is an obvious one - though having chucked one around for a few days it was great fun and you'd be a mug to be put off by any murmurings of 'girly image'. My stand out candidate, the 1996 to 2010 iterations of the Mercedes SLK. I wouldn't moan if I won one. Couldn't imagine going out and spending my own money on it though.
  20. you and me appear to have similar game reading skills way way back I was screaming at Savo in the League Cup Final to 'pass pass pass the **** ball you clearing in the woods' except on the word 'you' he launched that screamer of a shot and stunning goal
  21. yes spoiling Stevie's swansong
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