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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEfwcmnipvQ
  2. Given there are quite a few muslims. I'd expect there are quite a few. Most days. People have issues and drive vans into crowds and go on gun sprees the world over. Seemingly unmotivated killing is not a western thing. n.b. a quick google search says yes, you can be a muslim nutter that isn't simply motivated by misguided religious fervour
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVY3EuZaHFk
  4. working my way through this bunch! bought at lunchtime for a total of a tenner! I mean seriously - how often can you get this much quality for a tenner? The only risky one was Johnny Cash. At £3 it looked a little bit worse for wear, but the one track I wanted (another man done gone) is in perfectly acceptable nick, just a little bit of atmospheric background static ...some lovely stuff, but I seriously doubt Jan Peerce's Yiddish Folk Songs will ever get another spin.... I guess the trick is to get somebody to buy it for a tenner.
  5. I went along to a local politics meeting tonight - proper traditional upstairs room of a pub meeting. I'd resolved to say nothing, just listen. Once the floor was opened for questions on a strictly hands up and be pointed at to speak basis the first question wasn't answered properly and I was straight in and haranguing the speaker for not answering and not being plausible or having a quantifiable plan. Didn't put my hand up either! Good fun.
  6. didn't get it at all the first time I saw it just got it instantly this time
  7. well if it helps, I used to walk 3 miles to work and 3 miles back admitedly less, but perfectly doable why on earth would walking a fairly long way to work appear far fetched? Incidentally, I'm currently commuting 4 or 6 hours a day several days a week - but by car.
  8. it could easily be seen as selfish, unfortunately, it's also got to be some form of mental illness if there's any way of getting in, we are back to square one with terrorists getting in
  9. I sat opposite Pete Shelley on the Northern Line once a few years back. I was already smashed but engaged him in some high end intellectual conversation. Along the lines of: 'I knows you but I can't remember your name cos I've had a drink. Ever fallen in love, man I loves that. Must drive you mad, drunks on tubes haranguing you?' He was very good about it, and we had a right good natter in the end, to the point we ended up both getting off at Camden for some late night sight seeing.
  10. chrisp65

    Top Gear

    I've been bitten by a colleague. First Christmas party at the place I now work, a Director / Owner was sat next to me, reached over and tried to take a king prawn from my plate. No warning, no request, no cheeky conversation that suggested he was going to do something comical. He reached across and picked up my food. So instinctively I gave him a fairly stiff jab in the back of the hand with my fork. He grabbed my hand and bit it. So I really bloody hit him hard with the fork until he stopped biting. At which point it all went a bit crazy for a brief moment until we were pulled apart by other folks. It was agreed this was Christmas hi jinx and left at that. Turned out he had some form for 'being silly'.
  11. chrisp65

    Top Gear

    Would this be the Mark Thompson that complained the BBC had a lefty bias, refused to air the Gaza Appeal, was known to be pro Israeli and was ok with putting Nick Griffin on Question Time? Guess somebody somewhere at the Beeb finally grew a backbone and just decided enough was enough with right wing loons getting away with outrages at the BBC and made a stand at what thankfully became the last of many Clarkson offences.
  12. chrisp65

    Top Gear

    MMV you're so right. It's exactly the same thing. Exact facsimilie of the exact same exact circumstances, exactly. But you already know that, you mischievous little monkey.
  13. Next government pledges to stop paying rip off lease and rental costs for land and property that's nominally 'his' throughout Cornwall thus saving the tax payer millions and stopping him being able to claim he's a legitimate private landlord businessman and isn't just a financial burden on the state whilst he's restricting development and jacking up rental costs in one of the poorest parts of the country?
  14. One of the kids is actually his?
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVPNXsc4wsQ
  16. equally, when you get to that point where you've got a great finger nail grip on something up there and you're thinking 'this is either a major blood vessel, or the mother of all bogies if only I could get it to budge...' at that point, leave it alone, or at least pull off the road and protect your shirt
  17. Dennis Skinner. I may have misunderstood the question.
  18. They've only drastically reduced their options if one were to believe that a promise of any sort at any time carries any weight. yes, you're right I very briefly forgot who we were dealing with here
  19. It was a trap in that both parties with potential to be in power have now publicly promised not to raise VAT, income tax, PAYE, NI. So having drastically limited their ways to raise money they can now either make cuts or increase the debt. Win win for the right as the 'left' simply promise to copy them in their bid to be in power. Happy to be 'in charge' on someone else's agenda and terms. Pathetic.
  20. chrisp65

    Top Gear

    He is a Labour supporter too and that is why he drove a red Ferrari, to show his class solidarity with his comrades. When way way back I had my brief and innocent flirtation with Militant, my fave little slogan was 'Ferrari's For Everyone'. So, you know, it's ok.
  21. chrisp65

    Top Gear

    and the great thing is, if you don't like the policies you can give him a lip splitting smack in the mouth and scream at him
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