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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Yep, I like that, very calm and laid back, that'll get some play in the background of my candle light suppers. Whole album plays spot on with the exception of one little click or slight jump half way through the last track which is slightly annoying as its one of the two best on there (along with your Rafi recommendation). Not enough of a glitch to stop that getting played a few times. See, if Woolies was still around I could have invested in a Ronco Scratch Remover. The Ofarim was the bloody expensive one!!! paid out £4 for that one....Cinderella rockafella is indeed on there....don't know it, so I'm curious now, it's next up. *ahem, well that's two decent Indian albums and a candidate for one of those novelty vinyl clocks*
  2. Yeah, looks to be in really good nick, there's a slight mark across two tracks but I think it's 'in' the vinyl, an original cosmetic flaw, not a scuff. Still waiting for people to go to bed so I can stick the headphones on and sprawl across the floor for proper listening. By condition and gut feeling it's the best of three randoms I picked up today... Esther & Abi Ofarim plus...
  3. not a clue what's about to arrive on my ears but how bad can it be for a quid? I'm going in....
  4. housing is such an easy hit for any govt that's actually serious about it what a decent supply would do to house prices would be brilliant, be nice if the price was halved in a short period of time
  5. you haven't missed much dickface nazi city boy farage still thinks Hadrian's wall is the border with Scotland
  6. I went to see the musical Cats at the London Palladium a couple of nights ago. It was shit.
  7. Found this hypnotic double album baby all shiny and new a few days ago and had to have it. All tactile and 2 x 180 heavy. Flipping, touching just the edge of vinyl, the sleeve slide, notes you can actually read. Ridiculous. A slow drive to Swansea now, with my newly ripped car CD copy: Truly, is home taping really killing music?
  8. It's like an everlasting gobstopper that copy, I've had that one with the circular sleeve about 30+ years and it still plays impeccably, hardly a tick or a click or a scratch from start to finish.
  9. I've been up that London for a break and left the car in the hotel car park advertised as £1.50 per hour for residents. I'd explained before I booked I was doing 2 rooms for 2 nights so didn't want to be paying £80 / £90 for parking. So they agreed over the phone £20 for what was basically 3 days secure parking in London! I'm sure it was legit, but at the end of the stay, I gave the concierge my ticket with about 55 hours on it and £20. He came down to the car park with his keys and opened the barrier without using my ticket! I think everyone present did well out of that arrangement. Except for maybe Mr Novotel.
  10. Ogden's Nut Gone Flake Small Faces A whole new deep rich tone to this tonight with the new speakers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCjrF2wWuSg
  11. We went to Disney Paris two summers ago and stayed at one of their 'on park' hotels. Which meant that we had the first hour of rides to ourselves without any queue whatsoever before they opened the gates to the hoi polloi. When you can march from ride to ride you can pretty much cover off all the better rides in an hour or so. Then, after lunch, we'd go into Paris where we had some sort of travel pass which meant we could walk up to the front of any queue (Louvre, Versaille), wave the pass in the air nonchalantly and go straight in. It was like being King of Paris for a few days. Admittedly there have been times in history where that was a tough gig, but we survived.
  12. To be fair, I hadn't even realised Shay Given was black in real life.
  13. did you by any chance just listen to that Michael Fallon interview on R4? Bloody weird. Apparently we dare not vote Labour as Ed Milliband is a hard and vindictive grubby leader that will stop at nothing to gain power. A man hell bent on doing all in his evil powers to be supreme leader. Not the usual message about incompetent Ed we usually get fed. But apparently, on trident, even though Labour have said it is clear we are keeping it and there will be no compromise - the tories know he's lying. How do they know? Well that's easy, look how he treated his nice honourable decent brother. That just made no sense whatsoever and I'm really disappointed the interviewer didn't just straight out ask Fallon if he was having some sort of breakdown.
  14. OK, some need permits. Germans and French don't, we appear to think they're ok. I'm still confused as to whether the problem is where they come from? All I'm hearing is too many east europeans. Which suggests we are happy with all the others? In fact, if others need a permit or a visa, and we are worried about an infrastructure under pressure, why have we allowed the number of Indians to go up by a quarter of a million in 10 years? The number of South Africans here has gone up by over a third, Bangladeshis, up nearly 200,000 and on and on. If we have control over these, as suggested, and we have problems with the numbers coming in, perhaps that's the real scandal? I'm not a fan of completely open borders but I'm also not against any particular group.
  15. I don't see the relevance of that. The specific problem that the membership of the EU has caused the UK, is that over a million Eastern Europeans moved to the UK in a small space of time, an influx that the then government said wouldn't happen, and has since admitted that it got massively wrong. Of course people move around the planet from one country to another, but they don't often do it in the numbers that have moved to the UK all at once. According to the Office of National Stats there were just under 900,000 east europeans in the UK in February. There were 1.1 million non EU immigrants in the UK, but we don't appear to be quite so worried about them for some reason? In 2013 there were 24,000 Romanians and Bulgarians that came to Britain, a further 37,000 arrived in 2014. Big numbers. In the 2011 census, there were 177,000 americans living in the UK. I've never heard any reference to these as a group. Or the Irish, Nigerians, Jamaicans and South Africans, that lot come to well over a million. I agree that a large influx of people will put a strain on the system, that much must be obvious. I don't get why it's ok for Indians, French, Germans and Australians to turn up, but not Poles. Are we worried about the total number, or the country of origin?
  16. my news that I'm going up the allotment to plant some spuds and onions feels a bit mediocre and petty now thanks for that, you selfish clearing
  17. I haven't heard any of their stuff since they pressed the seminal ctrl alt delete
  18. Yes. Absolutely, yes. Only if they not allowed to claim any benefits until they have lived and contributed to the economy legally for 5 years ..and if someone arrives and buys a million pound house pushing up property prices, they should be taxed sufficiently to build an affordable house...
  19. I guess the people should be allowed to move at least as freely as the money and the tax address. Anyway, if everyone has to go back to their home country, where are we going to put the 5.5 MILLION Brits that live abroad (google the newspaper of your choice for the figure, 2 million in europe. 3 million further afield - even the Heil agrees the figures)?
  20. A full three points away from the releagtion line, Hull now below us and they've got Southampton, Liverpool and Arsenal coming up. Could've been worse. Still limping to that line very slightly faster than the other shit teams.
  21. I'd quite like us to win this one.
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