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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Dave, Look who's discovered Mungo's HiFi following the last mixtape exchange!
  2. people queuing outside record shops the night before record store day 8:30 tonight people outside my local shop, apparently
  3. alone? I think you've been invited to the match thread. We're gonna bitch about all the plastics and glory hunters that abandoned VT for some crappy match ticket.
  4. I believe they've taken a leaf from the tory book of housing policy. They're selling off all their oil at a heavily discounted price. With the money raised they'll be buying more oil.
  5. Ooooh careful now, I don't think polos were ever spread by carrier pigeon. I think that could just be birdshit.
  6. could be that with the margin so fine last time, the lies told then to buy the vote won't wash a second time?
  7. **** off Dave, just **** off I'm going to the RHS Cardiff Flower Show tomorrow. I had to go and see 'Cats' last weekend. I used to be a man.
  8. I have it on good authority that the SNP are prepared to work with Farage to tie up the deal that everything north of Hadrian's Wall is Scotland as he's insisted twice in two days.
  9. one way or the other, bang your money on the next Deputy PM being a ginger
  10. It wasn't aimed at you, but I did wait until it was somebody / anybody I perceived to be thick skinned! I was actually fishing for a pots / kettles / greenhouses style response.
  11. I think some people just post any old random shit in here.
  12. Will.i.am could keep us all up to date on twitter and Holly Willoughby could try their cream horns.
  13. Perhaps on May 9th we just 'eliminate' one of the parties and have a quick phone poll and repeat every weekend until there's a final. A sort of Masterchef / Logan's Run / Apprentice / Hunger Games / The Voice sort of scenario.
  14. election forecast It's actually beyond a simple 2 party buddy up though, isn't it. Neither main party is looking like getting anywhere near 326 seats to govern alone. Current predictions suggest Tory and Lib Dem and UKIP would still be about 20 seats short. Labour and SNP and Plaid would still be short. Could 4 party official coalitions even be possible? It would be like trying to herd cats. The only possible 2 party coalition with a chance of getting over the magic 326 and having broadly similar policies is Con / Lab.
  15. can somebody explain how films like this get funded? surely they dont make any money from it? Surely when they see an actor like danny dyer they just go "nope its going to be shit, im pulling out" I'm guessing you give Mr Dyer £5k for 3 days work, which he does happily because it's easy money and he's doing a favour for his mate, the uncle / dad / agent of one of the kids behind the camera. The rest of the cast get a D Dyer movie on their CV and a week of free lunches. Keep production costs below £40k Persuade Asda to take a thousand copies for their £5 dvd shelf, persuade Morrisons that they need to take 500 copies, persuade one of those TV channels in the late night channel hopper zone to take a copy for £5k And you've lost about £35,000. I have absolutely no idea.
  16. yep, agreed you are never going to get sense through to the people that want to kick all the paediatricians out of Britain, but Farage is doing his best to harness their voting power. Nationalist minority parties shouldn't have a hope in a Britain that feels 'all in it together', any protest or moderation vote shouldn't have the risk of economic and social chaos, which is why this should have been an easy election for the Lib Dems....
  17. I thought Ramones T-shirts only came in sizes for parents to dress their small kids in to make them uber cool .. never knew they made them for 15 year old boys as well Your missing the point that when he was 15 the Ramones were yet to play CBGB's, so he was actually uber hipster central.
  18. Hmmm, Nick Robinson is an odd one, he does come over as a frightened middle age harrumphing tory. I actually thought the whole debate was fairly good. People had chance to make their point, there was just enough space to talk and it didn't get too much into just criticising the other guy. It's probably a personal bias, but I thought four of them were ok and Farage was Farage. Even Natalie Bennett had a fairly decent showing, with the three female leaders showing that different parties can support points of agreement rather than pretending there are cavenous differences where there aren't. It didn't change my opinion on anything. I'd quite like to vote for a party that was a pick n mix of Labour and Plaid, but that doesn't exist. So then you look at the two horse race that is my local scenario and think, do I need to vote tactically? I have to say I'm utterly torn on trident. Is it worthy of a trident thread? Like Tony, I too thought somebody would have made a bigger deal of Ed's 'I saved the world from war' claim. It was Brownesque.
  19. I can see that, but it's still on the east coast. It's southeastern USA. Of course, I get it that 'The West' is an historical/cultural thing, but even so, the idea that a state with a coast on the Gulf is 'western' still amuses me. Is this a similar scenario to 'the north' being everything above the M4? I imagine there are New Yorkers that would consider the wild west starts around about Ohio.
  20. What's your opinion on the looks of Cameron? Would, or would not bang?
  21. I do my own ironing - Mrs Chris does hers, the kids and 'house' ironing. If I'm home, I do the cooking. I sort out packed lunches for all 4 of us every working day. I will absolutely not muck out pets that kids have promised they will look after and not get bored and abandon after a few weeks. Other contributions to domestic life are 'patchy' at best. I once had to ask how to open the washing machine we'd had for 3 years.
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