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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Well, never say never I guess, and best of luck to him out there. But that either means he gets the job at a promoted team between now and August, which I can't see, or he's seen by somebody as the ideal choice to get a team out of a relegation crisis. I just can't see either of those two scenarios with Aston Villa as the last thing on his record.
  2. eventually, when whatever happens happens, the papers will be able to trawl back through all their shit and fantasy, pull out the relevant piece and say 'see, we knew it!'
  3. agreed but for a couple of years it's going to have to be a cup game against lower league or Scots opposition he needs a bit of a rebuild before a prem team would look around for that January rescue managerial change and think of Lambert
  4. as I drive through town there are a large number of labour signboards on the terraced houses, dozens of them as I get to the more well to do areas the labour begin to thin out and you start to see a small number of plaid, maybe a total of six the 'posh' houses as you leave town have two or three conservative signs, really not many as you drive along the link road, the fields of the land owners have been given enough signs to have them at 50 metre intervals, one land owner, 20, 30, 40 signs life's all about stereotypes
  5. I think it's important for Xela that we all offer him the support and the space to talk through his issues with mad **** buddies. We're here for you pal! For Stuart and Bunnski, it's a long game for you guys eventually. Don't try and win, just be there nice n steady long term and let the kids work out what's what for themselves. They will get it if you're as good a dad as you're allowed. Oh, and from experience of someone this week, no matter how in the right you are, don't swear at an officious official on the phone when trying to find info on your kids that you're entitled to. It'll only cause you a delay and days of hassle, because swearing over the phone at Diane in council admin is a much more serious crime than your nippers changing schools without your knowledge.
  6. We used to have a couple of barrels of sherry at the hatch that lead out to the lane (I worked in an offy) and old ladies would rock up with their own jug or bottle and I'd have to turn the little lever on the barrel for them to get their sherry fix. Back then I thought it had to be some sort of scam, but it was just some old dears didn't think it was 'right' to be seen going in or out of an off licence (so they'd happily stand out in the lane with a jug instead!).
  7. Well, in line with my post of yesterday, I've been in my local town square today and the BBC have 4 or 5 vans, a marquee and people with cameras and mics jogging around trying to get people to speak. Over on the island, today my parents have had two different candidates knocking the door, both with their own little film crews so my parents have refused to open the door - but did speak to them through the open living room window and accepted some leaflets handed through the window. I am soooo hoping they've made it on to the local news as eejit islanders confused by door / window useage.
  8. just in case anyone has forgotten - highlights on BBC now...
  9. Been over for a lurkers chuckle at RAWK, actually quite surprised how many are saying Stevie BBC Gerrard has been there a season too long and good riddance.
  10. He's been alright, I guess. If you like great football, lots of chances, goals and wins with Benteke the best striker in Europe at the moment I suppose. it's in the balance for me, we could just be riding the last of the wave of momentum built up by Lambert
  11. sorry, can't wait until May 30th to post it
  12. are we allowed to discuss scouse moderation? because they can be a weird, anally retentive bunch of jumped up little parking wardens, the scouse
  13. yep, got to second what B94 says above BBC 5 Live rpool repeatedly spoke about Stevie G's birthday and the commentator did indeed say he hoped it went to extra time. I had to turn it off in the end, it was spoiling my orgasm. Flicked back 5 or 10 minutes after the end of the game and it was an endless monologue about what a great guy Brendan Rogers is, so off it went again.
  14. text from a couple of the guys at work: Hey Chris, Wembley was awesome we was terrific great day played great - how's was the flower show with your missus? bastards
  15. yeah, I'm laughing at all those mugs with tickets now, it'll take 'em ages to get out. so so so so so so so happy
  16. BBC Radio 5 Live...rpool hoping for 30 minutes extra time, arseholes.
  17. no, it's once we win the final (new rules)
  18. My constituency has switched sides five times since the 80's, tory / labour / tory / labour and currently tory the tory majority was about 4,000 last time, but votes for Plaid. LibDem and UKIP last time added up to about 11/12,000 so it really is a marginal Therefore, as you'd expect, we've been bombarded with visits, door knockers, TV crews, campaign buses, invites to hustings etc., the lot. We even had the PM here a week ago having an ice cream on the beach and telling us that at no point did Baby Snatcher Thatcher ever try to close this town down.
  19. a quick look at our form and citehs form suggests they are a good team to play right now I know its not that simple, just ask Spurs.
  20. see, isn't the tinternet a wonderful thing - I quite like Brother Culture, but didn't know about that link up, now I've got a new lead to follow up... for me, the winding route went like this: I like Alabama 3 a couple of the guys split off from the band and formed Mountain of Love, which is a bit more electro / dub orientated I went to see Mountain of Love play a pub gig in Brixton and they were excellent, part way through the gig they had a mini guest vocals spot from Brother Culture and that was just superb, just properly one of my best ever gig experiences, about 40 or 50 of us in a boozer being blown away now a new link, Mungo's Hi Fi was on a CD from Dave and I loved it and here we are!
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