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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Rainbow and Nazareth were the two bands that my old man had in his collection I'd secretly play back in the day when I still lived with the folks. Everybody out? Good. Lets have a bit of Rainbow Rising on the stereogram. Closest I get to that now? Probably Grinderman, which I know isn't that close, but its the closest I go. I did play it ridiculously loudly on Tuesday on a 'work from home' day.
  2. George Osbourne was here in town yesterday, apparently. My missus has been asked if she'd like to meet Milliband next Tuesday when he's in town. There was a local candidate husting on Tuesday, Green Party and UKIP candidates didn't turn up. I like to think they were either fighting or shagging in the car park around the back.
  3. clearly a warning to people considering voting ukip or tory or it could be an anti gay thing from Satan (yeah, he's way more homophobic than the good guys, nobody ever expects that, keeps his head down to avoid bad PR)
  4. aye, cheers chaps, all good points, I'll go away now and mull it over. For info., her latest plan is apparently to keep going with the A Levels as at present - but chuck an additional one in next year to get some media studies qual at A level to help get that sort of course at Uni - nothing like putting pressure on yourself! We have suggested the whole year out thing - with the caveat she would have to do 'something' and not just be the xbox queen. Something could be an Asda job, volunteering, or other non Uni qualification. We've certainly offered to taxi her around as many campus as she wants in the summer - but I won't physically hand hold her around the site - that's her own job and I don't like seeing parents getting too involved in 'the tour'. I think part of the problem we have here, is that she did an open day at Cardiff Campus and they were filming Casualty or Holby or something in one of the halls whilst she was there and she got a bit star struck by how cool it all was. I know, I know, star struck by Casualty. But its a massive industry around here with the new studios, so its not a ridiculous thing to want to get involved in. It'll all work out in the end, I didn't know where I was heading until I was 25, so it can't be easy at 17.
  5. cheers chaps all good info Agree Stef, what I've seen of music, from composing, software, theory, history and playing, it's a heavy duty very technical subject - maybe not instantly obviously useful outside of music circles, but tough. 'she' doesn't have a clue what she wants to do - other than two vague plans: First, she likes the idea of knocking around the BBC as a runner / tea maker and then being discovered as a kick ass writer / composer / producer / general dogs body (hence this new media studies thing). Second, she wants to get across to the States and just generally chance her arm seeing what turns up. We've invested a lot of time determined not to tell the kids to be accountants or lawyers but to do what will make them happy. My idea of 'success' ranks a poor but happy poet as being preferable to a legal aid lawyer working 60 hours a week to get a moderate house on a twee new build estate. But trying to work out if this change of plan is genuine or a wobble, is almost impossible. Trying not to be either a hippy parent or a bossy helicopter parent, dead easy.
  6. hmmmm, my nipper is in sixth form and has been heading towards some sort of music / english university place. Doing well, expected / projected to get decent grades across the board (sorry Tony). Criteria for Uni entry was to be studying towards grade 7 in an instrument, well, already on 6 in guitar with a little over a year to go, plus self taught to 3 or 4 on piano, self taught violin to grade 'meh' and just sat theory for the first time and passed scoring 'distinction' at grade 5. So all going swimmingly.... Except of course, apparently we now want to drop music and start afresh to study.... media studies. I need a strategy that's more sophisticated than my current plan of shouting threats of extreme violence. Or, I need convincing (and I'd genuinely be happy to be put right on this) that 'media studies' is legit and isn't that shit course you do if you're no good at other subjects but like writing reviews of marvel films in just 140 characters. I am fully aware that music based subjects ain't exactly chemistry and engineering, but it has been 'the plan' (not my plan I hasten to add - my original brief was 'be happy') for the last 5 years.
  7. I don't think over 43,000 people have responded to this thread. I think there have been over 43,000 responses from people.
  8. Surrey? Having been through Surrey a few times recently, they still appear to be suffering prolonged after effects from agent orange.
  9. my thoughts on this do tend to waiver, but for today: I find it interesting that there are votes for having NATO nukes. Or, to put it another way. people would surrender our nuclear weapons but allow nukes under somebody else's control be stored in UK bases. It's a strong statement on trusting your friends and great if it could be pulled off. Then there is the argument that Putin could wipe out the earth with a nuclear attack so it's suicide. Well, yes if he launches a few dozen of them, less so if he just pops one off in London and watches western economics and infrastructure collapse. Do we know that the U.S. would retaliate on our behalf? We know they'd do that for definite 30 years from now? We're happy to get rid of ours but rely on someone else's? Then there's the rogue death cult state. In 20 years time when the ISIS caliphate is established and semi recognised (in a North Korea sort of way), if we have no weapons why on earth wouldn't they nuke us? Then again, they might just nuke us in the hope of revenge nuking to bring about the end of days? But then, if Tony's suitcase nuke goes off at Birmingham New Street, who are we going to bomb? Would we wipe out all the people of Iraq and Iran, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi, Libya and Syria to get back at the handful of perpetrators? It's a toughy. Twenty years ago, I was a straightforward simple nuclear disarmer. Now, today, I'm a don't know.
  10. Despite all that he is far more popular than tony bliar somehow! not really sure what point you're making, but yes, probably less unpopular than blair
  11. by 'we' do you mean the UK or VT? I believe the UK 'could', but probably buy in tech from the US like good little puppies. I believe VT could, but the battle is still raging over whether to run it on Kitkat or Cobol and whether the stickers would peel off in the high temperatures generated on explosion.
  12. Nice to see that nice Mr Major preaching to the nation about the dangers of socialist Scots. I thought he was dead. Is he still married to Norma but shagging Edwina Currie? Or did he pack that in at the same time he stopped preaching to the nation about old fashioned family values?
  13. With lots of talk of the desperate need to end austerity, properly arm the troops, fund the NHS etc., I wonder if we need a referendum on our nuclear deterrent? With the cost of the only option being considered guestimated at between £30 and £100 billion, perhaps we could spend the money on something else - or even, not spend it at all! After all, are we really going to use them?
  14. yep cats are awful things, selfish shitting scummy animals that kill wildlife and leave poisonous shit everywhere horrible things that are killing the birds and frogs in my garden and trying to get at the kids pet rabbit, all whilst leaving shit and spray that stinks
  15. 'only 175 days before my birthday' bang on the money every week
  16. £2 signed copy, but I actually bought it because it was recorded just down the road in Penarth. It's a bit Dukes of Hazard / Smokey and the Bandit so far...
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