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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. is it David Cameron's nipper? just back from the pub after all these years?
  2. Story on the radio this morning that the FBI 'investigated' Jack's version of the song. Apparently they were worried that the unintelligible words may have been obscene. On listening many times at various speeds, they decided no, it really is just unintelligible. The Kingsmen said this was due to the nature of the recording, a single take, all together in a small room with a single mic suspended from the ceiling. Total recording cost $36. I believe the modern hipster chap would refer to this audio recording technique as 'lo-fi'.
  3. not a big believer in humanist marriages, its just a stupid contradiction 'yeah we want to be seen to do the right thing by god, but can we skip it out of the wording because we're modern and squeamish'
  4. please just let it be easy, for a change a dull, straightforward 2 goal lead from early on I am spending much too much work time adding up every possible permutation.
  5. Jack Ely, aged 71 one hit wonder, but what a hit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4V1p1dM3snQ
  6. What do you mean 'if' the USA was to do that? Have you seen no news in the last 12 months? All those riots? OK it's not drug related, but there is a massive problem with a broken police force and political establishment murdering and framing the under classes. It's clearly endemic in some of those places, Montgomery being the one with the spotlight on it at the moment. Baltimore currently has curfews and national guard on the streets. Once you start declaring states 'rogue' and blacklisted because of one form of corruption or another it really does set a bit of a bar. Will you boycott Russian goods because Russia is illegally bombing Ukrainian families today? Those families are dying and have done nothing wrong. But then I suppose the mortars were leaving Russian held land not arriving, so it's less bad. Let's not even begin to look at China...
  7. No difference whatsoever whether the drugs were going in or out of the country, bizarre point to make on the direction of travel. As for being vehemently against unfair execution of people that haven't had a fair chance. I guess a few of you will be boycotting holidays to the USA? Or are there degrees of acceptability to death penalties and ropey judicial process? I am not pro the death penalty, just to make that clear.
  8. and broad single agenda and based off and popular idealist axioms it's just a version of bull bingo
  9. I'm not wholly convinced the person that stitched that together completely understood it.
  10. what's the chance of that! identical quotes from two different real people for two different candidates in two different constituencies you couldn't make it up....
  11. this game has done nothing to change my opinion of Liverpool
  12. I don't agree with the death penalty. I also don't agree with drug smuggling. I also think it's unwise to smuggle drugs in a foreign country with the death penalty for drug smugglers. It is sad, and it was avoidable. Rough all round.
  13. I was once asked what my favourite 'type' was by my missus. I was possibly over honest when I replied 'the type I think might touch my genitals'.
  14. turns out he could fly, it was just Keith's hand up his egg chute holding him back
  15. wahey! I was what I'd consider second generation, I'd have said northern soul had filled the gap between the two. I think it was an early 70's thing maybe? Certainly, by the time mid 70's bands were getting interviewed they were quoting NS as an influence 'when they were younger', lord forbid. Typical example would be early 'The Jam' set lists which would have been speeded up soul music. I've currently got lots of late 70's early 80's albums on rotation. Some are surprisingly good, such as The Chords, The Prisoners, The Times (it was a period of time when any serious band had 'the' in the title). Others just leave me wondering what on earth I was buying. Late 70's around here would still have required visits to 'black' clubs down Cardiff Docks to hear 'authentic' non TOTP top 30 soul music. There was a club at the far end of Bute Street called The North Star Club which was considered a no go area by my elders and betters. A very small number of us would get in there under age. Whilst we were never exactly embraced as brothers, we were totally ignored. Which for that area at that time was as good as it got. Live music would have been The New Ocean Club, again a club on wasteland in the dark down the docks. I saw Dr Feelgood there, on my own in my tight little silver suit, surrounded by Hells Angels. They adopted me, they must have presumed I was either lost or psychotic.
  16. I was quite impressed with Clegg yesterday. When he said he had an absolute promise, a red line, that he would want extra spending on education he was asked if that was actually true and could he be trusted on it given that he held up the signed pledge last time about tuition fees. Boldly, he explained that this education promise was on the first page of the manifesto, whereas the silly old stuff about tuition fees, whilst regrettable, had never been on the first page. For some reason I can't explain, I'm more disappointed when a Liberal lies than when (both) the others do. I think maybe I expect more of them, whereas Labour and tory you know its just words for the sake of words and means less to them than reading the ingredients off a random packet of something.
  17. really? I see the standard of political threads is as good as ever a picture of Cameron below the title 'nutter magnet'
  18. there is no way any satirist anywhere could have any comment to make about a Brand / Miliband youtube interview
  19. Might as well throw in my version: Northern soul is a bit of a construct, any obscure soul / dance music with a fast enough danceable beat could be considered 'northern soul'. Whilst bands might want to call themselves rockers or mods or punks or whatever, nobody ever originally set out to be a northern soul band. It's pretty much anything obscure from 60's through to disco. As a 'movement' that whole Wigan Casino / Twisted Wheel scene is well documented (well documented to death!). The best film ever made about Northern Soul was, of course, the 3 minute video for The Style Council's 'Solid Bond'.
  20. like the worst of the 1980's narrative, it's all about narrative
  21. airstream there you go, £266,000 change to play with
  22. Just the fact it has a fancy name annoys me! I went from a diamond schwartz black car to an obsidian black car - what's wrong with normal black! and the flat black would've been £300 cheaper too!
  23. Without wishing to be too negative, we don't have to be the worst, with so few games left and teams below us with games in hand there is a real element of luck involved now. Right now Sunderland are in a relegation spot, one fluke goal off one knee and they are above us. I'm not saying we'll go down, I'm saying time isn't on our side for a comfy ride home. I still think we'll do it, but youch I dropping points against Hull, Newcastle and QPR in the last couple of months really hasn't been a great idea.
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