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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. I've been out all day, have I missed anything?
  2. Why the **** is it, that every second hand shop I go to has nothing but Harry Secombe. James Last, Jim Reeves and Max **** Boyce??? That's exactly what Ray McVay is! Oi! (you're not wrong)
  3. Well, when the dust settles and we can take a broader view of this election I think one positive that will come out of it will be that I got a Super Furry Animals ticket from one of the candidates.
  4. SNP MP's already gathering for first trip to Westminster
  5. a point Labour couldn't ram home as they wouldn't say where their cuts were going to fall
  6. I went off for a bit of a dad dance with a very nice glass of red. Came back and the thread was locked. Just wasted 10 minutes reading the last few pages looking for where it all kicked off......nothing. Hey, democracy, we're all winner for taking part.
  7. second hand shop find a few months back, a couple of quid, sounds and plays lovely of course, the real beauty is the tunes are so familiar.......people don't realise it's a recent purchase incidentally, since you (didn't) ask, the other two I bought new back in the day! my old man went totally UKIP first time I played that Dead Kennedys one, which was pretty much what I was hoping for
  8. That is absolute nonsense. Why I prioritise someone on benefits who i don't know compared to myself and my family? Would they do so to me? Sorry might sound selfish but that is the reality of the situation I have to look after myself and my family before others. So to recap, you've disagreed with him, and then given an example that proves his point? Presumably all the better person than you posters have just this second got back from their 15 hours of volunteer work and are having a well earned cuppa before going out and feeding the poor whilst single handily saving a unicorn from a pack of savage northerners or something Everyone's responsibility is to their family .... Now it's true that some people , bankers, union leaders , ex labour PM's with the initials TB and so on are greedier than others and would exploit others to get to the top regardless . ... But to try and imply that Dem is any different from everyone else for wanting to put his family first is disingenuous and unfair. you genuinely can't see the irony in that response? come on man, read it again and lighten up
  9. That is absolute nonsense. Why I prioritise someone on benefits who i don't know compared to myself and my family? Would they do so to me? Sorry might sound selfish but that is the reality of the situation I have to look after myself and my family before others. So to recap, you've disagreed with him, and then given an example that proves his point?
  10. I was a bit too young the first time I watched it - that scene nearly finished me.
  11. chrisp65

    Hell Is...

    what you been putting up your arse now? what it was, I was upstairs getting changed, heard a noise so I popped downstairs naked, slipped, and now I can't find the novelty giant pepper grinder we brought back from Rome
  12. chrisp65

    Hell Is...

    when you finally concede it's not coming back out and you have to go to A&E
  13. Paddywhack I urge you to sleep on this whole thing. What if the big ones are an error. Some rebellion in the factory by the chocolate squirter crew, a wrongly calibrated wafer machine, profit sabotage by a competitor. You could be alerting Mr Rocher to big excess balls, not little ones. You could be spoiling it for all of us.
  14. I actually saw that live, he repeatedly smashed her head into the desk saying 'if you had a daddy not two mummies he could stop me', laughed, looked at the camera and said that on May 9th he was basically going to close the Midlands down as an anti Scot fire break, it was the most southerly point of the north so that's where the war begins. Then a sort of thin tongue flicked out and licked salty blood from his eye. You can see it on the slow mo version on youtube.
  15. I've looked at that Facebook picture extensively now. I mean really really properly looked. Printed it off and looked right over the thing. I think it could actually be Pharrell's hat.
  16. There does appear to be some panic that the Scots are doing exactly what they were encouraged to do by the Labour and Conservative Parties during the Independence Referendum. Stay with us, contribute and make your distinct voice heard. That was very much what was urged. Turns out now, it's not what was really meant. ------- CED, yep, looks completely 'happy' on his electoral pen pic, love him. CISTA matalanafesto: FOR - EU referendum, war on tax evasion, minimum wage £8 (now not 2020), road and rail investment, increased budgets for armed services, NHS, police and affordable house building. AGAINST - Cuts in library services, HS2, Trident, Bedroom Tax.
  17. Yes, I get that, it also allows the 2% of the electorate locally that want to vote LibDem to vote for them. But why such a stinker of a token candidate? Stick a 23 year politics student in there to get some practise before going to a winnable seat. Stick a local bird in that could at least say they live here and know about whatever local issue comes up. But to field a candidate that hasn't been here, even when invited to events? I hope they get beaten into 6th place by the Greens. I doubt they'll end as low as 7th behind the CISTA (Cannabis Is Safer Than Alcohol) Party. I haven't seen him around either, but there's probably a good explanation for that.
  18. Why would you spend £500 to stand in an election - but then not bother? I only ask because I haven't seen or heard anything whatsoever from our 'local' Lib Dem candidate. They'd only be expected to come a very distant fifth anyway, but the guy simply hasn't shown up. Literally. I've followed him on twitter and he appears to be a councillor in a neighbouring constituency. So his tweets are a 50 / 50 mix of reminding people in a different constituency that they need to put bin bags out on Tuesday as there's been a bank holiday. Or, pictures of him knocking doors for other candidates over in the Bristol area or attending rallies in London. We haven't had a leaflet, not an advert in the local free paper, he has declined to attend local hustings. He clearly isn't even ever in the area, busy commuting between Cardiff, London and Bristol. Why would you even bother? Surely they could either have saved their money and not stood here, spending £500 elsewhere. Or, lordy forbid, found someone that lived in the area that could actually attend the occasional meeting or drop a leaflet through a door or just be hanging around in the High Street with a rosette on? If they have absolutely nobody locally from the population of 130,000, then why bother standing? Weird.
  19. I'm not going to source this, because I'm a maverick and I can't remember where I was when I made it up. But I'm sure I saw somewhere that because the LibDems have had years of honing their support in their winnable seats, whereas UKIP is new and general there was likely to be a scenario where UKIP get twice as many votes in total as the Libs, but with the Libs getting 20 or so seats and the Kippers getting 2 or 3 seats. it wasn't this, but it'll do
  20. Looks good as it is mate, maybe a monocle?
  21. ugghhh, then the majority of 'traffic' will return to 'wrestling' and in depth dissection of batman movies. I get enough of that on my accounts where I pretend to be 14.
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