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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. chrisp65


    just tap in any words you think might describe that gif into google for the fuller version for me, the damning part is his shirt collar out over his suit lapel I don't think he dressed himself that day
  2. chrisp65


    there are a surprisingly high number of those in the office along with heavy black frame glasses and brown shoes with blue suits my work wear is a bit more you know, hiding in plain site I like to think we look a bit like the Beastie Boys. The above picture may not actually be actual us.
  3. chrisp65


    it's a couple of different sites and not absolutely obvious what they do one of those business speak job descriptions that means little 'facilitating vision in dynamic environments' type guff I suspect they are either MI5 or SPECTRE
  4. chrisp65


    I'm currently working in a place that tests and screens staff. In a nod to practicality, they don't test on Mondays.
  5. chrisp65


    do you really think its a strange response? a strange response for all drugs in general? or just coke? if 'we' at Villatalk all ended up back at yours after a get together, so not really knowing each other that well, and I asked if it was ok for me to do a little bit of speed / coke / K you'd be thoroughly ok with that, or with just some of those choices? I wouldn't like it, if it was my house. It stays in your pocket, thanks. If we are all a bit more comfy in each others company, we are familiar with each others habits and I know you're not a prize dick liability when you're on your poison of choice, that's another matter.
  6. chrisp65


    yeah that's pretty awful etiquette I'd be pissed off if someone suggested that when they clearly didn't know me that well. Anyway, who does coke at a middle aged house party? That's strictly an environment for red wine (£2 above base), Level 42 (Snowpatrol if you're a bit 'edgy') and a shared spliff off your token teaching assistant friend (she helps the infants do 'craft') at the very very end.
  7. Late 1970's Habitat knife block. Some knives I've had 20 years, some (like with Mooney's pic) were freebies from Morrisons and are being trialled to see if we like them enough to keep them in the block.
  8. accept the job that has given you the Friday deadline then, you 'might' relax and be able to properly assess the other offer if / when it lands if its better and you want it enough to let down the Friday guys, let down the Friday guys bird in the hand, until you have two birds in two hands and can decide which one to let go good luck
  9. today's treat to me limited ed., number 154 / 300 I suspect that somewhere, there's a store room with the other 299 in.
  10. yeah, first side is definitely stronger than the second for me, but all good Possibly time for a record shop visit tomorrow, if I can wrap my meeting up quick enough, so who knows...something new to bring home!
  11. they could do a lot worse than Charlotte Church background to the rant: There was an anti austerity protest on Saturday, Charlotte took part and so the head of the Welsh Conservatives, RT Davies branded her a champagne socialist and her actions as 'unbecoming'.
  12. Regardless of whether you want independence or not, to suggest two areas are 'too different' to carry on in one union is ridiculous and dangerous. It suggests Scotland has more in common with Portugal and Bulgaria than it does England and Wales? It suggests that London should be separated from Cornwall? Too different to co-exist together is a very scary idea. Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Dundee having more in common with Valetta in Malta or Constanta on the Black Sea is just a plain bizarre position to take. Wanting to be in charge of your own affairs and see if you can make it as a country that is an equal partner of other countries, with the euro, that I can understand. Wanting to go totally alone with your own currency and your own laws, that I can get my head around. Leaving the UK but having the UK's money whilst you join the EU without the Euro. That's a lovely idea for students to chat over, but not really very practical is it? I'm not naturally anti independence if that's what people want. Providing the people aren't being conned or frankly, just being deliberately thick or in denial.
  13. A mess?So QPR and Hull are not in a mess because they spend a shit load more?Nonsense. Considering us and Hull finished 2 points off each other last season, Hull spending 30 million more than us this season suggests that they have more ambition than us. Let that sink in. Hull City have more ambition than Aston Villa I guess I'm just really really grateful that for once, the league positions weren't based on how much money you can throw at shit.
  14. a long weekend in Brum just gone a couple of nights in a hotel, walking, shopping, Villa Store, walking the canal, eating in those fancy pants canal side places, a bit of football!!!!, walking, a visit to a zoo and now a day working from home to recover
  15. I went to Twycross Zoo yesterday. There was a family there that were just horrible. I saw them do a few things through the course of the day that'll probably make me look like some smug middle class git. But surely you can work out for yourself that one of the dining tables inside the chip shop on site is not the right place to change a baby's nappy? FFS 10 metres to the side are dedicated baby changing rooms. But hey, I suppose that would have slowed you down eating your chips at the same time. Utterly gross. We had words later in the day, there was a small quiet group of us watching the gorillas, in wanders this same family. Dad starts taking flash photos and actually starts banging the glass and shouting 'oooh oooh', it was as funny as it was bad. After the third time he did this, trying to get the male gorilla to turn around, I said there was a sign that said don't bang on the glass. His lovely missus span the baby buggy around, marched out and announced, 'come on let's go, these people are ignorant!'. Well, that was unexpected. One of the other families in there, laughed, nodded at me and said 'yeah ignorant'. We all had a little superior chuckle to ourselves. But what IQ of bloke still bangs on the glass of an animal enclosure in 2015? They are still out there these broken people.
  16. For what it's worth, I actually hesitated over the ballot paper and nearly voted Labour, then thought, ahh sod 'em. As it happens, in a seat described as a targeted marginal, the conservative won by a total thousands greater than the combined total of Labour, Plaid, Greens and the Dems all together. That's fairly emphatic.
  17. I buy kit and clothes as and when I need it, boots, vests, the occasional printer or disto and stick the vat receipt in my expenses. I've got a system now where I just book hotels or travel or buy dinner all on one dedicated credit card and give them the bill with receipts pinned to it. That way, they get to pay any interest incurred as well. I generally use a highlighter pen on the Costa Coffee and severn bridge toll receipts to show how long I was out. My local chinese takeaway don't even need to be asked anymore, they just include a proper receipt! Admin love reading through my takeaway orders.
  18. I can only imagine they had three candidates that were less appealing than just propping up the corpse of Jimmy Saville in a kilt.
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