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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlCtZRqYAIk
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-GoQWjH56k
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsnIdx8JSBY
  4. love and embrace the lo fi fuzz Lovely Eggs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-iVglUq7N8 brace yourselves.....drum stuff coming up (love his drumming in the vid above, it just oozes live gig energy), loving 'live' drums tonight
  5. it was funny, therefore it was acceptable there is absolutely no subject beyond the reach of humour, except maybe...yesterday
  6. music to accompany the Sunday evening ironing session 30 years old this copy and we've played it countless times between us, not a click or a crackle, pristine 'Deutsche Grammaphon'
  7. with Lambert, we'd get a sequence of two 1:0 defeats and a 0:0 draw whereas with Sherwood I think we are about to get a 6:0 defeat, a 3:3 draw and a 1:0 win of the two, I'd go with Sherwood, which is just as well, because that's who we've got for the foreseeable future my only fear, is that limited playing resources and limited tactics might mean we've been worked out by November and begin to find it just as hard as before
  8. non-league It's been said a dozen times before, but the combination of caring a bit less, only paying a fiver and being able to stand drinking from a china mug they've asked you to return at the end is simply joyous.
  9. That it is the minimum expectation from all of our players agreed did you see that from all of them today?
  10. Gabby cared and he tried and i thank him for that.
  11. official release date of next Monday but got mine today as it turned out, the highlight of my day
  12. it takes all sorts I guess and in that I have real dislikes, I can understand it not being for everyone I really really don't like that sanitised 'pop' reggae of UB40, The Police, Eddie Grant et al. I couldn't work in 'that' bar. But from memory, the last 6 or 7 'new' albums I've bought have all been heavy 1970's dub albums. That stuff I find addictive. The 'fairly obscure' cd that dAVe80 sent out - that's found a permanent place in the car CD player. My missus is not a fan.
  13. nothing much planned for this weekend oh yeah hopefully hospitalised early hours of Sunday morning
  14. You have asked VT for ideas for what you could buy your missus that's different and memorable.
  15. Which is a great theory - but fatally flawed. How does that explain where the male chickens poop eggs from - they don't even have fannies.
  16. top man I'll presume that by 'verbatim' you are including the doo doo doo's of the bass guitar and drum breaks.
  17. I've done the same (not with your kid, with one of mine) and never had a problem. I guess 9 times out of 10 you'll be fine, most stewards are ready for an easy life, very few jobsworths. They might ask a few questions before letting you in, but if you tolerate this, then your child will be next.
  18. yeah, that's pretty much where I was heading too. But I was worried that PW was possibly sat on an Irish bog - and might have had those funny foreign coins that are worth **** all. Thinking about it now, I'm getting a strange subliminal message he may have been closer to Halesowen than Kilkenny. Glad I didn't say it out loud now and make a tit of myself.
  19. the american authorities have quoted a $10million bribe to get the World Cup in South Africa I think perhaps these are still the opening shots and people will, unfortunately need a bit of patience to see where it goes.
  20. Swagger out of the cubicle, push a coin into his hand, nothing to big or too small, a mid ranking coin. Push that in his hand and, standing slightly too close, say 'here you go fella, you'll earn that tip'. Spit in the wash hand basin and walk out. Be alpha and people will respect you.
  21. don't we still need water for things that lay eggs? like dogfish? also, never been proved we ever were just made of water, it's only a 'theory'
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