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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. usual day today from Reading through to about Epsom, tuck in to inside lane and undertake about a thousand cars
  2. was just about to post on the very subject of your last line clip played on BBC Radio 4 Coulson says it shows he didn't lie NO, it means whether he lied or not was irrelevant slimy liar hack scum
  3. you'll be on babysitting duties by September! good luck to all suggested future birthday presents: tin drum bugle novelty voices loud haler glockenspiel unicycle
  4. borderline noodling, but not quite so it's fine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XhQRFO4M7A
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1o68h4Usqs
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEkmoawOih0
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-WXzz9cZLc
  8. It is indeed a handy trick straight out of the upstart's handbook. In fact, briefly, I was that apprentice hijacker. Luckily, in the mid 1980's the internet wasn't around to record your personal learning curve through life.
  9. Doesn't harm to have the occasional peaceful protest, and BoE to Parliament is so short a journey even students should be able to manage it. If there is no effective opposition, then it's probably worth reminding them that not everyone in one nation Britain looks like the people they see when they have a constituency fundraiser or a 1922 committee jerk off. My genuine fear is that there are currently too many people spoiling for a fight before 'cuts' have been announced. That will both put off genuine mums and nans from protesting if it kicks off again, and it will give dubious moral high ground to those tossers that are currently writing up wish lists of things they can close or sell. Oh, and that march most definitely had an impact on future policy in the middle east.
  10. So just like the UK then (except right instead of left, obvs) Wales is the worst. I'm convinced they must have passed a law that says it's illegal to drive in the nearside ("slow") lane. I'd like to put in a shout for the M25 and the South East. But it's not a problem. Twice last week I happily zoomed around the M25 in lane 1 or lane 2 whilst every Audi and white van ever sold in the UK were parked in lanes 3 and 4.
  11. Looks good huh? Really, it's just a quick dub mix tape I put together for the car. You know the sort of thing, window down, drive slow, females looking in and smiling and saying stuff like 'hot tunes you fine man', and you're just like, 'yeah, thanks lady' and you just drive by, smiling, because if you weren't a good sorted and grounded bloke, you could have done sex to her. But it's not about meaningless sex, it's about the groove.
  12. on the plus side, I believe you are now democratically obliged to shoot him
  13. Gene Krupa was an early fascination of mine. One of the first two records I got given (to have something to play on the record player I'd been given) was an original Gene Krupa 7" that had 'How High The Moon' on it along with a bunch of other stuff. I was fascinated by it. Still got it, but clearly at some point I've used it to polish some concrete.
  14. How did it go? Did they have anything on you, or was it just a standard police harassment shakedown?
  15. what do you think the price tag is on if it isn't on the hanger?
  16. My mate got into a bit of a scrap and ended up in a police van - he wasn't thinking straight and forgot to get rid of the calling cards he'd had printed up 'for a laugh' that read 'you have been selected and dealt with by the urban gorillas'. Massive trouble for him, including losing his job. Later turned out, like some bizarre Good Will Hunting thing that he was spectacularly good at maths, he went on to work at the university. We all loved strange Eddie - he could remember every score, every scorer, every conceivable stat from Espana '82.
  17. I'd be confident that by October at the very latest, Lerner would approve the short list.
  18. When plan A hasn't worked in the first half, you can give it 10 minutes of the second half. When it still hasn't worked after an hour, then perhaps, just perhaps, it's time to try plan B. There was no plan B. There wasn't even an attempt to do plan A quicker, or deeper, or less shit.
  19. We can buy the best 'keeper in the world, if the defence is going to allow 20 shots per game, something is going in. I feel there are much higher priorities than replacing Guzan.
  20. Perhaps we need to combine Randy's love of the free scarf gimmick with our desire to share our collective tactical wisdom with Tim. First game of next season, a scarf on each seat. Hold up the claret side - add a defender NOW Tim! Hold up the blue side - add a striker NOW Tim! Twirl scarf round n round above head - lobbing a gentle high ball in to their box once every 10 or 15 minutes in the hope Tekkers is unmarked isn't working, try something else. No scarves to be seen - pfff **** knows how you move this lot forward, I'll wait until the end and suggest whatever you didn't try
  21. Has anybody mentioned 'Hive' yet? We had a new boiler fitted and decided to go for this Hive installation at the same time. Essentially it's an internet based controller for your heating and water that means you can fiddle with the settings remotely, and collect a whole bunch of meaningless data on water temperature averages and the like. But it does mean, that we have genuinely on a few occasions now, gone away for a weekend and mid journey remembered we can whip out the smart phone and dial down the heating and the water. Conversley, if the weather is crap we can fire up the heating when we are an hour from home. All jolly lovely. Where it has really come into it's own is in persuading the rest of my merry band of housemates to turn the heating down. I've tried, literally for years, to persuade the three of them that we shouldn't be walking around the house in tee shirts in the winter. That it's ok to need a couple of layers on, indoors, in February. I've never managed to get that message accepted. NOW! Now, we get a nice anonymous e-mail once in a while from the Hive bot. One informed us that on average, comparing our average house temperature with other houses in our area running Hive, we were consistently one degree higher. It suggested that to save money we might consider dialling down the heating to the average setting of others. BANG. The heating gets turned down same day. I've now set up a lookee likee Hive gmail account that will be making other suggestions!
  22. it's 2015 ffs is she any good as an actor? no woman should be allowed out unless air brushed, cgi'd and photoshopped to **** in order to look acceptably youthful and blemish free (not really aimed directly at you there MV, just the whole stupid anti female industry - endorsed and funded in no small way by women, I might quickly add)
  23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80TNAYRPYKk bit of twiddly folk guitar for the older chaps not noodling, mind definitely not noodling
  24. what is that useless? is it DADA I guess?
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