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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Stef, does this mean you'll be able to take her up the Villa?
  2. Sadowitz is the comedy paedo predictor - he called it, years ago.
  3. I know who Jerry Sadowitz is!!! I think I'm officially supercool again.
  4. Well I didn't give that name because I thought Axl Rose had dark curly hair and a top hat! I'd be great on quiz shows.
  5. I know this is said a lot, and usually said for the laughs. But hand on heart, I don't know who that guy with the hair is. If I had to guess to save my life or win a million, I'd say Guns n Roses, but I wouldn't know the name???? Am I close?
  6. beginning to look like our only export to Poland was some sort of sex con man this could turn diplomatic and people wonder why we can't win Eurovision?
  7. If Vlaar goes we might be able to reduce the wage bill on the physio staff too.
  8. ok, ok, it's not an album but it's a good 12"
  9. Leicester players tried Dogger Bank and look what happened.
  10. Close season, ennit? We're all off on holiday, while out agents look for new club message boards for us to post on. I've got a couple of Champions League message boards looking at me, apparently. I'm 1972MILF on mumsnet, if any of you ever get over there, look me up.
  11. I think the 1995 Ireland vs England match was fairly poor.
  12. yep, can't deny Cream were excellent musicians, but I know where 16 year old skinny suit wearing me would have been jumping up n down like a loon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWG81mdUaKA
  13. ok this is your 7 minute warning to get out and spot the ISS going over
  14. Oh yeah, very much Feelgood territory. Having seen them both live, that would be a tricky call. Actually, two bands that are both better live than recorded so they really were quite similar. The difference, I guess, would have been that Nine Below / The Truth would have been more contemporary for me, same cut of suit and all that superfluous rubbish that at the time was of deathly importance. When I went to see the Feelgoods a couple of times, I had to go on my own. To see Nine Below, we'd go as a gang and have a different experience. If you've got the album, you've heard his speciality - train noises harmonica! He could get 10 minutes out of that build up in a gig!
  15. Ingram, that is so disgraceful it made me laugh out loud AND despair of us all, at the same time.
  16. One of the very first bands I saw live, I would have been about 15 / 16 at the time, probably still in my top 10 gigs. Same band later became 'The Truth' and they took over the crown of best and hardest working live band. Never quite nailed it in the studio.
  17. My mum used to take clean clothes from my room, to wash them again 'rather than wait'. My mum used to get an idea that I would be coming home, when I hadn't said I would be, cook a tea I didn't want and then start an argument about wasted time and wasted food. I got home one day and she'd given away my pet hamster, because she 'couldn't remember if I still wanted it'. Nut case. We got on much much better once I left and just visited every other weekend.
  18. I think you should have a massive dirty shag where you introduce lots of new weird stuff to your love making. Then sit down and have a serious talk about how you can't see a future together. It's important to do this in the correct order.
  19. More worried about Alan Wells to be honest , if I find he was a drug taker a small piece of my childhood will die only if pie and mash is outlawed
  20. Weirdest one I had, got stopped whilst driving and asked if I'd been drinking. Whilst I had a car full of drunks I was able to say no, not a single drink. They said they doubted that, I said I was more than happy to be breathalysed and if it registered anything at all I'd be gobsmacked. They refused to brethalyse me, but insisted they felt I had been drinking and should leave the car and walk home. This went back and fore for quite some time, once I had people trying to get out the car to 'help' my argument I decided it was time to go. I told the nice police chaps I was going now. Turned, walked, they never said anything, I started the car, they never said anything. I drove off. Weird.
  21. regardless of what any laws or guidance might say, this is reality I've lived worked and played in shitty areas, and now I'm lucky enough to live in a slightly nicer area. It is patently obvious that you are treated differently in these different places. There is a police logic they use, find you in a shitty area, you must be trouble. Find you in a nice area, you're probably an intelligent middle class employed person and good day to you sir. I can't be persuaded otherwise, I've encountered both sides time and time again. I used to live in an area where I was basically harassed by the police for living there. I now live somewhere that once a year the police knock the door to introduce themselves, give their mobile number in case I want to report or ask anything, and they investigate someone nicking the badge off my car. So I've gone from 'guilty' but they just haven't worked out what I did yet, to innocent and offered counselling by victim support for a stolen badge. The only difference was my postcode. Right or wrong, that's reality.
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