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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. yep, sounds like a job well missed At an interview for a lowly admin position many years ago I was asked, with no context or lead up 'in what respect was Margaret Thatcher directly and personally responsible for the Bradford City Football Fire deaths?' I didn't see the question coming, waffled a non answer, didn't get the job. Never did find out what the 'right' answer was. Dick.
  2. Had a really good gif of two fighting ladies - but one had bare legs and I'm only just clear of laughably unfair dubiously stringent warning points!
  3. I think season 10 just finished literally last week, it's been on E4. My nipper went to the 'con' for it earlier in the year at the NEC. What on earth these girls find to watch in a programme about good and evil angels using the bodies of blonde american twentysomething blokes to wrestle each other every week I just don't know. Apparently next year's convention, May 2016 - with no guests confirmed as yet, is already sold out.
  4. I'm guessing 3D TV yet again failed to take off, so they needed a new gimmick. If anything, surely a concave screen will reduce down the sweet spot viewing angle, similar to how the old tech convex tubes used to. Fine if you are sat on your own in your one chair. A bit shit if there are a few of you present.
  5. chrisp65


    I've even see pigeons getting in on the act once the fruit has gone sweet. Pigeons! The fat thick kids of the bird world. The crows and blackbirds tend to prefer the red currants and the grapes. I've sat a distance away and watched them systematically take a bunch of grapes one by one. The other thing the crows love, sweetcorn. I'd presumed it was mice until I caught them one day. They'll land on the stalk and weigh it down, with the other crow on the ground waiting for the free food to drop down into range. Strip back the leafy wrapper and go the full Disney with my bloody sweetcorn. Last one, I presumed the crows were trying to take my frogs or goldfish, but on watching for a bit longer they were simply arriving with dry bread and dunking it in the pond to make it edible.
  6. There's already something selfish about seeding. Let's not go even further to prevent upsets or fair chances with pre quals. How much more interesting would it be to simply put all the names in a bag, and potentially have a group with Germany, Italy and Spain in it and another group with Northern Ireland, Finland and Malta. Much much more interesting.
  7. As interesting as those two sci fi turntables look, I suspect they are more for the person that is into their engineering than their music. They look like hours of fun balancing things and upgrading to more precision washers and lighter and lighter flip flanges. Which then leads you to needing to buy 'music' that shows off all the wonderful attributes of the special gold cable. I'm not sure it's going to make my 1982 copy of DK's Saturday Night Holocaust sound any better. Fascinating though. Watching a Thorens deck on e-bay that's had a single bid of £150 and only 2 days to go. But strictly watching. Have to wait for the fish tank to be run down to grab that space for a new music corner before I start serious planning. That'll be months.
  8. chrisp65


    Yep, we've left as many in as possible but they were going to go over if we left them any longer. Is it as simple as that geographical distance thing? We've got a fairly moderate climate around here, we're in view of the coast and about as south as South Wales gets. So we can do the November planting out and leave them over winter. You're a bit further north. There's almost always one crop that fails and one that goes bumper every year. Runners are also planted out and a good foot up their sticks. Courgettes got planted out today, and so did the sweetcorn. Tried a gooseberry too, that was an experience, they are at least a month off being ripe. Properly bitter. I'll need to net them off as they get closer to ripe as the birds just have a knack of stripping them the day they click over into sweet.
  9. chrisp65


    about a third of the way through the great broad bean glut of 2015 planted plenty just to fill a bed, whole lot came up trumps - the chest freezer out the garage coming in to its own
  10. ..and now to the other end of the spectrum....the draw for the preliminary rounds of european competitions takes place on 22ndJune - with the first games being played 30th June. Always great fun as your amateur team, almost entirely on holiday, have to be represented by the most trusted and sensible fan come volunteer at the draw. Then, your match with home and away dates is quickly sent by text to the volunteer who does your books to see if you have the money to get to Baku in 8 days time. Then it's quickly get the manager on facebook from his Mallorca hotel to see what players are available and have passports and can get a few days off work at short notice. Then, a quick bit of googling and you find out yes, there really is a country called Montenegro and yes, their team in the draw is actually their state sponsored army team. If we're going to have a chance here, we're going to have to persuade star striker DJMikey (he was once scouted by Bristol Rovers but nothing came of it) to give up that lucrative wedding DJ slot he was doing for a mate that Saturday night.
  11. Well, it strikes me you have a problem sir. But all is not lost. You want a girlfriend, yours is not a great fit anymore. Elsewhere on the site, Stefan has royally **** up his prospects by posting all his sexual conquests and then getting a girl that spies on him. Strikes me, you two should just swap. But don't do it blatantly, swap clothes with Stef for a while to 'try out' his girlfriend. Now, Stef has been a teacher and worked in i.t., so I imagine you need to get yourself a jacket with elbow pads worn with a shirt that doesn't actually match. Similarly, Stef could go around for a week or so with a big cardboard yellow smiley face on. If you both like what you get, you can 'meet up' for a meal at a Beefeater or some such and reveal your true identities. With hilarious Shakespearean results!
  12. I took my missus for a romantic meal yesterday. Once the nipper was despatched to school, we went for a builders breakfast in a proper old school cafe down the docks. Basically, a pyramid of fried food and a mug of tea for a fiver. As though that wasn't awesome enough, the A4 advertising sheet on the wall was even better. It turns out the two ladies that run the cafe down the docks have co-written their first 'eye-popping erotic novel'. They'd had it vanity printed and you could buy copies from the counter! Good on them. Half of me wants to go back and get a copy just to see how 'eye-popping' it could be. The other half of me hasn't got the bottle to see into the mind of a dock cafe worker.
  13. that's kinda what I'm referring to, let's prod the French over something from 1815, let's see if we can get one more rubbish documentary about 75 year old footage of Hitler we absolutely mustn't forget but bloody hell, obsessed with old battles or what
  14. perhaps the fact that we still 'remember' wars and battles from 200 years ago says enough about our collective national psyche that the rest of the content is incidental
  15. she's found VT and she picks you up on things you've said in the past on social media there is no way on Jah's sweet sweet earth she won't come back for another look
  16. ooooh, you appear to have slipped on some smug (anyway, I've been, er, working from home today, hence the lack of posts!)
  17. moving house, you say? you weren't by any chance driving a white fiat ducato van?
  18. get rid seriously, you don't need an internet back dated checker in your life checking up and confronting you with shit, get rid if you can't get rid, don't come on here blubbing about misery she gives you because we will mercilessly remind you we said get rid
  19. I believe this is the point in your employment where you shit in the lift and pour plaster down the toilets.
  20. You've hit upon the cure for whiplash, real exaggerated and faked. yep
  21. I've always got plastic sheeting down in the back of my estate car. If ever I've had a bump I'm courteous, I apologise and offer all my details. I invite them to the back of my car where I have my insurance details and a copy of my personal details I can give them. From there, all I'll say is, nobody has ever reported me to their insurer.
  22. earth calling Xann, earth calling Xann....
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