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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. There is a girl where I work and for the last few years I have thought that she is the best looking bird in the building, absolutely stunning she is but I had to admire from afar because it would have been a little strange if a miserable word removed like myself went up to a beautiful girl and tried badly to strike up a conversation and befriend someone I had only ever shared a few seconds in a lift with. Anyways after changing jobs a few weeks back I am now on her floor and sitting just a few desks away from her, I can't muster up the courage to speak to her, she said hello to me when we were at the drinks machine the other day, I swear to god I clammed up like a spotty little teenager, I couldn't even say hello to her I was spluttering and stammering like an idiot. I've decided to revert back to perving over her from my desk now. Hang on, your new job is in the same building add the old one?? You do the math. s
  2. Kate Humble has just said she's always been fascinated by gonads!
  3. chrisp65


    I guess that's bound to be the case. It's a big diverse place so there will be all sorts of everything from pockets of heaven to pockets of hell and random acts of good and bad. It's not all KKK lynchings, and it's not all apple pie either.
  4. chrisp65


    I'm not sure anything can be done about the number of guns in the USA. They are already out there and it's safe to assume that no combination of events will lead to a 100% hand in and destruction of all the guns. The best real world hope is that people's anger and neurosis and blood lust is managed down to a statistically insignificant number. Such a shame that what should be the best place on earth to be alive has this running open sore.
  5. my missus is punching way above her weight she's older than me, and from the wrong end of town some times I wonder if I've just been used as some sort of rich **** toy
  6. it's not the thread for politics, but I saw this a couple of days ago and it's just plain shocking there will be a review, we'll be told by them it's too much and hey presto a 'reduced' bill of £4 billion will be touted as a bargain on our behalf £7 billion refurb for the people that in the last few weeks sent out a queen in a diamond hat to tell us we need more austerity and then a week later the chancellor told us there's no money whilst eating lamb off a golden plate
  7. that'll be the office I've been sat in this afternoon Unfortunately, somebody somewhere in Mexico kicked a cable out of a box and the interweb went off for about an hour, nobody could work, no voip, no drawing, no modelling, nothing can be stored on local drives, couldn't even fill in a time sheet or an expenses claim. I went out for a walk in the park. Stood behind a bush and had a little think about the man-machine Rugeley.
  8. No, I did consider bidding, I'd presumed the price would jump in the last minutes but it didn't. Went for the £155 which looked like a bargain. I just presume everything on e-bay is nicked so I was just watching.
  9. Myself and another guy from the office just had a very frank and open discussion about pornography and men's habits and how tastes might change, the demise of the sex shop and what's readily available and what's a bit scary and all that. A full conversation around the subject. Not perving each other up, just a genuine chat about a normally fairly taboo subject. On finishing the conversation, it became obvious there were two female staff the other side of the partition. Ah well, all's good.
  10. I'd agree it's old fashioned. Where is this audience? In the back seat of BMW 'L' series cars and in listed buildings in central London. I personally have 3 Clients that dress in the old pin stripe suit and tie garb of yesteryear. They look out of date, they expect old fashioned levels of service, they spend about £3k a month, every month, for the last 5,6,7 years that have got our company through a recession. They want me to turn up in a tie, I turn up in a tie. It's really not that strange if you think about it. Would you turn up to a meeting with a potential new customer wearing football shorts? Probably not, but why not? It's just your arbitrary line being in a different place to theirs. Would you think it ok to do a sales pitch with something written in biro on your forehead? Probably not, but in permanent ink on your neck is ok? It's all nonsense when you think about it, so I'm relaxed about playing along. I don't feel strongly enough about Converse to jeopardise my mortgage.
  11. I think it's nothing more than knowing your audience, and if you don't know your audience, why risk losing the gig by turning up in saggy arse pants. Unless of course, you don't have staff to pay or a mortgage to deal with, in which case, yeah, trackies.
  12. 5 minutes left, £430 turntable is still at £155 fascinating....
  13. If you get 'the job' you are representing the company. Do you know the attitudes of the Clients of the company? You know, the people that pay the money that turns into your mortgage payment. No? You don't know the attitudes and petty likes and dislikes of the people the company relies on to exist? But you thought you'd turn up on the day you have to be showing your absolute best with a stubbly look because that's currently fashionable? Good luck at your next interview, hopefully they are modern stubbly folks with modern stubbly Clients. Same with tattoos, if you turn up properly dressed nobody needs to know you have tats. Of course, if the tattoo is on your neck, or knuckles, or you've turned up in a tee shirt and your only sleeve is a trendy ethnic sleeve tat, then again, good luck at your next interview. Put it another way, if you'd personally spent 20 years risking everything to build up a business, would you employ somebody to represent you that didn't look like a good fit for your customers? Until the customer with the budget is rocking the hipster chic of today, you should probably dress conservatively until you know them and they know you.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqBPhJdzPnU&feature=player_embedded Well, I'll watch it, even if nobody else does!
  15. The very nice people at SoulJazz / Sounds Of The Universe have just sent me the download codes for a few albums I'd bought. For whatever reason I couldn't get the files on to my laptop, asked them if they could help and listed a few albums that had failed to load - and they just sent me everything off the list! yay! so now I'm in the office and listening toooooo......
  16. sometimes, vigorous sex can bring forward the birth just saying like it might help
  17. ebay - Thorens It's been on £155 for a week. I'd expect it to begin to warm up later this evening.....
  18. Is there a room size to TV size ratio? I've got a 36" TV in what I think is a fairly average room, less than 5 metres deep. I sit in the diagonally opposite corner to the TV and that size is fine. But every time I go in tech shops now, it's like my 'under 40 inch' TV is considered ok as a portable or for a dedicated PC screen. Everything has been supersized because the tech exists to allow it. But is it actually a good thing? Surely it can't be doing you any good sat in an average sized room watching a TV that's 50% of the wall area? Looks to me like the world is filling up with shitty little one bedroom flats made out of ticky tacky because nobody has a permanent partner and nobody can afford a mortgage. Then, in the heart of the shoe box, a TV the size of a feature wall. With enough surround sound volume and bass bars and tweeters to hopefully drown out the giant TV in the shitty little flat next door. I give this opinion following yesterday's site visit where lots of neighbours were complaining about lots of other neighbours noise. The facts were, they all had kit that wouldn't have been available to club DJ's a few years ago, whilst living in a block of 6 flats the size of one proper house. I might just be grumpy.
  19. plenty of time to turn hipster once you've proved yourself it might not be fair or sensible, but you wouldn't even get the full interview at mine if you turned up with stubble stupid, but there it is
  20. just did a quick check, both teams only allowed to use 11 players at any one time
  21. i went to blackpool at the beginning of january believe it or not and the walk on the beach in the freezing cold was amazing. really enjoyed it, love the coast. I could take it or leave it, not really bothered. this evening's tide:
  22. Birmingham NEC, so I guess it was around 1990? A last minute cancellation meant I was given a ticket that included coach travel. But coach travel is a bit cack, so arrived feeling slightly sea sick. Seats were waaaaaaay back and side on. So I had to sit there, looking sideways watching the big screen version of the concert. I didn't feel like I bonded with the band. But then, at half a mile back eye contact was difficult. It also wasn't all that loud, it was ok, but it wasn't exactly bumping through my chest. Then sit on a coach for a couple of hours queuing to get out of the car park. I didn't even get sweaty, just bored. It wasn't quite as bad as Beverly Craven. She sat the other side of a grand piano lid, so I can't hand on heart say she was definitely there. No chat at all between songs other than to say thank you, and give the title of the next song. The support act was a power point presentation about toxic shock syndrome and as we left everyone was given a free packet of organic tampons. I kid you not.
  23. INXS are in my all time top 3 worst gig experiences - and I had a free ticket!
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