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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. I make no apologies for knowing and respecting the rules of kit kat etiquette that have seen this once great country seize the moral high ground and lead the way for our lesser 'cousins' to aspire to and follow in their own amusing and mimicking way. It can only be fact, that if an alien were to land outside a One Stop, a Spar, a Best One or even a Budgens and acquire a kit kat they would know what to do. No advertising tells me to snap the fingers. My god given common sense tells me those fingers serve a porpoise. I would no more bite across a 4 finger kit kat than I would bite a baby or shit in a chip shop. I will concede I have bitten off both fingers of a two finger kit kat. When I've been in a rush.
  2. I was this close to an intervention. This close. I guess this is a classic case of bad parenting so the guy didn't even know what he was doing was wrong. But you shouldn't need telling that some things are wrong. Look around you, does anyone else act like that? Do 'nice' people do that? Broken Britain.
  3. that there, that's a man comfortable in his own skin enjoy
  4. I saw somebody the other day eating a four finger kit kat, just chomping across the fingers. No regard for breaking them off, no attempt to eat one and then the next. Just chomped across it like it was solid with no finger demarcation. **** neanderthal idiot
  5. Based on my resolutely unscientific hunch, I'd say the majority of the planet regardless of race, colour, creed, whatever, is homophobic and has women as second class citizens. I think we live in a relatively small enclave of what we see as enlightenment. I'm not sure women and gays have anything approaching equality in China, or Nepal, or Sikh areas of India, or catholic south america, or Papua New Guinea or the Isle of Man or Northern Ireland. All to greater or lesser degrees. But don't presume urban UK 2015 is the norm.
  6. when you start up a 'grubby little addiction for pensioners and deadbeats' thread for your scratchcard based posts, I'll stick my parsnip n sprouts junk in the correct recepticle
  7. so I've sat here all day minding my own business 4:00pm I decide to treat myself to a long rolling low level fart 4:01pm a delegation of 3 technicians arrives from around the corner to ask me to decipher my scribbles on a drawing welcome! welcome all! sit! breathe!
  8. little baby pre amp as an experiment - keyring for scale! £40 because it was previously reserved for a no show customer so had a big neon reserved sticker half ripped off the box! Thank you Mr Tallon, please feel free to order some speakers and fail to turn up for them too. --update-- wired up and it sounds bloody lovely super chuffed with this, I've already got a decent working unit here, I really am just fiddling to make it nicer from here on in that's Christmas, birthday and anniversary prezzies sorted for a while!
  9. ahh, I can't do the root around in the soil - I have what is technically known as ..... mud We've put years into the soil in this allotment, it started off as 'impossibly bad', we've gradually worked and worked it up to it's current status of 'a bit crap'. There are parts where less than a spade depth down there is a table of clay, which means 30% of our patch floods in a light drizzle. Luckily, the allotment is oversized so we've learnt where we can grow what, where to use raised beds and where to just chuck some pumpkins on the surface.
  10. chrisp65


    right wing coup and military dictatorship 1964 - 1974 says hi! things were so much better when the colonels told people what time to clear the streets of an evening
  11. Stripped the last of the broad beans yesterday, blanched and frozen in the chest freezer out the garage. Tonight, that now empty bed gets onions! I might lift a plant tonight then, and see what my potatoes look like. My gut feeling is that it's too early for mine, they were stuck in very late. On a general nature observation - a once thriving grass snake community appears to have disappeared. We used to have dozens upon dozens of them. Haven't seen a single solitary one in 12 months.
  12. To think that only a month ago Nick Robinson was missing out on the election coverage due to his illness. Now he's recovered enough to be on stage at Glasto as the Chemical Brothers.
  13. I'd mistakenly thought it was just an open conversation. No biggy.
  14. With 2 billion Muslims do you think this community should be doing more to wipe out the extremists operating under the same/similar religiosity banner? What ate you doing to stop the racist attacks in America? I don't think he's having an open conversation or answering supplementary questions from others. Anyway, I'm still waiting for the white people of Germany to apologise for the murder of 9 blacks in an american church.
  15. I don't think I consciously know anything by him, but the little bit of Kanye I saw last night, no more than a few minutes, made it clear it wasn't my cup of tea. Which is fine. The Mothership however, oooh, I loved that. each to their own, be boring if we all liked U2 and 1D
  16. chrisp65


    If Greece does collapse down to the next rung of the disaster ladder it could be interesting to see Germany's reaction to hundreds of thousands of economic migrants arriving from within the EU with just enough bus fare to get to northern europe, a bag of clothes, and a legitimate EU passport.
  17. People are retarded. Now you get to watch them be retarded. somewhere out there, there must be a programme, giving people's reactions TO people giving their reactions on gogglebox I'd be confident that exists
  18. With 2 billion Muslims do you think this community should be doing more to wipe out the extremists operating under the same/similar religiosity banner? How much do you think they are doing? Who should be organising this, and from where? How much do you think the 150 to 200 million shi'a support ISIS?
  19. By people I assume you mean in an official capacity ? I.e police , govt etc ? I wouldn't necessarily rely on those people in my own country Call me naive but I have a faith in humanity that if I was in a foreign land and trouble like this broke out the local people would look out for me I say this based on my encounters in places many people would call "hostile " ... I possibly didn't fully expand the thinking behind that last line. The point was to look at the geography. In crude terms, you are on a coast line of Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Israel, Syria. I know that's quite a long line, but why would you currently book a holiday anywhere along that line? I don't think an individual Tunisian is more or less capable or honourable than anyone else. I do suspect that given a choice of being 'protected' by the UK authorities, or north african authorities, on average I'd still stick with the UK version.
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