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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. nah, Ingram for the win, pal. (hope that's not too passive aggressive for anyone?)
  2. In line with your avatar, *holds up sign reading APPLAUSE* any excuse... I'm shameless...
  3. see, I personally knew there was some sort of difference but didn't know what it was I know now, and would refer back to my earlier comment that whilst we must completely respect freedom of speech I wouldn't be upset if someone gave him a full strength punch in the mouth. There is a philosophical debate to be had on the general question of whether the IRA should be celebrated in house murals, whether the swastika should be on punk tee shirts and whether we should be buying goods from China. But in the short term, this guy is clearly a provocative dick and risks / invites / baits people for a reaction. Unfortunately, that reaction is more likely to come from some inarticulate EDL scrote than a respectable, quiet relative of a victim. We are being manipulated into 'us versus them' thinking, something the psychos on their side and hawks on our side would just love. Perhaps it would be even cleverer to offer him a cup of tea and ask his daughter if it's good or nice that daddy supports cutting people's heads off.
  4. chrisp65

    Ice rink

    The room looks like it would be a bit hard, needs something to soak up the bounce, but yes, they certainly look like they might be good for big noises. OB's with after market mid range tweeters added - apparently.
  5. I am looking forward to the weekend
  6. I had to go over my parents on the weekend. I knew nothing of this Russell Brand story, but they were outraged and presumed I would have some cock eyed contrary take on the matter (me!, as if!). But I genuinely knew nothing about this whatsoever. I asked them what had actually happened, what had actually been said, what the quotes were. Turned out they didn't know either. But they knew they were bloody fed up with the bloke.
  7. chrisp65


    So, everyone is agreed, the Greek's have shown the way ahead and stuck it to the man by refusing to pay back money they should never have been given in the first place that was going to enslave them with repayments for generations. We're ok with them not paying us back the 10 Billion Euros they owe us? We can after all, simply make up the lost money with some additional cuts..... It's all a bit of a bugger really.
  8. ahh, I don't know that one. I did a good few Bug Ins down at the 3 Counties in Malvern and I did a couple of Bug Jams and a few other one offs. Mid 90's Bug Jams were truly lost weekends. I managed to drive my mates convertible into the back of a camper at one, and fell out of another convertible whilst driving it across a field at another. I also fell off the roof of a bug whilst 'surfing'. happy days
  9. what did it say on this flag? The top text above the circle says “There is no god but God, Muhammad is the messenger of God.” In the middle circle it says “Muhammad is the Messenger of God.” But it's not really the point is it so who cares... It's the easily recognisable flag of Islamic State who killed 30 British holidaymakers last week, so why was some word removed wearing one down the full length of his back while his little girl waved a small one from his shoulders as they strolled past Parliament Square? Taking the living piss out of us, possibly? The fact that it isn't illegal to do that highlights the fact that displaying the symbol itself should be criminalised. Imagine someone strolling through central London wearing a Swastika during WW2, would people (other than Snowychap) have argued it was the wearers right? His daughter should be in care and I'd have considerable sympathy had a passer by put him in the Thames. Who cares? I care and it is the point. I don't read arabic, I wouldn't know what it ordinarily says and I wouldn't know what his flag says, whether it be the same or some variation. I haven't seen pictures I wanted some more information. Not the point what it says but you want his daughter put into care? **** me, that's an extremist stand right there. Personally, now I've had it expanded on, if that is accurate, I'd be happy for someone to give him a hard smack right in the face.
  10. but what did it say on the flag? it's a simple question do you know what it said on the flag? you must know to have got so steamed up, so I was hoping you would share the knowledge
  11. which one? did a few way back in the 90's
  12. My nipper wanted to make chocolatey rice krispie cakes but was beaten by the fact we only had cornflakes. I've suggested she make chocolatey cornflake cakes. She now thinks I'm some kind of lateral thinking chef genius. Parenting, such an easy game.
  13. I've put in a bid to buy Buckingham Palace, it's considerably less than they wanted, so I'm waiting for them to call reducing the asking price. That'll fill another inch of lazy newspaper space, they can have that one for free.
  14. ha! they don't even have penalties trick question
  15. we are here a for only a short while somebody in their 20's has probably already had 25% of their time, whilst I'm an advocate of loyalty and monogomy and marriage and all that, there is no point in being unhappy during your brief little spin around our sun
  16. Thursday I had an all day meeting that morphed into being brought pizza and garlic bread at about 6:00pm. then the meeting went truly informal and we started drinking at the bar. Nobody retired to their room for a freshen up, just meeting, pizza, drinking. So by midnight I was hammered and knackered and had been wearing the same thing for about 18 hours. I got up to my room, stripped, threw my clothes on the floor and crashed. At no point during the day had I put my bag in the room, so I couldn't even clean my teeth. Woke up Friday morning, didn't have my wash bag, didn't have fresh clothes, so I had to put shirt and trousers back on, creased to buggery, to walk through the hotel and out to the car park to get my bag. I felt like an absolute tramp. Once out in the car park, there was one of the other guys - retrieving his bag from the back of his car! lads.
  17. Probably some 'white' stains on them that are older than me too aha! ahh, if my pants could talk... anyway, have a great day, we'll all be around later to give you the bumps
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