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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. I wouldn't mind betting I've been in more UK courts than the average VT'er. Don't recall ever having had a shag in one though, and I'm fairly confident I'd remember. Never been to Turkey, watched Midnight Express before I was really old enough to be watching Midnight Express.
  2. Did you get one last **** for old times sake? I'd imagine that's a fairly dirty and cold stone floor, your typical Turkish courtroom.
  3. chrisp65


    What I did, I got a job and bought my own car. Losers.
  4. first high resolution images from Pluto raise some concerns.....
  5. you have only yourself to blame I imagine it's similar to BBC 3 where the news bulletin is delivered by somebody suitably young and non threatening that delivers 'news' in under a minute with bumping music and graphics in the background. The news has to consist of one serious item 'it was the election today, some young people did vote, ayyyye' and one celebrity gossip item 'rhianna got out of a car last week and some paps got a grainy peep of clunge, she says she has a new single up the pipeline'. ....and now a Family Guy triple bill...
  6. Hmm Shearer got 260 premier league goals and I don't think I'd quite get that many. Probably 258, 259, something like that. but if you just got 258 and did it without being a boring sulky selfish cheat at least you'd have the moral high ground and a better claim for being a tv pundit
  7. I suspect it was a dead tooth, because I have literally lost half of it. It's quite jagged, but 6 or 7 hours of food, hot drinks and general chatter and it feels fine. But yeah, phoning the dentist in the morning.
  8. I have remembered to keep all the receipts for every meal I've eaten since Sunday lunchtime (so I get the money back). I had shiny, sticky, black liquorice toffee for the first time in years today, and it was good. I have lost half a tooth (yes connected to the above purchase), but there is absolutely no pain. At certain angles I could now be mistaken for Shane Macgowan. A good day.
  9. I would never edit my posts. I respect you all too much.
  10. it ain't life or death uncomfortable and embarrassing for a short while maybe, but it'll just be a funny story eventually I phoned in sick once with food poisoning. I was in charge of the office diary, somebody checked it to see what was on that day and I'd been thick enough to fill in the day before with - Chris on the lash so sick as a dog tomorrow. We live and learn. I've learnt to have three different twitter accounts and a random gmail. It won't beat MI5, but it's good enough.
  11. two phones? one for work, one for porn
  12. Getting to change 'their' to 'there' before Rob, Mooney or Tony see it. Ha!
  13. I once played against a non-league team. Their forward was bursting forward with the ball towards our penalty box. I thought it would be funny to step across him and wipe out his run and concede the free kick for the cynical block, for the lolz. He ran over me like I wasn't there, I genuinely thought I'd broken ribs. So not a defender. I'll go for the D Bent style striker thanks.
  14. is there no end to what ISIS are capable of?
  15. I doubt it, they know Obama wouldn't ride to the rescue. However the deal still has to be approved by the US Congress, that is where they'll focus their efforts now. they changed the rules at Congress for this one apparently, congress has to 'not reject' the deal, sounds like arguing over wording, but it's a presumed approval unless two thirds reject it
  16. You're right it doesn't matter, IS have proudly ensured their atrocities are well documented in HD, it's not like trying to cobble together a dodgy dossier to provide a moral pretext for intervention. The people who should have acted many months ago continue to sit on their hands. IS blowing up babies for fun? So what, they don't give a shit. yep agreed for the first time on the radio today they were discussing a bit more in depth about what we can actually 'do' Cameron has apparently suggested more drones and more SAS as our most cost effective way of nibbling at ISIS, But also then added the caveat that the UK can't do much until Labour get their shit together and have a leader and a direction to sign off on a change of strategy to attack within Syria. One of the contributors basically said (and I'm obviously paraphrasing from a radio conversation so, you know, don't ask for sources or references) that before the military do anything they need to sit the politicians down and get them to describe exactly what we want the end result to be. Do we want a whole Syria retained? Do we want to continue attempting democracy at arm's length, do we want a Kudish territory, do we want Iran having a legitimate role, do we want the Suadis to carry on business as usual, do we want Turkey to be happy with any new lines on the map. It's a bit bigger than just shooting the baby killers from a drone, witnessed in black and white video stream from above and declaring we've won.
  17. the nice thing for both sides now, it doesn't even matter if it's true or not
  18. yesterday's Vulcan fly over quite a loud aircraft!
  19. chrisp65


    I don't think I even need to explain how she gets the money for her aerosol squirty cheese addiction. She's trying to get back on the meth to give herself a chance.
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